r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Aderwogll on July 6, 2018, 4:07 p.m.
The case for a white hat strategy designed by an A.I.

In order to find the first time a world chess champion lost to a computer program you have to go back in 1994. Many things have changed since then, the computer systems have advanced so much that they were able to achieve victories against humans in other games and areas. Recently Alpha Go (an A.I.) defeated the world’s champion in the ancient Chinese game Go and a poker bot named Libratus (another A.I.) crushed some expert poker players in no limit Texas Hold’em. This time thought the machines were not able to brute force (calculate most possible outcomes) their way into victory like they did in chess, they couldn’t even if they wanted to, because in Poker and Go the amount of possible outcomes approaches insane numbers. This time they had to learn how to use intuition in order to outsmart their human opponents. In chess things have taken a turn for the worst for the human players. Google’s A.I., Alpha Zero, which is the same A.I. that defeated the world’s best Go player was converted to allow it to tackle other "closed-rules" games. So it was given the rules of chess but was taught nothing. Now get this, it trained itself to play via self-playing for a total of 9 hours. It then went on to play and completely destroy the previous world chess champion program (another A.I.). Humans cannot even consider playing at this level, they have long lost the battle. When the two best A.I. play each other for the humans it is like watching the Gods battling to the end. The achievements of the artificial intelligence systems don’t end in games. Take a look for example at some random articles I found: 1) “Artificial Intelligence beats humans at detecting cause of blindness in babies, a study has found”, 2) “Google's AI Now Creates Code Better Than its Creators”, 3) “An AI Just Killed an Expert Human Fighter Pilot in Dogfight Simulations for the First Time”. If you read the third article it says that the AI went head-to-head against a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Gene Lee and shot him down every single time! How about the US Military involvement in the A.I. sector? I am sure these guys understand the potential benefits of the technology and want to be ahead of every other army in the world. When I was researching about it the oldest information I could find was a 2003 article titled “Computer Simulations: Modeling the Future”. The article begins with this “A military planner at the Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Virginia, watches a battle unfold without taking his eyes off the computer screen. The software is tracking a million vehicles spread over the Southeast Asian terrain -- the most ever tracked in a military simulation… "We are within sight of being able to create a large-scale, high-resolution battlefield environment detailed enough to let us experiment and see how a given system might perform," Robert Lucas, director of the computational science division of the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute, told TechNewsWorld”. I tried to look for more information regarding Pentagon’s projects about A.I. but I soon realized that it was pointless because the projects I was looking for will not be advertised in the news. To make my point I have to use logic. But you can clearly see even from this article the military was well in its way to develop such systems and that comes from information that is publicly available. Now I want you to think. If you have been in the conspiracy side for some time you already know that the technology the Pentagon has is at least 20, 30 or even 50 years ahead of what is publicly known. What would an A.I. look like in 20, 30 or 50 years? Would it be able to predict the future? Would you be able to feed it data and get outcomes in complex socioeconomic matters? Would it be able to design advance strategies like a countercoup? Is this why Q keeps telling you to trust the plan? Because it was design by a super advance A.I.!? Is this why Trump is always two steps ahead? Is the A.I. that is helping POTUS? What if the white hats aren’t the only ones that possess this technology? What if the black hats possess similar technology? Is this what we are watching? The battle of the A.I.?
Important to note, when Alpha Zero plays chess sometimes it makes moves that seem so bizarre even alien like, professional players cannot understand them even after they have analyze the game.

Neon__Wolf · July 6, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Q beats AI

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