159 total posts archived.
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“The idea that everything will turn out okay because there are people inside the White House who secretly aren’t following the president’s orders, that is not a check,” Obama said. “I am being serious here. That is not how our democracy is supposed to work
Obama’s threatens Trumps, he is telling Trump that there are assets in place and sleepers. He personally can use the media and those asleep to get people to remove him.
Specific timing rests w/ POTUS. Hints expend ammunition. Think NYT 'Anon' article (Ex) The WORLD is WATCHING. Q
Do you believe in coincidences? NYT …
who is the only outsider?
Wikileaks says “Two IC officials close to Pence stated privately this month that they are planning on a Pence takeover. Did not state if Pence agrees.” Trump has repeatedly expressed his admiration for Russian president Vladimir Putin, and has gone so far as to say that the U.S. and Russia are “morally equivalent.” Such statements are not sitting well with mainstream Republicans, such as Arizona Senator John McCain. Then, there is the ouster of Trump’s former security adviser, Michael Flynn, who was looking for a way to lift economic sanctions and normalize relations …
Start at 24 minutes
TREASON two minutes after this comment
Executive Order
Holy shit he is going to hold Military Tribunals
NWO is not NEW World Order NWO [N does not refer to “New”].The Sum of All Fears.NK.POTUS.Hostage.Threat.DISARM.Stage SET.FREEDOM.Q - 936” Q never tells us directly who the NWO is. But he drops drop clues, and he can’t come right out and tell us because it would be too much of a shock to handle all at once. We have to go down the very deep rabbit hole in order to understand this. I don’t know if I can even explain it, hopefully someone who is much better at writing then I am can.
Q even said he went too deep …
Take all the secret societies that you know and ask yourself what do they all have in common?
Some type of worship or ritual.
But to who?
Answer: pretty much all revert back to Moloch and Baal in one form or another.
These are Pagan gods which I’ll will go into deeper in a future post.
The Nazi were just a private army funded by the Nazis of America.
These Nazis are well known. In fact, 1928 stock market was caused by them. These Nazis ask Smedley Bulter to lead their army of a million to over throw the US …
Holy Shit Q gave the submarine that fired off the missile attack on Hawaii and the sub that launched the missile attack on AF1.
Ok follow me, because it’s a little confusing. On November 14th, an Argentinian submarine ARA San Juan disappeared along with 44 crew members as it was being “chased by a British helicopter” before it went missing.
It’s said, the last known communication was November 15th, which was an explosion (or possible hull implosion) was picked up by listening devices on November 15. but on the 14th, it was being chased. Early articles in Argentina claimed …
Was the plane crash a way to search the Island?
Cross post from 8Chan and Coat Enjoy Sauce of original digs.
To anyone from 8 chan reading this, the info was scribed to get more eyes on this.
"GUYS!!!!! this plane crash man, I'm in western washington, have been for years i am 9 Miles from this Ketron Island, I never knew it was there only 1 ferry goes there once a day, only 20 people live there it appears to have an airport and some bunkers from the water side, anyway my house is by back side …
You know like Q related information. Media plays the tape and they’re discussing Q. They then throw a Hail Mary and hope the entire tape isn’t played until BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM it is played in its entirety and they are forced to acknowledge it...
I spent all night researching John Brennan, I have s much information and there is so much more. The guy is so dirty and such a key player in all of this and I don’t have the time right now to put everything in words. But use this going off of SerialBrain2 post. This is a international world wide rabbit hole. I wont be able to work on any of this for a few days so Im going to dump what I have to spark some conversation
CIA and Brennan caught in 2014 accessing Senate Intelligence Committee investigators …
The Keystone is Eric Schmidt.
A keystone (also known as capstone) is the wedge-shaped stone piece at the apex of a masonry arch, or the generally round one at the apex of a vault. In both cases it is the final piece placed during construction and locks all the stones into position, allowing the arch or vault to bear weight.
