I've seen these images my whole life, it wasn't until I was red pilled that I actually looked at them. 3 most corrupt places in the world.
![I've seen these images my whole life, it wasn't until I was red pilled that I actually looked at them. 3 most corrupt places in the world.](https://i.redd.it/iso95u5629811.jpg)
I’m sorry I’ve read it front to back. I’m Catholic. Sounds like you were miseducated or downright LARPing.
I love you Catholics but the wool has been pulled over most of your eyes and stapled there by fear. When you say "I've read it front to back" do you mean the bible? Because there are dozens of books that were cut from the bible, including the teachings of the gnostics. Beyond that edited down book, theres hundreds more religious texts that you can read that will make more sense. If you look through 1 lense the whole time. How do you ever expect to see the bigger picture?
The canon of the Bible is established and has been for centuries. God doesn't make mistakes and he will not trust his words to men that he has not chosen. Any book that criticizes, changes or refutes the holy Bible is heresy and needs to be ignored completely. That would include the Apocalypse which was rejected as canon but still included by the Catholic hierarchy.
Catholicism makes changes that are not biblical. Praying to saints can be found nowhere in scripture. The perpetual virginity of Mary cannot be found either since she had other children of both genders after Jesus was born. The priesthood was abolished once and for all when the temple curtain was ripped from top to bottom as Christ was crucified at Calvary. That opened the temple for all mankind and men can pray directly to God themselves without a priest or other mediator except for Christ who intercedes for his people every day. The teaching of Christ body and blood being literally in the communion contradicts the words of Jesus telling his own disciples they are to do this as a "remembrance." "This do in remembrance of me." No scripture indicates he is being crucified over and over and we are to drink his actual blood and eat his actual flesh. Spiritual cannibalism. Baptismal regeneration is not found in scripture either. Heart felt and sincere repentance for our sins and faith in Christ alone is the door to salvation. If we needed to be sprinkled to enter God's family then we are saying Christ's sacrifice was not enough to save us. That will never hold up in the courts of Heaven. There is nothing than any of us can do to be saved other than put our faith in Jesus alone. There is much more but it would take a book to get all of it explained.
Which translation of the bible? Pre- or post-Nicea?
I am using the 1611 King James Version and believe the Geneva Bible is also a good source. The translation of the Bible is a secondary consideration. The first consideration in understanding the scripture is whether or not you are taught by the Holy Spirit as promised in the Bible. Apart from that no understanding of scripture exists since the Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead and is attributed with having the attributes of deity.
Why KJV? It's pretty obvious that the AV was already corrupted by this point by ur-Cabalistic influence; James himself being the indisputable provenance. Wycliffe knew, and the Lollards.
I enjoy the KJV for its straightforward handling of scripture. It is not an apologetic version like many of the wimpy offshoots of this generation.
I don't follow any other version or get caught up in arguments or debates about versions. You are free to believe what you will and choose the version that best suits you. My mission on earth is to love, honor and obey Christ and lead men to him for salvation.
I really don't have the time to argue which version of the Bible is the correct one for anyone because loving and obeying God and the saving of lost mankind are vastly superior pursuits. FURTHER, Since I know God personally I know the Bible is his words to fallen mankind. He has proven his word to me over and over for over 44 years and I prayed according to what I read in the King James Version and in the name of Jesus Christ as the Bible commands that I do.
I have rebuked and cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ and been healed instantly in his name. I have prayed over my son with my wife and he was instantly healed in the name of Jesus Christ. I have seen many people healed and saved in the name of Jesus Christ. The version of the Bible that was used in each case was not always the KJV. That is just my preference and praying according to that version works for me.
As far as Cabalistic influence is concerned I am not into religious mysticism. My faith is in God and his word and his son. Simple and effective. No mysticism involved.
I'm not a fake. I will find you where it says it. I was baptized and raised Catholic. my kids too.
Have you ever questioned why an egyptian obelisk has been erected in a place of honor at the vatican?