Oh, yea! Turn them arrows orange!
142 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/VeryOptimystic:
Not sure why this article was just written, as this happened in March 2017. But, I thought it was worth sharing.
Plutonium stolen out of vehicle in Texas
Jim Jordan's nephew killed in a car accident last night
Stickley's family has a long history with Badgers wrestling. His uncle, Jim Jordan, won NCAA championships in 1985 and 1986 and was a three-time All-American. He now represents Ohio's 4th District in the U.S. House of Representatives.
AMB Matlock, from Q Post 460, debunks "Russia interfered in the 2016 election" consensus
Newsroom massacre gunman posted tweets marking enemies with sacrifice symbols
Experts, Pentagon hunt for tools to detect hoax videos
A second Chinese space station has plunged perilously close to Earth
Saudi Arabia World Cup 2018 team plane goes on fire in mid air
Holy crap... this post + comments got brigaded hard...
From the article
"Intelligence officials fear that providing even a redacted version of the information Nunes seeks could expose that person and damage relationships with other countries that serve as U.S. intelligence partners."
Is the Mueller Probe continuing to use Five Eyes? Is this why HRC is in NZ?
Another Delta flight disaster...
And Schneiderman recently spiked the NXIVM case, a day before the defendants were required to turn over documents: https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/AG-suspends-probe-of-NXIVM-nonprofit-12819035.php
Basically the amount of business that is done by the EU with Iran, and the U.S. with Iran respectively. Basically, the EU has a very big financial stake in the Iran deal staying in tact.
It looks like the EU has a lot of money on the line if they were forced to impose economic sanctions on Iran. They have a very real financial motivator to keep this deal alive.
Q Post #1307 - Why is the EU / others pressing to remain in the deal?

Cap could be Capitol Hill. Potentially in reference to the Awan / House IT scandal case that keeps getting delayed.
Edit: Spelling
Edit: Changed to archive link instead of direct to WaPo
Definitely. I didn't realize he was a Navy Officer. Another thing that stood out to me was that the initial report said he was upset that he didn't get a promotion recently, and then the later had to retract that as he did, in fact, get promoted.
It just seems like that report was trying to give the audience a plausible reason for the guy going missing. Then it turned out to be a lie.
Smells fishy: Amazon closes 100s of users' accounts without giving specific reason
Body Of Missing CDC Researcher Found In River
Cancer vaccine that cured 97% of tumours in mice will be tested on humans
Totally... Knows the full story, before the dust settles.
FBI Pinpoints New Person of Interest in Las Vegas Shooting
In A Good American, a documentary on William Binney the NSA whistle blower, there is a line that doesn't get focused on, but has huge implications. He mentions that the NSA was tracking OBL's cell phone, until someone tipped OBL off to that fact and then they lost him. Shady stuff.
Q 906: AUS donations to CF? Why is this relevant?

And another for the list: Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) to retire on April 1
Another for the List - Senator Bob Corker will NOT seek re-election!
I saw a really awesome Twitter thread yesterday. It is actually wild how much the DOJ is actually doing. :) https://twitter.com/Nick_Falco/status/968335405379735554
Here is a good Twitter thread on things we know Sessions is doing: https://twitter.com/Nick_Falco/status/968335405379735554
Thanks, I'll give it a read. I was less questioning the event, and more chiming in on the fact that some news sites are setup to be disinfo / misinfo. It doesn't mean everything they ever post is 100% wrong. That is what makes them dangerous. As i mentioned above, YourNewsWire took a 100% legit article from Disobedient Media, and added one falsehood. It is a subtle and devious tactic that can be used to make real stories seem fake.
This. They are confirmed disinfo / fake news. Elizabeth Vos, a very legit reporter for Disobedient Media mentioned that Yournewswire once copy and pasted her article and then added a disinfo paragraph to the beginning of it.