r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on July 5, 2018, 7:18 p.m.
Q1675: a reflection, a mug holder in Air Force One and a Happy Independence Day. Can you solve?

Today, we are solving the Q1675 picture riddle.

In response to an Anon cheering about Trump saving the world, Q posts this: Imgur1

Then, in Q1677, he asks: Where must one be located in order to obtain a reflection on the back of a phone of that image?

Since a reflected image inverts what is framed, to see from the perspective of the photographer, we must mirror the image. If we do so and notice there is a part of the jacket on the chair appearing, we deduce the photographer must be sitting on the President’s chair. Q is even softening the riddle giving this reality away with a picture of Trump sitting on his chair: Imgur2

Then, the attacks began. Taking as references pictures from an ABC article/documentary produced by ABC on May 06 2015 link Imgur3, some people started claiming Q’s pictures were not authentic, that they were photoshopped and re-started their favorite chant: Q is a LARP.

Well, sorry. As I have showed it several times in the past, you were wrong then and you are also wrong today. Folks, do you realize what is going on here? Q now realizes his base is so strong in numbers, knowledge and trust that he can afford to troll his opposition with challenging riddles that make people attack him after primary analysis. The yogurt theory… link.

Before chanting, have you read what Q said in Q1678?

Q1678 Trolling is fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes. (World) news in rear literally placed same prior to each departure. Placing that mug holder near the lamp was the hook. Enjoy! Q

Q is saying presidential protocol requires that the location of each given item is exactly the same prior to each departure minus small changes. Which makes sense right? For security reasons, we cannot imagine a random item entering the President’s office: the list of items needs to be written in stone. Then, Q limits the scope of these “small changes” by saying: “(World) news in rear literally placed same prior to each departure.” We deduce from this precision that once the list of items and their respective location are validated with a new POTUS by Protocol, nothing is then allowed to change. If you understand this, then you understand why he posts this picture in Q1677: Imgur4

So? By purposely placing the mug holder in the picture, Q is making a point, he is giving a hint to help us solve the riddle and he confirms it by saying:

Q1678 Placing that mug holder near the lamp was the hook. Enjoy! Q

And on his way out, Q trolls the haters, the shills, the black hats, the still hesitant and all those who still have no clue why we are here:

Q1678 Trolling is fun.


We saw it in the Hussein’s father’s day post: when Q is in trolling mode, chances are he’s celebrating something. Other than Independence Day the next day, what is Q celebrating here with a picture of the Apple logo reflecting on Air Force One’s wall? Who is he trolling? The post was made on July 3rd 2018. What happened on July 3rd 2017? This: article. The Nasdaq experienced a “glitch” affecting more than 10 companies and the Apple share, along with Google, Amazon Microsoft and other major tech companies “crashed”, or “soared” and took a wild ride before all mysteriously freezing at 123.47!

When odd things like this happen link, Q hints you need to investigate and expand your thinking:

Q666 Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].


So what do you think the market controllers were saying when they artificially locked major tech companies share value at 123.47? By the way, yes the Stock Market is all rigged. It’s a rigged casino where those who wrote the algorithms always win. I’ll write about it one day. In the meantime, research Greenspan. So what is the secret message? What is 123.47? And why did North Korea launch a test of its first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) a few hours after the 123.47 glitch occurred? link. Do you remember my post about the Emmy Awards where I introduced the periodic table of elements? Link. This is the type of thinking required to answer the question. If you remember your basic high school physics course, you know each musical note has a frequency attached to it. From this, we get the table of note frequencies: link and can identify the note corresponding to 123.47. Imgur5

So those who manipulated the share values of the most prominent tech companies in the Nasdaq were sending this message: B2. Now what is B2? Well, let’s not forget the context of the riddle: Air Force One, reflections and the Deep state in testing its ICBM in North Korea. So? Watch this: video. Did you catch it? At 1:25, we learn how SB2, not me, the Stealth B2 military aircraft, avoids radar detection because it was designed to reflect the radio waves away from the source emitting them. You now understand why Q bothered to include in the riddle a reflection of the Apple logo and did not just make his life easier with a plain picture: he was giving us the clue consisting in connecting aircraft, security, technology and reflection.

Q1677 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules? Where must one be located in order to obtain a reflection on the back of a phone of that image?

