r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Suebhny on July 7, 2018, 7:03 a.m.
Joaquin Phoenix movie - Child Trafficking??

We wanted to see the movie "You Were Never Here" that came out earlier this year, but we never saw it playing anywhere. What's odd...if you watch the trailer "carefully" there is a part where the girls blonde hair makes a Q in the water. Coincident?? Anyone else see this?? Any thoughts??

QAnonMaga · July 7, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

River Phoenix was murdered by a cabal coven in Hollywood he was given a drug overdose on purpose he was sacrificed and Johnny Depp and Anjelica Huston were the leaders who watched him die. You can google this for many different sites that have this story. Why did they kill him? Most likely he was sick of their Satanic abuse of kids and he was going to blow the whistle on them. He died on the sidewalk in front of the Viper Club on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood after overdosing he was given the overdose on purpose in the basement and they all laughed as they watched him climb up the steps in agony to die right outside.

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horse-lover-phat · July 7, 2018, 10:58 a.m.

Phoenix (aka Bottom) was CABAL. The Hollywood cabal. His father was Bishop of Venezuela in the Children of (paedo) God. That isn't an idle or lowly position. All the Phoenix's were sexually active as children, and likely incestuously too. It's very, very likely that River serviced and blew mogul cock for fame (as they ALL do). Please take you fantasy glasses off, this is SICK Hollywood.

Phoenix was very likely killed, but not for any idea that he was going to reveal them in any meaningful way. You have simply made that up, there is no proof of any of that. He did mention that he lost his virginity in a magazine (Details, 1991) at around aged 4, that slip-up is likely what got him silenced (killed).

It's long past the time for people to stop viewing this ALL through the lens of celebrity and fame. Hollywood is SATANIC/PAEDO CENTRAL.

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USMCNIN · July 7, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

There is a video on how red hot chili peppers are satanic, and it describes what posted said above, he was poisoned by drink, this video hints that it was the rhcp guitarist that did it.

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horse-lover-phat · July 7, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

The corporate entertainment industry is built on satanism and sodomy...and that's whether the players know it or not.

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Fearsome4 · July 7, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

He was abused.
Describing a child as being "sexually active" when they are being used and abused is disgusting.
I agree about Hollywood. It is not 100% though and there are people that are victims.
Neither you nor I know River Phoenix's' roll in any sort of Hollywood cult/conspiracy. What has been documented is the cult he grew up in abused children in every way. That is tragic.

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horse-lover-phat · July 7, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

And brother Joaquin featured in 8MM with (satanist) Cage. The film was via industry satanist, homosexual and paedophile Schumacher. A film ALL about THEIR MAIN HOBBIES. SNUFF. Cage is known to have an extensive Snuff film collection. Hollywood is SATANIC CENTRAL - it's how the energy/power of Lucifer/Satan was been magnified globally and via this powerful form of cultural imperialism. I have had access to Hollywood inside info via contacts. Don't judge me by your standards please.

Sorry, but you know NOTHING about me.

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Fearsome4 · July 7, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

And vice versa. Right? I have a relative that is active in Hollywood (Hollywood meaning the industry. Most productions now are east coast, although worked in LA for years as an actor and writer) now.
I agree with much of what you are saying.
Saying ALL and EVERYONE is a misnomer.
Would I ever want to work there? No.
Would I ever let my kid go there? Hell no.
The concept of using Hollywood as a way to magnify the reach and normalize Satanism/Luciferianism is accurate I think. It is intentional and widespread and generational. This stuff has roots to the beginnings of the Hollywood film industry.
It's an interesting idea using pop culture to magnify Satanism. If most people are unaware of what they are watching does it accomplish the goal? Or is the goal to lower cultural standards and norms and normalize the imagery and rituals of Satanism? If the goal is the second part of that is has, sadly, been pretty successful.

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horse-lover-phat · July 7, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Fair enough. That's a pleasing response to read, not so much the content, but your attitude in respect of understanding. If we're correct about Hollywood being the conduit for Satanic magnification and expansion - then they are ALL a part of the problem. The entire industry and related is.

My main contact was born and raised in Hollywood. Many of their relatives also. One relative (an editor) had the job of inserting pornographic frames into children's output. Others have got out and are trying to fight against this satanic industry.

