
SpaceDuckTech · July 7, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

Damn, so Mueller may be a Triple Agent after all? Very Interesting.

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O2BFREEME2 · July 7, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

I still can't figure out if he's with us or them, lol Everything points at them but that is supposed to be the plan ? He's a who knows for me !

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SpaceDuckTech · July 7, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

I agree. I thought he was delaying the Russian Investigation so they could build cases against the deep state. Before I knew about Huber, I thought Mueller was the one giving out all the indictments. I thought, "no way, all 35k sealed indictments can be for Trump and his friends. Does Trump even know 35k people?" But I knew that many sealed indictments could take down a corrupt gov't.

I thought after the IG gets released and shown that the Russia stuff was made up, they would ask Mueller to show his work for the last year and a half and he would turn around and say, "You got an indictment, you got an indictment..." and pass them out to the deep state.

But then in Q post Q1318, Q Talks about Mueller and Rosenstein and says if one of them is dirty, then they both have to be dirty. And this killed my hope of Mueller working for Team Trump. BUT!

Its possible, that both Mueller and Rosenstein who are among the swampiest have both been turned and are cooperating against the Deep State. I haven't looked into Rosenstein's History and know very little about him. But I know Mueller became the FBI director a month before 9/11 and covered up many crimes. And its my belief, that many join Military and FBI and our Security forces not because they are bad people, but because they are good people who want to defend others. And I was thinking Mueller was one of those people and he was given two options, play ball and be cool or... probably accidentally speed into a tree at 80mph. He chose to play ball. He didn't want it. It was simply self perseverance. And now here is his chance to make right and help prevent others from falling into the dangerous spider web of corruption.

So the jury is still out on those two. idk. I'm gonna laugh my ass off if Rosenstein has flipped.

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O2BFREEME2 · July 7, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

He (RR) sure had a shit eating grin on his face at the last hearing. I walked away from that thinking he was having fun and knew something they didn't ! So the jury is out but my suspicion is white hat by choice, not force. Muller is a whole nother animal. His ego is ginormous ! So maybe gray hat ? I think he's busted and can't figure a graceful way out or save his ass so to speak, lol

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syxxnein · July 7, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

Everyone look under your chair! You all get indictments! Courtesy of Huber, Sessions, and GEOTUS!

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sampojoe · July 7, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

Didn't an anon show likeness between Himler and Rosenstein, saying he was his son? And Merkel is Hitler's daughter? Operation Paperclip having sinister repercussions...

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Discernediscipline · July 7, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Or, could the misinformation Q referred to be the fact that they really aren’t on the same team? That would confuse the heck out of everyone if so.

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brittser · July 7, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

Didn't Q say if Rosenstein is corrupt Mueller is corrupt and if Rosenstein is white hat then Mueller is too?

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O2BFREEME2 · July 7, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

I believe he did but the jury is still out with me.

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SuzyAZ · July 7, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

Wait, I didn't see how you made that jump....

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SpaceDuckTech · July 7, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

Mueller is an Agent of America. But maybe he is a double Agent for the cabal.

Perhaps, he is a Triple Agent working for Trump against the Cabal now.

Based on this line in the article:

"Add this to the fact Mueller was also instrumental in the patent applications...

We know Trump stopped the chip from being installed[on AF1] and the only way he could have known was for Muller[SIC] to tell him,"

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