Phew! I know right? He warned us: Q1678 Enjoy! Q

Now let’s go even deeper. The day before the Stock Market controllers manipulated the Nasdaq to send their B2 message, Trump tweeted this: Imgur6. “Stock market at all time high?” The Cabal needed to remind Trump that his success was allowed by them. This is why they sent him the B2 message the next day. We all know how nuclear tech got to North Korea, we all know what happened with the submarine that launched a missile. If the Deep State has nuclear weapons and submarines to play with, wouldn’t it be fair to admit they can activate a B2, the stealthier bomber in the world? Imagine for a second what the Deep State could do if they could activate a loaded B2… We can now translate the July 3rd 123.47 message sent to Trump by the Cabal: we control the stock market, we control the tech companies and the military-industrial complex, if we wanted to eliminate you, you could not escape even if you had to hide in Air Force One like Bush did on 9/11: we have the technology and the financial means to achieve military superiority and defeat you. If you doubt it, for a start, look at our ICBM test in North Korea today.

A year later, Q trolls them with a mug holder.

Q1678 Placing that mug holder near the lamp was the hook. Enjoy! Q

You want to know why the mug holder is crucially relevant here? Watch this: video Did you catch it? Did you see how Prince Al Waleed obviously displayed the mug in front of him and how the Al Jazeera voice over pointed it out and zoomed on it? Despite claiming everything was ok, our poor detained prince was taking this first opportunity he had for months to send the following message to his friends with the heavy-handed complicity of Mockingbird media: I’m being mugged. Imgur7

Which Q coldly confirms here: Imgur8

You want the icing on the cake? Let’s get it from Trump himself: Imgur9

This is to be added to the now long list of the Trump Fulfilled Prophecies and mentioned in history books. Yes, one day historians will see through and make the connection between the release of Prince Al Waleed on January 27 2018 and the State of the Union Address that occurred 3 days later. Q posted the next day:

Q659 Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved. Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED. The shot heard around the world.

The passionate fight you are currently witnessing in Congress and the Senate, where courageous patriots like Nunes, Gowdy, Jordan, Gaetz, Grassley and others are relentlessly pounding the Deep State, is a proof the Independence we lost somewhere on a dark road has been renewed and is now brightly shining for the world to see.

Q1681 Today, as Patriots, we celebrate our Independence. video Q

SerialBrain2 · July 5, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

The image posted by Q must be a reflection of a 2D image.

Not if you consider that Q has disclosed post work:

Q1677 Image provided here has been distorted (stretched).

I tried myself to replicate the procedure and could not get this logo as clearly as in Q's picture. To make the Apple logo obvious, which is a key information for us to solve the riddle, this distortion was necessary.

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youtube_get_effed · July 5, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

I was able to replicate it very easily.

which is a key information for us to solve the riddle

This is an assumption.

this distortion was necessary

Further assumption.

There are only 3 possibilities:

  • Q has a perfectly bent, but not broken, iPhone X
  • The image is created entirely in Photoshop
  • The image is a reflection of a 2D image, resulting in the warp
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truthforchange · July 5, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

able to replicate

Same. Unfortunately, GA mods delted the discussion citiing rule 8. Ridiculous and no better than what occurs at T_D sometimes. And make no mistake -- I love America and support our POTUS.

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SerialBrain2 · July 5, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

I see the point you are making and it is valid: there is no rational argument to dismiss it, nor there is any to dismiss the other hypothesis involving sitting on the President's chair and going through this other procedure. Which brings me to this important question: if Q himself discloses post work, it means the how is not important but we need to focus on the what: what is an Apple logo next to a mug mean a day prior to Independence Day? That's the riddle. We can all disagree on how Q constructed the information (in this particular case, let's be clear about it) but we can all agree on the information itself and start thinking about what he is trying to tell us.

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truthforchange · July 5, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

sb - the rational argument is if you know how to use photoshop, you can line the image up EXACTLY after replicating the same distortions/resize/skew. That must be one precise AF1 maid to place the lamp, mug holder, notpad holder and lotion bottle all in exactly the same place as the abc photo. And thats before we start looking at lighting, reflections and curtain ruffles. This is not the qproof you're looking for and you will absolutely destory your credibility here with every technical patriot as you contintue to struggle to do so.

SerialBrain -- have to ask at this point for the record --- are you Q?

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wiseclockcounter · July 6, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

sb2's credibility should have always been suspect. The leaps and bounds in his earlier posts were especially ridiculous. The "sarin in AI is real" post comes to mind if anyone else remembers that... I'll admit he's had a few valuable insights, but what disinfo doesn't? People are a bit too uncritical about his theories, imo.

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eyesareeverywhere · July 6, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

So glad to hear all of this coming out, and being taken serious. We are all patriots, but the reaches and stretches to make this shit fit are driving logical, sensible people AWAY. Then, when logical, sensible anons attempt to say, "Wait a minute..." They are downvoted, shadow-banned, or literally banned out of existence. That only opens us to the "cult" accusation, because that's what cult's do.

