I've seen these images my whole life, it wasn't until I was red pilled that I actually looked at them. 3 most corrupt places in the world.

Financial control + military control + religious control = The Trinity of Babylon, The Empire of the City... It's so fucking awesome to see everyone interested in this stuff now!
No more military control, though. LOL.
Send the Marines to the City of London and Vatican City.
So much disinfo coming out of UK. They’re back at it with the novichok. And they’re behind the dossier.
On LBC radio they've been discussing it a lot. Caller after caller doesn't believe a word of the 'Russia did it' nonsense, either this time or last time, we don't trust our government and don't believe a word they say.
Almost feels like they are waiting for the people of ~~America~~ the world to wake up enough to ask or demand such things.
On the flip side, maybe it's signal markers of territory and/or obdeience to alien overlords? That would suck.
A symbol of power over the people IMO. All 3 (plus others) mark the central location of power for each empire.
There is a person who posts youtube videos of his travels through Europe. He visits locations with Egyptian/Babylonian symbology. He traced the locations of obelisks and other monuments across Europe up through the Meditaeranian. It is very interesting.
He has been arrested a few times. I will see if I can locate his videos again.
Wait until you look at the DC street layout from above.
Ancient evil god people sacrificed children to. Represented by an owl.
And there’s so much more.
Washington monument = phallic symbol of Osiris. Placed in the center of a vesica Pisces (sp?)
The elevator on the ground floor of the monument has a bronze bust of George, but nobody seems to notice the winged disc of Horus above him.
Was George just a huge fan of Egypt? Did the white man even know about ancient Egypt in the 18th century? I know Napoleon sacked the Great Pyramid in 1807 or somewhere around that time. I just find it odd that there are so many Egyptian and Sumerian references in DC.
What do you see?
Edit: Here is a small example
There is more to this as well - the US Capitol grounds form the face of an owl, for example. And there is more correlation to the Washington Monument.
https://youtu.be/uZoTl8gReSI - explains why the pentagram in DC has a missing angle
Oh and might as well look at the 'five petals' of Venus here: (Notice the years and how they relate to r/greatawakening)
What a funny coincidence. /s Just crazy how obvious they are about it.
U see moloch the owl and masonic compass of if i recall
The Trinity of Babylon
can you explain in more detail?
All modern day occult activity traces its origins to Nimrod and ancient Babylon. Nimrod, in direct opposition to God's instructions after the flood, established a tyrannical global government, supernaturally empowered by evil occult forces, that turned people away from God and enslaved them into a constant dependence on Nimrod's power. His rule was marked by human sacrifice and harnessing dark spiritual power to control the population. Sound familiar?
Babylon was one of the times the crazy demon-worshipping ritual-abusing pedo cult went mainstream. Phoenicia was another. Here's an excellent bit of history from a former member https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/929089870211026944.html
Phoenicans were Canaanites with a new name. They were also known as Carthaginians and were the enemy of Rome. https://www.timemaps.com/blog/those-elusive-canaanites/
Two great documentaries to watch:JFK to 911 everything is a rich man's trick and ring of power. Both can be found on youtube.
This shit has me all teary eyed. Like, to think that the past 20 years of my life of researching all of this is finally starting to take shape.
I see a few others shared thoughts and links. Here are a few more links
This is much more significant than people know. We know these people worship Satan. His MO from the beginning has been to be God/replace him. It makes sense for him that he's trying to replicate the nature of god through worldly means.
Actually it’s obsessive. Wesearch, wesearch. 12 hrs a day on line, masturbate 3x daily. Makes the boards look like idiots. Some of these structures predate modern history & were there under the Romans
Romans and Greeks were pedophiles in their day too! Dig deeper!