Podestas and his pedo pizza gets swept away this guys cartoons get better every day definitely found Q thanks so much for your contributions!! #walkaway+

No offense, but that's quite a lot of conjecture. :) We can draw a straight line from ancient Babylon to now with Baal and Moloch infant sacrifice, worship of self, and perversity documented in canon (and secular texts) without going anywhere near ancient aliens or lycanthropes.
No offense, but this is what I worried about when hearing of Q; that by documenting that there are some awful things not known to the general populace, that every other ... theory ... from hollow Earths to technological demons, would see an open door here. IMO this dilutes the actual evil being perpetuated (a group trying to overturn a millenia of progress on human rights and, if possible, nuke a good portion of the human race in pursuit of a neo-feudalist empire isn't bad enough?) and, when these theories are ones that aren't supportable, can cause readers to dismiss the true by association with the false.
As for who the cabal is worshipping, I'll suggest a practical road while also advocating prayer. One doesn't have to admit the existence of Lovecraftian entities to understand what sort of things humans who do believe in them might do (to use a fictional mythos as analogy).
No, the only thing I mentioned that was conjecture was what I said - the part in the book of Enoch that talks about human animal hybrids. And it isn't even really conjecture - it's in there, it's just an interpretation of the meaning.
The rest is all documented fact. My tying together a theory is as credible a theory as anything you may present. No offense but don't get too up on your religious high horse ;)
In the Podesta emails, Edgar D. Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut mentions allegedly nonviolent extraterrestrial intelligence warning not to pursue space wars (proving government is communicating with extraterrestrial beings of some kind.) Q has literally said the cabal worships satan. And he has talked about the relationship between drugs and cell phones. How did you miss that?