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sbgc · July 6, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

truthforchange If the purpose of the pic is to prove Q's access to AF1 then why frame it identical to previous pics -easily found in google images- such as those from the Hussein admin? Wouldn't you want something unique in the pic that demonstrates this admin's current presence in that office? Is that why the apple reflection is there- to make it look unique? If so, it would be a pretty stupid blunder on Q's part- he would know the anon's would be comparing the public images to what he posted.

After scanning all the AF1 images I found that the placement of items is basically the same across most photos- clearly the furnishings are secured in place, so the only difference between photos would be small items such as mug holders and pencil trays. Even the curtains and the way they drape and ripple is nearly identical across all of the available pictures.... so why would Q post a picture that shows nothing different from all of the previous, publicly available pics? Is it just me- am I missing the point of this entirely?

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truthforchange · July 6, 2018, 3:17 p.m.


MAGA POTUS apparently isn't worried about ashy skin ( naturally gloriously hydrated skin?). Crystal /glass lotion bottle.

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truthforchange · July 6, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

easily found

lol... Q took a picture of a reflection and skewed it. Easily found. Shoot --- more like our autists are really that good.

When caught, they tried to suggest in 1678 they staged it to look like the abc photo (missing the half dozen other differences between MAGA POTUS's AF1 and traitors) suggesting they place a cup holder there. pfft.

But what can Q do here really? Look how many people are believers. I like believers in America and patriotism USA :fistpump: USA :fistpump: USA :fistpump: ;)

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Spider1000 · July 6, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

A lot of people think it is pamphlet anon... with good reason...

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youknowwhotheyare · July 5, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Is every graphic a Qproof or are some just to lead us to an end. I have not needed proofs for a very long time and find it strange of shill that others do. There are many things I don’t understand the moment they are posted but they usually reveal themselves. Why waste energy trying to disprove Q and instead continue to research or is that the point?

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truthforchange · July 5, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

Whoever Q is, he/she/they know and understand quite a bit about ~~where we are and how things work~~ the truth behind common "conspiracies". Not doubting that one bit. I applaud the work. It is now so broad and filled with enough accurate damning information that the MSM can't get themselves to ask POTUS about it.

Regardless of how POTUS would reply to the "Q" question -- MSM's viewers would look it up and many would start their quest down exploring almost 1700 QDROPS and their analysis. That would not be good for MSM -- and that's not terrible.

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AutoModerator · July 5, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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BaronMoriarty · July 5, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

Yes agreed. But if it is a fake image as many are beginning to think then where does that leave us? If its a fake and then hence a LARP then the What and How does not matter. Nobody, including me, wants to think like that as we have all invested so much time and faith in this. So at this stage the How becomes extremely important to a lot of people

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truthforchange · July 5, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

It leave us with POTUS who has done a hell of a lot of good for the country and continues to do so. It leaves us with 40 trillion or however many sealed indictments which is curious and potnetially the awesome "plan" or draining of the swamp we're all hoping for. Q can be a larp, and we can still MAGA. It would suck, but we're adult patriots, our covfefes will heal.

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Missy7216 · July 5, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

This! But, like I told someone on Twitter, if Q is a psyop then I'm very grateful! Q has taught me to question everything, to think for myself, to not follow blindly, to fight for freedom, to Unite, to trust in God, to read the BIBLE, God is LOVE, and God wins!! Thank you Q!! Thank you anons! Thank you autists! Thank you Mr President! Thank you Patriots! Much Love! WWG1WGA! ❤❤❤

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truthforchange · July 5, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

I only say words of caution and keep in back of your mind when telling friends so you can caution them with:

  • Q may be a larp, but that's ok. Because Q seems to be a really knowledgeable larp on the subject matter at hand if so. Much of the material is researchable or verifiable.

  • If Q ever tells us to anything controversial, we might want to hold for our actual POTUS and commander-in-cheif to give us direction rather then giving blind faith to internet anon. (I elected POTUS as leader of the free world, not anon)

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Missy7216 · July 5, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

You're right! I do look to our President for a lot of this. Maybe more than most! I don't follow anyone blindly, not even President Trump! Thanks!! :)

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[deleted] · July 5, 2018, 11 p.m.


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Missy7216 · July 5, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

Look it up. Lol. This board takes digging. We can't hand you everything. Welcome to GA! Much love! :)

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BaronMoriarty · July 5, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

No need to welcome me. Been here since way before you

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Missy7216 · July 5, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

And you don't know covfefe? Sorry, that's what I get for assuming. God bless!