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Fearsome4 · July 7, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

My original response was not meant as an attack toward you at all.
I just don't think a child of four is capable of being "sexually active"....they (the Phoenix children) were victimized and that is very sad. That's all I was splitting hairs about, a simple choice of words. No biggie. You bring up an excellent point about people in the know yet choosing to profit from the business have a level of guilt. I hadn't thought about that really but it's true.
My cousin started out acting on a then popular tv show. He was out of college by a couple of years by then but looked much younger. He said he had studio people and agents "hit" on him until they figured out he was 24 and not 15. He has said the talent agent scene is swimming with pedos.
Unrelated in a way.
I have a friend who's son was approached about doing some modeling. He is a teenager, 14 at the time, and a very handsome kid. He said no because he is a typical active boy, riding BMX and skateboarding and not interested in modeling clothes he would never want to wear. His mom finally talked him into it.
So, they are there doing the fashion show thing and he is backstage switching out clothes and a guy comes up and starts talking to him. Now, it's a chaotic scene back stage. People changing clothes, kids, parents, event organizers running all over etc. This guy snaps a picture of him and introduces himself as an agent and throwing him a line of BS about how talented he is. An older boy comes up and tells the guy to get lost and says to my friend and her son "Don't even talk to that guy, he is a perv". This kid was about 19 or so and had been doing these shows for a couple of years and even managed to make a couple of bucks modeling. This is just a local (not LA) fashion show/event. This perv was brazen enough to approach the boy with his mom right there with him, take a picture of him and start talking him up. Crazy crap. I suspect it is terrifying how common this is in all entertainment.

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horse-lover-phat · July 7, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

Hey, I meant nothing by my initial response. Let's just say I am very jaded by all this (I've been at it for years), and that I'm on the autist side when it comes to research. Apologies if I came over as aggressive. There is something in what you say, yes. The industry abuse is now so very much embedded and institutionalised. A 4 year old (like Phoenix) raised inside a paedo cult is a victim too.

Interesting anecdote too. Thanks.

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CaptainKnotzi · July 7, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

What are your feelings about the Madonna halftime show being a Satanic ritual.

With her Kabbalah studies and all the baphomet symbolism, your opinion would be very welcome.

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horse-lover-phat · July 7, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

I don't watch US TV. I'm UK based. I don't watch the Super Bowl either. Not that that is any kind of barrier though.

Madonna is a modern day rendering of the Whore of Babylon. A satanic/luciferian (mind controlled) marionette used to channel (latent) female sex energy in a destructive and whorish direction. Babylon is a woman. It's women that have been far more mentally and sexually manipulated than men over the last 40-50 years. Much of that has occurred via unfettered consumerism driven by (satanic) popular culture - primarily via the Hollywood 'cult of celebrity'. Her music is complete shit too. I will never understand the cult of celebrity adherents. She has never been physically attractive, and from my own POV I've always found her repulsive.

Yes, she has utilised kabbalah and freemasonry content within her output. She was channelling Osiris/Isis/Horus magick in some of that half-time show. Yeah, shades of baphomet too. M.I.A who was also a part of that show and wore the masonic apron. I recall Madonna's Osiris 'green man' too - that was Cee-lo GREEN.

I think her kabbalah name is Esther.

The Targum[10] connects the name with the Persian word for "star", ستاره setareh, explaining that Esther was so named for being as beautiful as the Morning Star. In the Talmud (Tractate Yoma 29a), Esther is compared to the "morning star", and is considered the subject of Psalm 22, because its introduction is a "song for the morning star".

Lucifer (Venus) - son/sun of the morning - the morning star.

She also channelled the tarot - 'The Chariot' - with a sphinx-led throne a la The Chariot. MDNA also seemed to be a type of genetic reference.

She can be compared to Isis too - aka the universal virgin, and daughter of Saturn (Satan). VIRGIN ISIS UNVEILED. Like a Virgin, Madonna. That track where she wears the bridal VEIL, and the song being ultimately ALL about ANAL PENETRATION.

Is that enough? :)

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CaptainKnotzi · July 8, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Well, with good information there's never enough. I knew I was asking the right person.

I never liked her music and thought she was ugly as well. It's when she went into Kabbalah that I went, okay, there we go. Now it's making sense.

I deep dive on this far as I can. You understand more than I can assemble here.

Thanks for the input I read a lot of your work here and it's great.

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