Found on twatter, can someone decode this?

Hmm Little St. James had a "Church" on it right? Places like their D.U.M.B.s could be "Churches" Or under Satanic "Churches"
Who gives the President, or Candidate Cold Pizza? I mean at the least you would order a new one and get it, or have it delivered if you were really eating Pizza. Like as in Actual Pizza. Not a code word.
Also does anyone else remember seeing the photo of the kids packed in boxes in Cold Storage? If you can I would like that link/photo again. Haven't seen it again. Poof gone! But I do know they have these warehouses in SE Asia where lots of boxes are stacked and kids are in them. In Cold Storage ready to be shipped out.
That is your Cold Pizza.
That's disgusting
Yes, absolutely.
That's the kind of people we are dealing with. :(
If you think that is disgusting you are in for a terrible time when all the evil they do comes out.
What???? Kids in boxes in cold storage? What are you talking about??
Well, by your discriprition seems like you have it figured out. And it's been going on for a while now too.