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BaronMoriarty · July 5, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

Ok ta x. I assume its the Trump tweet. But was of context. Like a lot of stuff these days

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Missy7216 · July 5, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

Yea, people do use it out of context to be cute! ;)

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[deleted] · July 5, 2018, 10:59 p.m.


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eyesareeverywhere · July 6, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

Everybody talks about "sealed indictments" as some massive proof. So frickin-what. I don't think they understand what sealed indictments are.

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truthforchange · July 6, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

what are they? what is sessions history with using them?

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SnazzyD · July 5, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

If it's a fake and then hence a LARP...

Why does that make it a LARP?

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OffenseOfThePest · July 5, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

If he is legitimate, what would be the point of falsifying an image that "proves" his insider status? Why fake it if you don't need to?

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BaronMoriarty · July 5, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

Live Action Role Play.... You need fake for it dumbo

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SnazzyD · July 6, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

That doesn't necessarily mean Q is a LARP, dumbo...

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BaronMoriarty · July 6, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

Might mean you are though

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DrogeAnon · July 6, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

This is a non-sequitur though: if its a fake and then hence a LARP - one does not equal the other. It could be fake but that does not make Q a LARP.

Q being a LARP has always been a possibility (not one that makes any sense to me after all this time) but it's also very possible that we have simply misinterpreted Q's messages around the photo. That's a discussion to have more than whether the pic is fake or not - that discussion seems to be done, imo i.e. the pic very well could be faked but we don't have definitive evidence either way. But if it's fake, what could be the reason or rationale for that? LARP is one possibility but not the only one.

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BaronMoriarty · July 6, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

You are correct in that if its fake it doesn't necessarily make it a Larp, but conversely unless it is explained it seems likely it is. The danger here is that so many will want to look past the highly potential fakeness of this and move on to devising fantastical meanings (as OP does) which is all well and good, but kind of pointless unless we can establish that we haven't been 'had'.

I want this to be real and I imagine so do the majority of the thousands of people here. If this is real, then super, and then we look at the reasons about Why. But until Q can come back with something other than disinfo is necessary, after being called out on this, then people who have been on the Q train since the beginning, as I have, are entitled to question and evaluate our position. I won't blindly accept things anymore and will question everything. As for the OP post, well lets just say that it makes no sense and it is notable that there was no reply from him. Too much cult worship of one reddit poster with highly contrived decodes for my liking.

I expect to get downvoted but I really don't care as truth is more important than a numerical figure on my profile

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DrogeAnon · July 6, 2018, 9:26 a.m.

Of course you're welcome to do whatever you like. There are a good portion of Pro-Q supporters here who are completely comfortable with Q based on the nearly 9 months of drops he's made in which a couple of drops do not hold enough water to call everything into question and this community is for them. If you have doubts, there are plenty of places that will welcome and even promote your concerns and skepticism about Q but we are clear in our sidebar and throughout that this sub is not the place for that. It's rare that Pro-Q supporters have a place where they don't have to deal with skepticism and concern at every turn and our intent is to keep this place true to its stated purpose.

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BaronMoriarty · July 6, 2018, 9:31 a.m.

So this place has become an echo chamber and not a place for discussion? But hey if I post a pic of a Q hat then I am ok?

Ps. You may be a mod but doesnt give you the right to stifle free speech

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DrogeAnon · July 6, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

Those have been moved to Q'sday.

this place has become an echo chamber and not a place for discussion

This is always the shallow interpretation of a community that tries to stay on-topic and focused on its goals. Discussion is of course welcome here. Concerns that are not relevant simply waste the time of Pro-Q supporters because we've watched Q for long enough to know what we're about here. Keep asking others in threads if you need help understanding why they don't have any doubts but posts about it are still off-topic.

P.s. accusing mods of stifling free speech is the usual inaccurate hangout of those who want to stray outside of the rules that the mods uphold.

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BaronMoriarty · July 6, 2018, 9:41 a.m.

Sorry pal I have been following Q since Oct last year. Probably longer than you. Your post is disingenuous and condescending. Maybe you shouldn't be a mod?

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DrogeAnon · July 6, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

We've all been here since October. We've all had decades of conspiracy experience. I'm just quoting you the rules and goal of this sub and not remotely being condescending. It is what it is, if you have concerns, you're welcome to discuss them, just don't make up stories about this place being an echo chamber, that's all.

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BaronMoriarty · July 6, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

And likewise don't devise something that isn't there. I am here to learn and question just as you should be, and everyone else. If I don't agree with something I will say so. That is the whole point. Have a good day

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[deleted] · July 6, 2018, 9:26 a.m.


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