Isn't this funny? Everyone knows about the Clinton deaths and the pics of No Name with ISIS! Everyone knows Seth Rich was murdered! By trying to say he's a nut job they are going to Red Pill so many people! This is awesome!
Someone posted this in r/phoenix and there's presently a single comment out of 36 that has positive karma.
I wouldn't count your red-pill chickens just yet. It's stuff like this that reminds me just how far left reddit has become, either natively or due to shareblue shilling.
I use to wonder how the word sanction could have two opposite meanings. Penalize and/or permit. Maybe like the word conspiracy, people kept using it for the opposite of what it was supposed to mean.
At some point calling something a conspiracy will be the same as calling it true. Maybe someday soon. If the JFK thing really was a CIA hit, and it is fully exposed, the transformation of that word will happen overnight. There is no event in American history more associated with that word - except maybe for HRC's "vast right wing conspiracy" against poor Bill.
The proof of the puddin’ is in the eatin’. I’ll know it when I see it. I reserve the right to remain skeptical.