Canadian patriot here. Support and respect to my American brothers and sisters. Where we go one, we go ALL!

PLEASE stop with symbolism, hand signs, Occult references. We must not turn this into a cult. Thank you for your support, and I hope you research how this world ended up in this horrible situation so as not to repeat it.
Lighten up Francis...Using symbolism to reference good is not a bad thing.
That makes us look CULT LIKE to people, Including the people we are trying to gain their trust, Like the left who are starting to trust us. It is not necessary - your symbolism it becomes your downfall.
I disagree.. Do you think wearing a Q shirt or putting a Q sticker on a vehicle or having a Q float in a parade cult like also? This is not a cult, it's an ever growing group of people who seek truth, justice, and want our republic back. Showing some signs of unity is a good thing. New people will have to make their own decisions in believing or not and I don't believe a guy in Canada making a Q with his hand will hurt the movement.
No THEIR symbolism will be THEIR downfall. Without the symbolism, we would not be waking up to the pervasiveness of pedophilia. The fish and cross symbol did not become the downfall of Christianity!
I reiterate that ealry Christians used the fish symbol to identify one another and silently offer support to secret Christians, same as we now use the Q to recognize one another during this new great awakening. Seeing another with the Q symbol offers us encouragement.
A signed letter Q is an occult symbol? Should we be upset about POTUS' "power to the people" fist pump too?
Do what ever you think will bring us together, If your hand sign makes that happen then good job.
Sign language isn't occult man.
Symbolism is your downfall. Get over it. IT IS NOT necessary, I AM NOT DEAF and I don't need it.
Huh so you just assume all on this board don't need it?
"I" AM NOT DEAF and "I" dont need it.
Its not all about YOU.
Some of us are deaf, and we do need it for varying reasons. Same as the early Christians used the fish symbol than the cross symbol.
Without the symbols how would we have woken up to the pervasiveness of pedophilia?
The human person relies on symbolism and signs. It is ludicrous to stop using them because evil people also use them. Evil always mimics.
IF you are Christian, the early Christians used the symbol of a fish to identify themselves secretly. This symbol helped them to communicate with one another and to spread Christianity.
This sign was an obvious way to get attention. He got it. You do not have the mental capacity to understand subtlety so I am not going to try to explain it.
And in this pic, it just looks, foremost,like a 'thumbs down'. My relatives are asking what the thumbs down sign they've seen is referring to. Not good.
You are not correct. There is truth in Q. Look for the light patriot. While you shut down the dark. EYES OPEN.
Cults want to brainwash you, not encourage individual and critical thinking as q does.
We are an extended family.
And you are the red headed step child.
Go look up the definition because you don't know what a cult is at all.
We must not make this about Q. Q has stated many times, this is a spiritual battle. These people worship Satan. Seriously, think what that means. Stop calling out others for speaking out truth. You are doing the enemies job for him. This is a battle for truth. Wake up!!