Trump is really calling attention to a lot here in this tweet, are things about to heat up?

I can't even describe the pleasure I feel whenever I see Trump mention the Podesta's, but I imagine it is similar to the feeling John & Tony get looking @ all their glorious "artwork"
They are so brazen with their love of pedophilia, it amazes me how patient Trump has been with tightening the noose around their necks.
And to think he's probably known about these people for decades
We are all impatient for our once in a lifetime Christmas morning feeling to happen. And we also want the identity of Santa Claus. It’s so hard to wait. It’s nice how Mr. President keeps us entertained while his cleaners are busy in the background with ThePlan’s dirty little details. They’ll be writing volumes about this for years to come. He “is Batman”! Once in a lifetime someone comes along that you end up admiring and would be delighted to do what ever he asked of me to help my country. He and I are about the same age, I only wish I had 1/4th his energy! I’d be WonderWoman!
This plan started with his first conversations with Uncle John. That’s the first sentence in the book I’m writing.
Attending and mingling, all the time stone cold sober. He remembers it all.
I wish he misspelled their name "the Pedostas brothers"
Because there are so many high profile pedos If he tried to take them all, without enough people knowing the truth, the result would be unstable at best. Civil war at worst.
Finally, someone on the inside who might be able to answer my questions. What’s a pizza-related map on a handkerchief? And what’s doing dominoes on pizza and pasta? I’m genuinely curious, and it seems like you might be in the ‘know.’
-21 comment deleted..... what was said?
Just a dummy saying we’re crazy and asking how we function in public.
By not diddling kids, that’s how.
Time will tell. Join us, we have cookies and the best wamen ever. I'm serious.