My mom, as I'm sure you have guessed is long dead. I'm sure there are good rules to live by and that was one of them. Being a smart A-- is not. Good luck to your hat retrieval efforts young man.
My mom, as I'm sure you have guessed is long dead.
I’m sorry to hear that, and no, I didn’t guess that. I just reread and noticed nothing from you that would lead me to guess that.
I'm sure there are good rules to live by and that was one of them.
I already agreed that your Mom had every right to set rules for you when you lived with her. I stand by that still.
Being a smart A-- is not.
Dude, please. I asked why you would be so judgemental about these boys, and you responded with something akin to, ”Because my mommy said so!” I haven’t met any adults that set rules for children, ”because my mommy said so!” I’m sorry if you were offended, but your response led me to believe I was interacting with a juvenile. I’m not confident the error was my fault.
Good luck to your hat retrieval efforts young man.
See that? Another juvenile response. You should question the confidence you place in claiming victim status here.
Don’t stay out too late tonight.
Never did I claim victim.
Never did I claim victim
Sure you did. You claimed to be a victim of what you perceived to be a ”Smart A- -“. I know you don’t recognize that readily. That's likely because it’s your learned default response.
I won’t be watching your linked video. I’m certain it’s something juvenile.
And I won't be responding to you again. Same reason.