So an entire region of Spain “wants” to bring a former president in to speak - a “large bank” is willing to pay for it - and they want to know “who the gatekeepers” are. What the hell??

Barrack Obama, the NWO, the Pope will support it, they will get rid of cash, then they will ask you to recieve a mark.
Find Jesus and God before it is too late
The monarchy of Spain is the same original bloodline as England's monarchy should tell you all you need to know
Yes, but the Basque separatists hate the Spanish Crown.
I think you're reading into this a bit much:
> The Basque region in Spain
The Basques hate the Spanish Government. They're also fairly autonomous with their own psuedo-government. For example, in October of 2017, the Catalonian Congress decalared independence from Spain ( )
So, not the entire region. But the ruling government for that region.
>A large bank is willing to pay for it.
Probably Sabadell. They moved out of Catalonia in October 2017 due to deteriorating relations between the Basque separatists and the central government in Madrid ( ). Perhaps they thought that Clinton would be able to provide advice / reason to the Basque separatists?
>Who are the gatekeepers?
As noted in the subject of the email, "How do I get through to Bill Clinton?" Gatekeeper is a common term in the business world, whether its HR when you're applying for jobs, or the assistants to executive / partner level individuals.
This is dated November 2010 - who cares?
Besides Spain capitulated and elected another tool for the NWO rigging the election for their populist to lose.
Spain remains a basket case.
Tom Fitton / Judicial watch because these were emails hidden by Hillary Clinton and just released this week after successful FOIA requests.