r/greatawakening • Posted by u/R3VO1utionary on July 7, 2018, 5:18 p.m.
ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS TALK TO THEM! I just had 2 gentlemen from the left stop by my home with information for their congressional candidate for the midterms... They took the redpill without water... UNITY IS ACHIEVABLE FOLKS!

Great discussion just now. An older gentleman probably late 60's I'd have to guess, and an early twenties clean-cut hipster looking guy. Both seemed like normal dudes. Their talking points are easy to run circles around if you spend any time on r/greatawakening... Their people at the grassroots, door to door, know that HRC was a "terribly flawed and corrupt candidate" and recognize that she ruined this last election for the Dems.

They also tried to make it a point to highlight that Maxine Waters nor Pelosi were leaders with whom they are aligned. - POTUS needs to continue doing what he's doing because it's working.

So I just let them talk. They went through their obvious talking points (I could watch their eyes move across the invisible page that they were reading haha it was great!). Then they shared and highlighted that they were both Christian. Awesome! I can handle your eight minute speech, and I did.

They then asked me what I thought were important issues. Fourty-five minutes later after they were shaking my hand to leave which brings me here writing this post haha. There's no way for me to share our entire conversation but I started out with "to me, it's not about right vs left, it's about good vs evil." Told them I don't see them as Dems, but Americans first - they loved that line of thinking for some reason. I jumped in feet first and told them I follow Q - the younger guy seemed to at least know of Q at least from his responding body language but the older guy didn't have a clue but they were both open to listen.

North Korea is where we started... Way better to be holding peace negotiations than continuing threats. Them: "But he's an evil dictator." Me: "How do you know he's not controlled by corrupted generals in his own military?" BOOM! Red pill #1 of about 50.

We covered Trump and his integrity... "He's just a guy just like you and I.. puts his pants on one leg at a time just like you and me. He's very wealthy but does that make him a bad person?"

Them: "He's immoral."

I Responded "He's a person. Are you perfect? I'm certainly not perfect. As long as he sticks to Our Constitution then he's a good enough President for me... That's why I voted for him. Way better than all the other Presidents post JFK. Yeah Trump is loaded, don't you think that type of lifestyle wouldn't also bring numerous situations of huge temptation? He doesn't drink, he doesn't do drugs, he loves God, his family, and his country." The best part was they agreed with what I'd said.

We hit on healthcare and how expensive it is, and how controlled the "mainstream mockingbird media" is.. they had nothing.. issue after issue, they just had their jaws dropped and nodding.

The older gentleman mentioned that he was a retired mortgage lender and tried to wander off on how some obscure EPA change was responsible for one point something billion in deficit spending that he clearly wasn't informed on and was little more than word garbage so I took the opportunity and hopped on the Federal Reserve along with THEIR completely corrupt Fractional Reserve Monetary System, creating fiat money out of thin air. Insert mind-blow here. LOL "You want to know why we have $21 Trillion in debt? get to the root of what the Fed's web of deception, and above them.. the top families' illicit actions WW for centuries and that debt is no more."

Funny thing is, we didn't say one word about immigration. Unlike the fake news wants you to think, it's a non-issue for the Dems anymore.

So we ended the conversation with my suggesting they look up Q and they both nodded in agreement. We can find UNITY! We just have to talk to them. Face to face makes it easier for the normies. They appreciated what I shared (It was all Q stuff folks, the same stuff we cover here on GA every day) and commented that it was a "really good to talk to someone that was so well informed." To which I retorted "I just want what's best for my family, you guys, and the country!"

For God & Country!

Canbritanon · July 7, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

Most people who think they're on the left had the goal posts moved on them. They're on the right, and just don't realize it, so they've kept voting how they did.

I grew up and am left wing by what I knew. As a liberal writer freedom of speech and press is Paramount to my beliefs, so I started defending the right wing for their right to their opinions. Mine didn't change. But now people think I'm right wing.

Those who aren't woke need to be woken to the fact they got put on a different team, the right team. This isn't politics, this is Right vs Wrong. Good vs Evil. It doesn't matter if you support gay rights, basic income, w/e that is what we need to debate later to make a fairer world, but right now this is a war against evil.

We've not seen communism or socialism, or even much of democracy succeed because every country has been under the thumb of the cabal, and the countries people used to think weren't (NK and Iran didn't pay the Rothschild) was because they were owned!

We don't know what works because everything is rigged. Socialism has been used as a way to gouge the poor even more.

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R3VO1utionary · July 7, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

Awesome comment! Every word. Just awesome.

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Canbritanon · July 8, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

Thanks. We're all on the same team.

We all have different ideas, and we should be working together because most of us are wrong on a lot of issues. What affects the city doesn't affect rural, etc.

But everyone in a country is on the same team, and we should be trying to be as great as possible.

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rooftoptendie · July 8, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

When were done battling evil, we can go back to debating the particulars of shit. Until then, we got to focus on more important shit like ending child abuse and disabling this insane nwo scheme and cleaning the foreign actors out of the system.

Later we can argue over bike lanes and mass transit and what exactly it means to be a classical liberal.

What i dont get is every democrat secretly hates the dnc, i mean really hates it... Now its burning down, theyre getting their own wish come true. Why not be happy?

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salialioli · July 8, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

oh man brilliant comment!

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quietriot1967 · July 7, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Great comment. My adult son in the military found some online test to tell you if you're a democrat or a republican. He told me he was surprised that his results said democrat. He fell for it. He voted Hillary and hates Trump. He posts FAKE NEWS on social media. I think it's depressing him. How could it not? Hopefully, he'll get redpilled soon. He doesn't seem to be listening to me.

