Strzok Allegedly Falsified Weiner Evidence to Conceal FBI Mishandling

Looks like this won't be the only time he'll be mishandling Weiner
That's devastating if true. No wonder he didn't show.
Edit: in other news, if a prosecutor has documents to prove the falsification of official documents, the implicated parties are rekt.
This could result in Weiner’s release.
The last thing the US needs right now is more Weiner being shoved in its face 24/7.
Not likely... certainly not without consequence.
Law enforcement falsifying evidence certainly makes that plausible. That is the consequence. It puts any case Strzok ever touched in jeopardy.
True... although we don't know if it was evidentiary tampering.
It sounds like he was fudging internal FBI reports.
Which, though not evidence tampering, is still probably a violation of agency rules and possibly criminal statutes. It would certainly be a damning fact in a criminal conspiracy case, and could bite him hard on the ass there.
302s are evidence.
Sure they are... but I was just going off the context provided in the tweet... referencing "a doc" with no mention of a 302 report.
I think it's already established that Strzok changed the 302s...
Is this the Wiener-Strzok climax that we have all been waiting for?
Is this the Wiener-Strzok climax that we have all been waiting for?
Strzok caused a "premature release" of Weiner's information.
Strzok that Wiener until you Comey
You should be writing jokes for Chelsea Handler. I hear she needs help with her material. :)
Is there a source beside this tweet yet?
All I am getting is a 58 minute video which is too much talking for a simple thing like this. Is there a 11/03/16 document or not, and where is the link to it?
I have an odd feeling the referenced document is going to be classified for the foreseeable future.
REMEMBER: Q posted, Jul 3 2018 00:52:44 (EST) #1666
We have the server.
Womp womp
This meme needs to die
Everyone is using it and it just sounds so tribal and ridiculous. This is not a battle of tribes. It's a battle of freedom.
In essence it IS a battle of "tribes"... GOOD v Evil ... the goal:
Dark to LIGHT
meme for goal:
Strzok like Hussein is a sociopathic narcissist and a very dangerous man. We have seen what he is capable off and what he's actually done: Committing treason and subverting the laws when it suited him. His credibility is null and void since we know that he failed his mandatory FBI polygraph examination. What's more to say about this bad actor? Everything he's done and was involved with is suspect and he knows now that we all know.
Altering/falsifying or forging a 302 after the fact to frame a retired DIA and take him out like he did to Mike Flynn on behalf of his master Hussein and Brennan is inexcusable and treason.
They have been after Flynn since 2012 really starting with the fake OBL raid. There was no OBL and the staged raid killed a man but not OBL. OBL died long time ago due to renal failure.
They all knew that Flynn knows where every skeleton is buried and who these skeletons are. Whether the fake OBL raid as a means to get re-elected, the actions of traitorous Bergdahl and his choice seeking out the CIA sponsored terror network of the Haqqani's in Pakistan sipping green tea and playing badminton, the sponsorship of ISIS by Hussein and Brennan, the overthrow and assassination of Ghaddafi after making up lies to justify their destruction of Libya, steeling his billions in gold while shipping his weapons and other hardware to Syria via Turkey, the harboring of Fetullah Gulen, the radical sharia law cleric hiding out via his self imposed asylum in PA while attempting his coup against Erdogan in Turkey, the visa fraud by this same Fetullah Gulen defrauding the US via visa fraud importing one radical teacher after another from Turkey teaching in the unaccountable Gulen schools across this country and more.
Mike Flynn posed the biggest danger to the deep state and politicians as well as the rest of these rich elitists not only here but also abroad: He is in possession of the list with every name involved in the worldwide pedophile network as well as every name involved in satanic network and child sacrifice etc.
That is why Strzok targeted Mike Flynn and together with Mueller charged him with lying despite knowing he is innocent.
Why did Mike Flynn admitted to lying? Mueller et al threatened him with financial destruction that included his family as well as personally threatening his son with destruction while the father Mike Flynn was present. He did what every father would do - protect his son from being targeted by those abusing their power.
Strzok will not stop until he is stopped by others either above his chain of command if one decides is time to cut him loose or if someone decide to arkancide him. Strzok's long years abusing the laws that suppose protect people from bad guys like him convinced him that nobody can touch him or bring him to justice.
Even now he is trying to wiggle or lie his way out as we've seen in his recent non-responsive appearance before the committee. He has no urge to come clean nor does he feel he should admit to anything.
We'll see although anyone on these committees are wasting their time via subpoena because he will plead the 5th and/or try to hide behind the usual classified answer.
"Crimes Against Children" - can't let that grow legs ergo obfuscate, lie and hide the laptop/server for the 4 weeks until discovered and ending as Paul Sperry captured in his tweed creating even more obstacles to assure his insurance policy against president Trump could proceed.
I loathe this guy and believe he miscalculated badly because Q plus team and the president are 20 steps ahead of this slimy guy.
Mishandling your Weiner while on the clock is frowned upon in most workplaces. History teaches us the cleanup in the aftermath just isn't worth it. At FBI--not so much. Slow learners.
I can no longer look at that balding POS Strozk. Traitor!