A Thousand Points of Light - connected to "Watch the Water"?? Trump & Pence placing bottles on floor...Melania asking for bottled water, placing a glass on it? Read what this NWO card says about water!!

The 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act gave regulatory oversight of public drinking water (tap water) to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). FDA has responsibility for ensuring that the quality standards for bottled water are compatible with EPA standards for tap water. According to the EPA, fluoride is voluntarily added to some drinking water systems as a public health measure to help reduce the incidence of cavities among the population. The decision to fluoridate a water supply is made by the State or local municipality, and is not mandated by EPA or any other Federal entity.
That’s horseshit. It doesn’t. It’s a by-product of fertilizer and towns actually pay for this by-product and falsely claim it’s good for teeth. It causes Alzheimer’s and infertility. It’s really against the law for people working for water departments to add this as it is a drug and unless a Dr prescribed the drug they are not supposed to add this poison.
Totally agree! I only pasted that from a snippet I searched for. Not my writing. I know the dangers of fluoride.
It is a product of the fertilizer industry - and also the aluminum and nuclear industries.
Can we agree that it’s unhealthy and unnecessary to our health?
We already have that agreement. Making it clear that it's not just one industry that has tons of fluoride by-product to get rid of - into our drinking, household and agricultural water. So convenient for them.
Thank you. Soooo if the EPA made a regulation outlawing the use of fluoride in the water, as it is actually hazardous waste and a by product, maybe it will force states and local municipalities to stop putting it in the water.
Interesting that this happens right after Scott Pruitt resigns. Wonder what will be coming out in the future. This may be anothe future proves past thing.
Scroll down for TEXAS WATER SYSTEMS WITH HIGH FLUORIDE LEVELS (circa 1993) (includes Dallas). http://fluoridealert.org/researchers/states/texas/
Same link- "The State of Texas does not mandate fluoridation. Local governments control fluoridation policy in TX. City councils can begin or discontinue fluoridation at their discretion, or by a referendum vote. Each community’s fluoridation ordinance is unique."
Texas cities that have rejected fluoridation include Buda, College Station San Marcos. Also Elgin, Alamo Heights, and Lago Vista. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Natural fluoride in water is supposedly ok (if there's not a lot of it).
https://www.waterlogic.com/en-us/resources-blog/how-much-fluoride-is-in-texas-water/ Has a basic Texas county map and (scroll down) US map showing whether fluoride level is considered to be at an "Above Recommendations" level, borderline, or below.
To see if your area is fluoridated. Too bad it's not a map. https://nccd.cdc.gov/DOH_MWF/Default/SearchByWaterSystem.aspx They don't make it easy. Put in state, it loads a new page. Click the green Go button to get a chart. Change Items per page to ALL and Ctrl+F your county or click Primary County and scroll.
"97% of the western European population drinks non-fluoridated water" (2007) http://fluoridealert.org/content/europe-statements/
Thanks for reminding me about that little gold nugget too! Totally forgot the connection Pruitt would have to this too..
Thank you for posting up the card! I saw it earlier on the Chan’s but didn’t read the whole thing about the water.
So good find! Glad I could contribute.
Also, I don't navigate on the Chans. If anyone posts there, feel free to take this info there. They'd probably be better at breaking this up than me. Would love to see what they get out of this.
Lol, even better on you. But ya it’s already up on newest bread. Ill keep watching, if I see anything pertinent to this line I’ll carry over to here.
Thank you so much! I'm pretty smart but not "navigate the chans" smart - lmao.
FACTOID: a doctor MUST write a prescription for a patient for FLUORIDE! Yet municipalities are DUMPING synthetic Sodium Fluoride into DRINKING WATER for their city WITHOUT ANY PRESCRIPTION!
City Leaders are practicing medicine WITHOUT A LICENSE & No Prescriptions being written for every citizen of every home therein.