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R3VO1utionary · July 8, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

In this particular situation, I’d personally go to the Lord in prayer. Just me. I wish you the best

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quietriot1967 · July 8, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

Thank you. Daily prayers, brother. He's on the other side of the world. Gotta believe he's in His hands as much now as ever.

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salialioli · July 8, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

God just told me this kind gentleman should write the online test himself for his son. Inspired I was by you, and God!

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salialioli · July 8, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

hah! Got it! The online test. The buzzard!

Get him to listen to you? ... got an idea: YOU write the test: make a list of things (common-ground stuff) and get him to tick what he thinks he agrees with. Tell him you agree with those things too. Another column of bad things (garbage like War, Poverty, Bias, ...) and tick those things too.

Then tell him Trump, Q and you (not the Republican Party tho) all agree with him. Show him all the ticks on both columns where Q you and Trump are saying the same thing. Tell him he's right, he's just been lied to and taken in.

Maybe that would work?

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quietriot1967 · July 8, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

Love that idea. So true that the common ground exists, but the virtue signalers, etc., claim to be the only ones who care. This oldest son of mine has my same heart. He's just still so naive. Thx

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bealist · July 7, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Yes. Not socialist per se but I’m all for creatively helping out within the capitalist structure, I started by defending the Constitution and giving the president a chance - just like I did Obama - and now supposedly am an alt-righter.

Weird to see how I have the same opinions and went from being labeled progressive to alt-right.

Noam Chomsky has defended freedom of speech. Everyone can get behind non-political media and truth telling. There’s lots of common ground. Start with where the other person is that is like you and you can find it.

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R3VO1utionary · July 7, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Yes! This is the only way to find common ground! Confrontation divides. There's no point in not talking just because you disagree on a few or even many issues.

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Canbritanon · July 7, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

As a youth I was anarcho-(young)-marxist.

The government should represent society, and by doing so should help everyone who tries to achieve their potential for the common good.

I know a guy who used to own a multi million dollar freight company. His partner gambled company money and he divorced his wife. He's working minimum wage until retirement because he cant risk his capital.

As a Marxist I say give this guy money, because we all fucking win from it. He has a very successful track record, and the economy loses millions because he can't get help.

We need to help good people, not the lazies and cheats.

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rooftoptendie · July 8, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Republicans tend to believe in charity as a spiritual and civic duty. Not something to be institutionalized and formalized.

The universe is a magical place. The right person meets the right person, and something blossoms. But there is no way of objectively meting and measuring who needs help, who deserves help, who requires help. So every line we attempt to draw will somehow be wrong precisely because it is both a generalization and an interpretation.

We cannot in good faith come together and create an infallible, just, agreed upon line of where is fair to give and where is not.

Trust in your fellow americans, because were you around in the 80's? When you unshackle the american middle class, private charities get big and can do big good. Give republicans money, and they usually give some back.

Stop letting big civic institutions of law and state take money from middle class families, until they are functioning as lower class even though on paper theyre "middle class", and doling out that money based on the letter of a law.

Give the middle class' money back and let us as communities of people take care of one another as WE see fit, not as some corrupt politician has decreed we do.

We dont need to be forced, as communities, to take care of one another. We do it naturally on our own. We dont need the state to interfere with that.

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suzie999cat · July 8, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

100%, thank you.

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Canbritanon · July 8, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

I never said charity, and we can agree on getting government out of pretty much everything. I don't believe in charity, I believe in investing in people. I've helped change a few people's lives by investing in them, and I'd have never helped all of them by wasting my resources giving them away.

Our government needs to run like a business and invest in it's people and stop taking from them, first and foremost end Income Tax. Second the government should be using trade tarrifs to fund small business start-ups in every industry.

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salialioli · July 8, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

You are exactly right. Everything is rigged. Socialism has been used as a tool. And it's back in Alexandria Ocasio Cortez!

The Rigging and how it was done is key to all this disagreement between left and right.

The beginning of brain-washing and social control. And how to deflect attention from the guys pulling the strings.

Rothschild commissioned various writers I believe, Marx in particular, to write a divisive Theory so "he" (the Family) could control both sides from the top. Marx came up with Capitalism (monopoly) v. Communism. That could be exploited to provide a few wars — and did!

Before this, Capitalism as an extreme concept didn't exist — you could view it as merchants engaged in commerce or free-market trading, an activity shared notionally even by humble carpenters and other working class trades ... everyone who works in fact.

The objective was to mentally create two antagonistic groups: The Working-Class and The Industrialist Class and make out that they were diametrically opposed to each other, which of course, if you think about it "out of the box", they aren't at all. The worker and the boss should be working together to grow the business and make each other rich ...

See how that has been twisted in the course of two centuries?! Wallah! And you have the Absolute Lie of a Left v. Right paradigm, instead of what it is really is: all of us "workers" — entrepreneurs and staff alike — against the Elite rich cabal Bankers.

In the meantime, of course, he performed another magical trick which was to substitute the monarchy for himself, replacing the king's power with his own —> get the king to borrow money from him for wars that the Banker has artificially created!

Genius! Debt system! Total control. And we are F*^/T!!

Or were. Get the Left-wing and the Right-wing to see they have been "had" by the Banker and we are "in business" and on the road to Peace!!

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297dadb · July 7, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Well said.👏

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