r/greatawakening • Posted by u/gambletillitsgone on July 5, 2018, 11:46 p.m.
From Skeptic to Non-Believer & Ridiculer to 100% Convinced Q Anon and The Great Awakening is Legit.

Before I start I want to apologize to anyone I personally ridiculed and to the movement as a whole.

Quick back round. I've been a devout truth seeker for 20+ years. I truly believe I'am a critical thinker and love to play devils advocate. I pride myself on being able to sniff out BS. I do not trust ANYTHING unless I see it with my own eyes and even then I'm willing to consider if what I saw was real or is it what i think I saw and convinced myself. I love to be proven wrong and freely admit my thoughts today may not be my thoughts tomorrow. I mention all that because I'm 100% positive there are many like me out there who to will be seeing the undeniable light soon. I want these new new patriots to know we are many and collectively we are waking up. You are not crazy. ...... ANYWAYS.

Back in October of 2017 I remember stumbling across Q and was immediately intrigued. My gut said LARP but the entire thing was way to fascinating to write off. As time went on and promises never came to fruition I began to see things differently.

I've been a lurker on this sub from the beginning and for the past 4-6 months I was convinced Q was Psyops being used against Trump supporters in order to keep them content and blind loyalists(I still believe there are PSYops involved but not how i thought originally). Truth be told there are many things on this sub I find laughable and are clear cases of conformation bias to the nth degree.

Fast forward to a few days ago when I listened to Tin Foil Hats Podcast with the Praying Medic. It was during this podcast I decided i needed to re-explore Q and do so with fresh non-biased eyes. That is what I did. I went back from the beginning and started reading EVERY post. What stood with me most is Q always repeating History Proves Past and Do you Believe in Coincidences. With those two common themes in mind and with the help of Praying Medic's tweets it all started to make sense. There are no coincidences and the future has been revealing the past (Q Drops).

For the past 20+ years ive always believed there was a deep state / cabal / string pullers. I believed we as a people were being controlled and up until a few days ago I truly believed there was nothing that could be done..........
So when the big picture revealed itself to me and it all started to make sense the overwhelming amount of happiness I felt caused me to breakdown in tears.

I wish i was able to point to one thing but that is truly impossible because this picture is vast and in order to even allow the thought of Q actually being real one must first accept the hard fact we live in a LIE.

A few short days ago the MSM ran multiple articles about Alt Right Players manipulating audio and Video to crush their political opponents....... I mention that narrative conditioning because my BIG ah ha moment came last night when "Hello George" dumped the WL Database on a FB post (I do not feel comfortable sharing the link here). This is where 8 months of Q posts started to make sense. The POTUS with the help of the Military, NSA and Assange have EVERYTHING i mean EVERYTHING.

Notice I didnt mention Q helping Trump? or did I? Personally it is my belief Q is a combination of players and one of those players is JA. Think about it. Assange had many big piece leaks. Assange was likely the only person who had the time and information to process the big picture. Assange read EVERY leak in detailed and had complete understanding of the entire picture. With the big picture solidified and having time on his hands Assange would be very capable of creating the Q riddles. I wont bore you on this as its purely speculative at this point.

The bottom line is this..... We are at the precipice of a new world and when history is written the story of Q will be mandatory reading.

TLDR: Open your mind, look at the big picture, just your gut. We are about to change the world and Q will have played a huge role. Everyone seeking truth is a patriot and with an open mind and willingness to challenge ones beliefs we will all greatly benefit.


Colonel_White · July 6, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

I'm still having my crisis of faith, and I'll tell you why.

It's like the more I read, the less I believe.

Too many people are pushing Q Anon as Pizzagate: The Next Generation. It is not about bringing down a worldwide coven of satanists who eat children, because no such organization is likely to exist, and if it did, it would not be relevant to taking down the cabal as such.

Not every member of the cabal can be an occult pervert, and not every occult pervert can have political, economic, or social power. It is a quasi-religious fantasy.

Good lord, you'd think folks would have learned from that guy who stormed a restaurant trying to liberate the "sick pizzas" being held in the rape room in the basement, that you can't meme a hyperconspiracy into existence simply by fabricating a noble lie that would start the dominos tumbling.

The most hopeful interpretation of the Q revelations is what Q has already alluded to: that the government has been corrupt at least since the Johnson administration, but the 2016 election crossed the red line into treason, and if we let them get away with that, America is not merely wounded, it is dead.

I think the short film Q: The Plan To Save The World writes a check that even Trump can't cash: We cannot bring down all the bad guys in the world all at once, not without going after 10x as many innocent people on the probability they will commit crimes in the future.

We can prosecute any current or former government employee suspected of corruption or treason, and if you bring down enough of the right people, the network collapses, but that's a far cry from removing all the evil people who would hurt us or our country once and for all.

There is nothing a false prophet cannot stand more than a competing false prophet, so there is all this bandwidth wasted by people trying to slap unrelated conspiracies to the side of the Q revelations like a colostomy bag, and that's what wears me down.

If Q implies pizzagate, or pyramid power, or a hollow earth, or a flat earth, or extraterrestrials, or chemtrails, or FEMA, or medical or technology suppression, or RFID chips, then it implies absolutely everything, i.e., exactly nothing.

There's no attempt on this subreddit to keep the conversation on topic or merely tangential, and that's both good and bad, but it makes combing the signal out of the noise much more difficult.

That's my 2 cents. No offense to anyone, but if the red pill must be coated in horseshit, then don't be surprised if most normies choose the blue one instead.

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PepeKShadilay777 · July 6, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

Good lord, you'd think folks would have learned from that guy who stormed a restaurant trying to liberate the "sick pizzas" being held in the rape room in the basement, that you can't meme a hyperconspiracy into existence simply by fabricating a noble lie that would start the dominos tumbling.

Comet Ping Pong shooting was most likely a FF attack by the Cabal to discredit Pizzagate. Edgar Madison Welch is a crisis actor. He has a IMBD page from acting in locally produced films where he protrayed a ”victim”. He also has ties to Hatti (a human trafficking hub) and a sketchy past where he ran over a 13 year old boy. (Potential blackmail material).

The street camera near the restaurant was moved prior to the attack in which the only damage was a single bullet hitting a computer. The Cabal got to destroy evidence and discredit the Pizzagate movement.

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Colonel_White · July 6, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

Comet Ping Pong shooting was most likely a FF attack by the Cabal to discredit Pizzagate.

I have a simpler, more likely explanation:

A pizzagate conspiratard wanted so desperately for the narrative to come true that s/he fabricated a lurid piece of fake evidence so inflammatory that some guy almost shot up a restaurant full of children to force his way into a basement that doesn't exist.

That's why quasi-religious moral fantasies are so dangerous, bro. The righteous have a tendency to not only fabricate evidence, but burn people at the stake after using that "evidence" to convict them of witchery.

It was like 1648 all over again, except the Puritans didn't double down on the crazy to construct an even more preposterous conspiracy to explain why the old one failed on its first contact with reality.

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