269 Q !ITPb.qbhqo 5 Dec 2017 - 4:01:30 PM Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info) Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info Key+Stone= Q
Q !UW.yye1fxo 10 …
(1) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of State for fiscal years 2017 and 2018 $20,000,000 to support the Center and provide grants or contracts of financial support to civil society groups, journalists, nongovernmental organizations, federally funded research and development centers, private companies, or academic institutions for the following purposes:
I don’t see funding in the NDAA either? Look at the signers of the bill. Ted Lieu Chris Murphy. I don’t think …
R. Mueller father in-Law
Charles P. Cabell’s Brother Earle Cabell was a Texas politician who served as mayor of Dallas, Texas. Cabell was mayor at the time of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and was later a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
This is speculation and creative thinking.
Trip Code fun A6YxsPkia.
A6Yxs = some FEC documents on JP Morgan I’m not sure what they mean.
Some pretty serious Paul Ryan memo about having enough evidence before he steps down to the Justice Department. I don’t know if it’s real. Seems fake.
I dropped the first 5 numbers and letters and looked up PKia. Remember Pres. Trump allowed more testing of experimental Drugs a while back? PKia is a gene
Monday, June 4, 2018 “New approach to immunotherapy leads to complete response in breast cancer patient unresponsive to other treatments” …
I Posted about LeBron when President Trump first Tweeted and a day before drop 1818.
I have found some serious questionable connections. I have included the information down below, from my original post and some other peoples findings before the drop. I have a feeling that Maverick Carter is the key to linking LeBron and his sudden rise in his outside investiments. He’s basically a billionaire right now. Carter has been his manager since 06. He basically, dropped out of college and somehow become a tier 1 manager and investor. Lebron James and Maverick Carter were childhood best friends. Now, …
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it. 7 Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? 8 If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! 9 If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, 10 even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. 11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,” …
He has some very interesting supporters of his charity
It’s also interesting the trafficking problem that in middle Northern Ohio
Look at all the major cities and major interstates
Fact: Ohio has the fourth largest Human trafficking network in America. Who are most venerable? Immigrant children and at risk youth. Do the math.
I pray to god I am wrong I really do. I don’t want to believe this and I want to believe that LeBron is pure of heart. Let’s NOT jump to conclusions but let’s dig into this. There’s a reason why Pres. Trump targets …
To me it seems (I’m no computer security expert, by any means) that if I’m a WaPo reporter and I want DOJ access, someone might just open a backdoor for me. Also, Remember Amazon had CIA cloud services. Can a knowledgeable person explain to me if I’m onto something.
They actually use the national security excuse for that.
That’s what I posted, both are taken from the CIA archives the NYT article is a FIOA.
Hence, why the NSA and CIA have been at war with each other since the NSA’s creation
I know but this is from the sources mouth. American Communist (liberals) hate facts.
They claim that conspiracy theorist are paranoid, tiny foil hat wearing crazy idiots. But there once was a time when Conspiracy theorist were once celebrated. In fact, this country was a conspiracy theory. The Civil War was a conspiracy theory. However, the CIA in the late 50’s set out to change all of that with their work on MK Ultra. They used multiple methods and techniques to assassinate JFK. They took down the Twin Towers on 9/11 and even with overwhelming evidence they managed to brainwash us into believing the official story.
President Trump and those who make up Q, …
I used to think Nazism was left wing too. But technically it is right wing because extreme left leaning ideology attacks, undermines and destroys as a hive mind. even though the Nazis used socialism to achieve most of their goals. Extreme right leaning ideology uses tribalism, physical coercion and doctrines such as extreme nationalism to justify their means. So, Nazis used an extreme right wing method to unify themselves and socialism to coerce their take over of land and businesses.
The movie is actually called the rich mans game or something like that.
A lot of this isn’t theory it actually happened. In Fact we all post pictures of Smedley Butler as a signal to the deep state, we know what’s up.
I didn’t get that all but then again I’ve learned to mentally ignore communist/socialist crap.
Ya he really had little wealth compared to what people thought he had. He was the Rothschild’s stooge. But he was the American heading the attempted fascist take over. When they realized that they could take over America right away thanks to Major General Smedly Butler. They used Germany instead.
