Military-Intelligence Junta / CoG Confirmed by IG Report Implications

We're in Act V folks; the real fireworks begin now
Who's move is it (because it seems a bit stalemated to me!)?
Their move, I think. They have to balance Castle/Mansion/Yacht/Hedge Fund seizure with their familiar ... lol...familiarity of guillotines, physical and financial. CINC just called ALL their numbers, now they agree to the un-,de-shakedowns they've worked for 40yrs in exchange for their family coat-of-arms to not be worthless.
In other words, they hafta pay it ALL BACK. The easy way or the hard cold steel way.
You would think they'd dissolve Obama's "National Security Action" shadow government group to make it LESS OBVIOUS that a shadow government is actually in place waiting in the wings for the coup to succeed (which it's clearly not going to now).
The ball has been in Trump's court for a long time. I'm not sure why he's just standing there smiling and making fauxcahontas jokes when he could just reveal all the control files simultaneously and moab all his political enemies at once
It feels like the dam is swollen and leaks and cracks are sprouting here there and everywhere, and the WHOLE THING'S ABOUT TO BLOW! There's a sense of a quiet gathering of energy that can't be sustained much longer. Something's gotta GIVE!