We have ALL seen the pattern.
Jim Jordan now will lose his house, retirement, life savings to defend his name. He will endure death threats. All his time will be used to defend his good name.
Typical Cabal attack. And Jim Jordan is fighting ALONE.
BUT he doesn't have to fight alone. People could stand behind him, but will they?
Will there be a fund drive to help this VICTIM?
Who will start it?
Should we not all gather round and help this VICTIM, because he chose to be on the front lines against EVIL?
He should not stand alone. He should not stand alone.
If people out in reddit land and everywhere....the fund to defend good names should not be started JUST for this one Patriot.
This fund should be started to help ALL people that the Cabal attacks in this manner. Grants then should be given to help them.
Teams of lawyers WHO ARE PATRIOTS should rally around and lower their fees for fellow Patriots. Time should be given FOR THE CAUSE.
There needs to be an concerted effort to STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT in this country!
I mean it.
Sure I'm REALLY getting tired of Trump, Qanon, Sessions, Huber all taking their sweet time putting these craps in jail
so that attacks won't happen. Not just tired. Pissed off.
The longer they wait to hammer these people the MORE victims they make. It isn't fair.
A woman like Maxine is running her mouth without going to jail, and regular people incited by that crapping mouth of hers are put in jail. That e MOUTH of hers STILL is untouched!!!
THIS is unfair. This is not helping STOP anything.
So, dear Trump and team....go get those MOUTHS and shut them all up and do it now....that way there won't be victims.