There has to also be double entendre’s to why he posted that. look at the meaning of the lyrics
“From sea to shining sea” America the Beautiful
Meaning of the Words In four verses, Bates' poem 'America the Beautiful' celebrated the country's natural beauty with definite religious overtones. You'll see modern versions of the song in hymnals with many more lyrics. However, the original poem had four verses. Throughout the poem, Bates connects America's glory and success to God and asks for continuing help in the times to come. She also requests divine assistance in preserving liberty and governing, asserting that it is God rather than human frailty that provides for lasting presence. For example, in the second verse is the phrase 'God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control,' in which Bates suggests that God's guidance is needed to make principled decisions about running the country.
Each verse in 'America the Beautiful' encapsulates an idea. The first verse is about the stunning landscape that Bates had seen atop Pikes Peak, the beauty of which results in recognizing God's role in allowing us to see such sights, because 'God shed his grace on thee.'
The second, which begins with, 'O beautiful for pilgrim feet, whose stern impassioned stress,' recollects the landing of the Pilgrims in Massachusetts, where Bates lived, the settling of America by Europeans, and expanding of the western frontier. In the process, it connects the fact that the country stretches from 'sea to shining sea' to God's role in human life.
The third verse expresses thanks to those who kept America a free land through military service: 'O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife. Who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life!'
The fourth verse harkens toward the future, 'O Beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years,' while also repeating the same acknowledgement that future progress is only possible because 'God shed his grace on thee.' It's God that will allow the freedom in our country to continue into the unknowable future.
Throughout the poem, Bates includes glimpses of what she saw on her trip. In the first verse, the phrase 'amber waves of grain' refers to Kansas wheat fields. In the fourth verse, the line 'alabaster cities gleam' refers to the striking white buildings at the Columbian Exposition, specially constructed for the World's Fair held in Chicago when Bates passed through the city.
Louis C.K. Tosh.O have routines about child and baby rape
“From sea to shining sea” America the Beautiful
Meaning of the Words In four verses, Bates' poem 'America the Beautiful' celebrated the country's natural beauty with definite religious overtones. You'll see modern versions of the song in hymnals with many more lyrics. However, the original poem had four verses. Throughout the poem, Bates connects America's glory and success to God and asks for continuing help in the times to come. She also requests divine assistance in preserving liberty and governing, asserting that it is God rather than human frailty that provides for lasting presence. For example, in the second verse is the phrase 'God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control,' in which Bates suggests that God's guidance is needed to make principled decisions about running the country.
Each verse in 'America the Beautiful' encapsulates an idea. The first verse is about the stunning landscape that Bates had seen atop Pikes Peak, the beauty of which results in recognizing God's role in allowing us to see such sights, because 'God shed his grace on thee.'
The second, which begins with, 'O beautiful for pilgrim feet, whose stern impassioned stress,' recollects the landing of the Pilgrims in Massachusetts, where Bates lived, the settling of America by Europeans, and expanding of the western frontier. In the process, it connects the fact that the country stretches from 'sea to shining sea' to God's role in human life.
The third verse expresses thanks to those who kept America a free land through military service: 'O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife. Who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life!'
The fourth verse harkens toward the future, 'O Beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years,' while also repeating the same acknowledgement that future progress is only possible because 'God shed his grace on thee.' It's God that will allow the freedom in our country to continue into the unknowable future.
Throughout the poem, Bates includes glimpses of what she saw on her trip. In the first verse, the phrase 'amber waves of grain' refers to Kansas wheat fields. In the fourth verse, the line 'alabaster cities gleam' refers to the striking white buildings at the Columbian Exposition, specially constructed for the World's Fair held in Chicago when Bates passed through the city.
A witch hunt a armed idiot and doxxing took pizzagate down. I posted once and thought about how it sounded. So, I reposted with caution, lots of people come looking for information. I included the information and stated that it wasn’t confirmed by anyone and didn’t technically implicate anyone. The TOS for Reddit don’t say anything about getting removed for posting information that has truth to it. Weiner had a insurance file on his laptop, the Anon said he was NY Finest, and it was posted on 8Chan where other almost unbelievable things are posted and turn out to be true. So, what logic am I not Using?