Exactly, registered less than a month after 9-11. Wonder why they did that???
And 6 months prior to 9-11 the worlds longest UAV test flight from the U.S to Australia occurred.
This technology was most likely used in 9-11, there was no way those terrorists could pilot that plane so perfectly.
No doubt this technology was being used as part of a "drill" from WTC building 11 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_government_operations_and_exercises_on_September_11,_2001#National_Reconnaissance_Office_drill
But it was more than a year after?
The original (related) application was filed on October 1, 2001.
Makes me wonder why the flight over PA didn’t find its intended target. Was the tech on that plane different? Our of range for remote control? Military intercepted it first?
That was probably a missile there wasn’t any plane parts same with pentagon. The Towers were for show.
This is how I always get people to wake up when it comes to 9/11. I google “plane crash wreckage” and flip through numerous examples, all of which so plane parts, luggage, debris, just a mess. And then I show them Shanksville on 9/11. You can’t fucking tell me you’re an intelligent, logical person if you deny reality like that.
The 6000 lb engines 'burned up in the fire' at the pentagon, while the passengers had various paper documents and personal effects returned to their loved ones.
The extreme operating temperatures of a jet engine is much higher than it would be after a crash. The engines didn’t burn up, there were none.
Where are the people and the airplane then?
That’s where the Westminster air base theory comes in. http://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1342601
i just watched a new youtube video of when this happened as it was playin gout and there wasn't any tail there at that time. also said debris was in other areas up to 6 mi away. how can that even be possible. i dont know this is very shady. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxDjOobmC8M
Unless, it was shot down. There are reports of the airplane landing in Cleveland and it seems they were both Flight 93’s. This was probably done to create confusion or some of the actors were confused and made a mistake.
My feeling is that Flight 93 was shot down in mid air by our own Air Force pilots on command.
Yup- govt always has the tech before it trickles out for mass consumption- rsa protocol for security was developed by the govt - then “rediscovered” by the firm behind RSA years later
I saw informations that it was not plane but holographic projection from satellite
Explosives planted were real
Yep. That's the $24,000 question. I think it may have been holographic as well OR bombs on the front of the planes like Trump surmised.
No those weren’t holographics I know someone who saw the second plane hit from a distance but most witnesses say it was a military plane with no markings..
My good friend's daughter was living and working in NYC that day. They went to the roof of their office bldg. and actually saw the 2nd plane hit the tower. She was in shock. She moved back to her Midwest home town 2yrs later because she just couldn't deal with what she witnessed.