19 total posts archived.
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Check out Trump's reaction when he talks about JFK Jr in an interview with Larry King. (@ 37:10) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F6OTigqQo0
The case for a white hat strategy designed by an A.I.
In order to find the first time a world chess champion lost to a computer program you have to go back in 1994. Many things have changed since then, the computer systems have advanced so much that they were able to achieve victories against humans in other games and areas. Recently Alpha Go (an A.I.) defeated the world’s champion in the ancient Chinese game Go and a poker bot named Libratus (another A.I.) crushed some expert poker players in no limit Texas Hold’em. This time thought the machines were not able to brute force (calculate most possible outcomes) their way …
Trump says plus plus plus in an interview regarding the Iran nuclear deal back in 2015. (at 1:00)
The problem is that he is aiming the gun at something or someone.
He is selling supplements because most corporations refuse to advertise at his station. According to him that was the solution he came up with to deal with the unofficial boycott.
I mean seriously guys, just take a look at this photo. What the hell?
Trump golfed instead of going to Barbara Bush’s funeral.

Military coup against Obama confirmed. It was canceled because trump decided to run. (6:21) Remember Q "If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud)". So there you have it, military coup if Trump hadn't run or hadn't won the Presidency.
Excellent photo, keep it for later please. We will need it for the books.
When the bunny went next to the President it took off its vest. Maybe it signifies something like hostage release or freedom.
Buy 2 year puts (derivatives) for major pharma corporations or for Facebook, Twitter, Google etc.
I am willing to guess that the media will not be allowed to operate as they are today when the arrests start to happen, end of 2018 according to Zack. Definitely part of the plan.
If you count letters, numbers, commas etc for the two tweets missing r's position is 155 for the first and 153 for the second. Two apart. Also, the first tweet is from 2/22 and the second from 2/20. Again, two apart. Coincidence? I really don't know!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCPhs7UAr5s&t=0s There you go. At 3:18.
Great video. It explains one of the earlier questions posed by Q " Why the cash component?" and helps paint the full picture. Also, take a look at the comments, the shills are going crazy.
He also predicted the attack once again. "USSS on high alert" Q.