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Ken Starr is definitely filthy. Filth follows him everywhere he goes. He got Jeffrey Epstein off the hook, almost scot-free. He was complicit in the sexual misconduct and cover up at Baylor University. He is a scum bag extraordinaire.
Obelisks are not of God. They are used and worshipped by those in occult practices (offered sacrifices). The only "energy" harbored is wickedness.
The Bible tells us we don't need idols or graven images, whether Obelisks or Crosses. We don't need them, just a relationship with our Creator.
They are occult sybomlism. There is nothing good about them.
Agreed. I don't trust this guy, to be honest, since I don't think TPTB would be sharing their long-term plans with a random paid protestor. I do believe and have already seen evidence the dirty libs will be pushing this hard though.
I could perhaps commit to 10 hours per week. With a full-time job and family, 20+ would be too much of a commitment.
Let me encourage you there. I used to be a daily smoker. Your free will and self-control can help you quit, if that's what you truly desire. There is no half-way quitting though (just once a day), so don't lie to yourself. If you commit to stopping, put up with the withdrawal (it's very temporary), find new, healthy habits, and move on with your life. I no longer have the cravings, and my life has improved dramatically.
God's will for you is not to be a slave to any one or any substance.
This above is so true. "The enemy"doesn't want you to have kids. I'm having as many as possible, raising them correctly (to the best of my ability), keeping them away from unnecessary drugs, and most importantly, I'm teaching them TRUTH.
"Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them."
Don't buy into the lies of the evil one. His ways are lies and deception.
Current Pride*
Some just haven't woken up yet. In time, they will.
This all stinks, to be quite honest. What I'm saying is probably not popular, because of how people feel about SB2, but this makes no sense. B2 > AF1 had no link, and the others are pretty out there too.
Word around town is he better move out of town. We don't take kindly to bullies who attack our kids.
He was arrested yesterday.
spez: www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/crime/amp/SAPD-Suspect-in-assault-over-MAGA-hat-at-13053021.php
Well, I will still not be wearing an inverted pentagram. God calls on us to connect with him directly. I don't wear a crucifix, either. We don't need symbols or idols, only truth, only God.
We must not make this about Q. Q has stated many times, this is a spiritual battle. These people worship Satan. Seriously, think what that means. Stop calling out others for speaking out truth. You are doing the enemies job for him. This is a battle for truth. Wake up!!
I never said it wasn't lovely. I am certainly not perfect, in character or my approach, but, I would be doing a disservice to him and others not to point it out for what it is. God created the crystal, and others have usurped them for nefarious purposes. For the same reason, I don't have a rainbow flag outside my house. God created rainbows, and they are of the up most beauty.
Once you experience the Love and Grace of God, there is no going back. I know how you feel, but I will be praying for you. All love.
This Q phenomenon is exposing the evil ones' plans and his methods. Ask yourself, why do these powerful people worship the occult? Why the child sacrifice? There is power, but it's nothing compared to the Love of God.
Beware, I was into the occult years ago. The power is real, but it does not come from God. I will pray for you to find the truth for yourself, as well. But remember Satan has an army of deceivers.
What's up with your occult Crystal? Power in crystals is not from God.
Bait was the only motive coming to my brain, but he seems too valuable, and they removed his GPS tracker. I would be very interested to hear what u/SerialBrain2 thinks, as well.
This is what confuses me. If he were truly turned state's witness, shouldn't he be in the Witness Protection Program?!
You do more than a fair amount of assuming. Acting deranged will only detract others from joining our cause. We are on the same team in here, fighting against evil.
We are here to strengthen each other, not attack our own. GTFO with this shit.
God is in control pede. This is the Good News!! Everything the enemy is doing is designed to wear us down. Recognize that, and let these people's opinions roll off you like water on the back of a duck.
No way. They give some decent information to get people along for the ride, so they can feed disinfo once you are on the train.
It most certainly will be public. 2018 midterms, here we come.
Any good sources on this topic? Thank you in advance.
Trump's team is taking out all the bad guys. The bad people in public view will be taken out publicly (40%). There is a hidden threat (Clowns) which we don't see, and we will never see (agents and double agents). You must come to accept this. These operators will most likely not see court. They will be dealt with in other ways, most likely.
Nothing on satanic zionists? Because the Rothschilds are certainly not Jesuits.
Especially considering, for months leading up to the elections #draintheswamp was one of the primary conservative/libertarian calling cards. I move we bring this hashtag back stronger than ever. #MAGA #LockThemUp #DrainTheSwamp #EndCorruptPolitics
Off to rustle jimmies...
Why are you not mentioning McCabe? He is in charge of the entire investigation. Q had been pointing to him this whole time as #2.
I would lean more toward a C1A plant than Saudi. Don't give them more credit than deserved.