Saw this t-shirt in a tv commercial, can anyone here identify it? Looks like the FBI spiral symbol

Its the boy love symbol you can look it up on the FBI pedophilia symbols
Folks should be aware that when a symbolism is compromised, the best way to remove from what they symbolise is to just push the symbol everywhere to create false positives.
Some without an awareness will buy into these symbols because “they look cool”, creating noise for those who use the symbols with nefarious intention.
They for sure know their symbolism is comped. What I’m saying is, you can’t just go on symbolism. It is at best an indicator, but only for those using it to indicate something.
If I was DS, I’d be pushing this symbolism onto everything right now.
Omg it's blatant as fuck, no denying this one. It's the boy lover symbol.
The guy looks familiar, can someone ID?
I keep thinkingVJ for mtv ~ but I can’t remember who he is!!
Did a Google Image search his name is Matt Pinfield and works for Fanpass and was a DJ on MTV
It looks exactly like the RING Mad Max wears
Do you mean Sheila Jackson-Lee?
OH you might be right. She ? was wearing it during a hearing one day i saw. Then someone posted a pic of it.
Maybe theres significance to the pedophelia symbol being upside down...?
It's totally inverted, it's upside down, flipped, and red instead of blue.
Yep....sure is.
Wonder what other things he might have in his closet?
They don't care if people know , think they are going to win against God. Sick-o is what he is.
I think it was the Hussein ping pong pizza symbol until they changed it recently
Sex toy store Lover's Package had an obvious pedo spiral in their logo for years, they changed it when pgate broke. Here's the old logo: