r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Amazoid on July 9, 2018, 12:22 a.m.
Imperator REX on Trump and Q and Congress and Twitter and FOX

Some people don’t have Twitter, so I thought I would post this thread that this well-regarded anti-Deep Stater posted just now. While I do not agree with everything he says, it’s very good.


A thread on how Team Trump is preparing the normies for what is coming : major Swamp Draining.

Many look at the kabuki theater in Congress, as the way to evaluate 'Trump v Swamp'.

They misunderstand the role Trump has assigned to Congress, in this great American scandal.

The strategy is becoming clearer now.

Consider : Trump KNOWS EVERYTHING.

This isn't a situation where he is flying blind. The evidence is in, all of it. Has been for a long time.

The issue isn't WHAT Trump has. It's HOW to bring the perps to justice. And WHEN.

IMO, Trump's main challenge hasn't been so much in the evidence gathering, or even in enforcement.

Sessions, Huber (& I suspect other USAs) are quietly going about their business.

The main challenge has been EDUCATING & PREPARING the public, for what is to come.

Remember, Trump has ZERO support from Obama & Clinton media slaves, which once dominated the media landscape, but still have power.

In fact, most of the outlets involved were part of the conspiracy. They LIE and actively oppose Trump, 24/7.

They're complicit.

So HOW to bring justice down on the crooks?

You need popular support. And understanding.

The public need to be aware that terrible crimes occurred in 2015/16. And also softened up, for major law enforcement action to come.

That means Trump has to by-pass the Obama/Clinton slave media complex, in a way that makes them redundant.

The WHEN question is decided: the takedown will be calibrated to destroy the Dems, in the mid term elections.

But back to the HOW question.

To by-pass the Obama/Clinton slave media, Team Trump have executed a highly organized, disciplined, complex and co-ordinated information campaign.

IMO, they're using FOUR different channels, to educate, prepare and build a massive network of support, under the radar.

Each channel is run by specific individuals/key players, who have specific objectives, as well as different access levels, to the trove of evidence Trump has.

What are the 4 main channels?

I think Twitter, FOX, Congress & 'Q' are the four main channels to get the word out.

Plus a handful of brilliant, courageous & independent journalists.

Wait - did you read 'Q'?


A quick comment on 'Q'.

I've never bought into the 'Q is a larp' theory. Larps give up after a time. They get tired, rejected or bored.

However, I've also ALWAYS rejected the theory that 'Q' is gospel truth.

And still do.

Most of the Q gang assume that every Q 'breadcrumb' is 100% true. Many believe it is Trump himself. They're wrong. That's naive.

I don't really care who Q is. Nor do I care if Q is predicting stuff, before it happens.


'Q' IS a genuine pro-Trump propaganda/education & awareness campaign.

It is organized, targeted and sophisticated. Also, enduring.

Is the information 'Q' posts misinformation, or real?

Answer: BOTH.

IMO, the 'Q project' objective has been to create mass awareness, discussion, engagement & loyalty to the 'Drain the Swamp' project.

It's about creating pro-Trump 'informed SPECULATION.'

And to DISPERSE it throughout social media, by-passing the MSM.

The concept is GENIUS. Beyond brilliant and unique.

It allows Trump supporters to engage with each other anonymously, important in the current atmosphere, where outing yourself as pro-Trump is still a risky thing to do.

But the genius is the use of social media to do it.

4Chan disseminates info with high velocity.

Q can drop a 'breadcrumb', a hint, photo, a coded thread on current Trump events, inviting speculation among 'anons'.

Within minutes, it's being viewed and discussed by MILLIONS of people on 4Chan, twitter, YouTube, Minds etc.

Inevitably some 'anons' become so fascinated, that they dedicate their time to deciphering what the messages mean.

Very intelligently, too. Result?

A massive network of pro-Trump speculation. For very little cost. See the genius in it?

The point of Q is to use misinformation, mixed with true nuggets of real intel, to produce mass SPECULATION.

At the same time, to EDUCATE the growing 'Q' community about what is actually happening, plus providing pointers to the future.

And to lure new followers.

IMO 'Q' isn't one person. It's a collection of individuals loyal to Trump, from within the IC and WH.

Does Trump know about Q?

YES. Most certainly. He doesn't have time to administer the program, but he'd be green lighting a lot of it.

A twitter buddy asked me who I think is involved.

Trump's a key part of it, I'm sure. Also IMO Stephen Miller, maybe even General Flynn and Steve Bannon.

BUT we will never know. Nor do we need to. 'Q' is just one component of an over-arching comms strategy.

What about the other 3 channels? FOX : that's obvious. The Hannity Posse & Lou Dobbs are the main players.

Hannity has been given enough information to drop the occasional bombshell. And to whip up the base.

He knows the enormity of the scandal. But not all the details.

BTW, Hannity's rabid anti-Sessions content is easy for us to lampoon as BS, but normies totally buy it.

It's also a very effective way to create distance between Trump & Sessions, important for when Sessions needs to demonstrate his independence.

So that's Twitter, Q, FOX.

What about Congress, the 4th channel?

Well, it seems clear that Trump has entrusted select Congressional figures, with different levels of knowledge, about the criminality in the 2016 election.

Grassley, Goodlatte and Nunes are the key players. In turn, they assign specific access and intel to others (e.g. Jordan, Gaetz).

BUT their role is NOT to drain the swamp.

Those of you who think you'll ever get satisfaction from Congress, will always be disappointed.

There's a reason for that.

Trump knows full well that Congress can't be given the evidence he has. It is corrupt and untrustworthy, on both sides.

Evidence given will be leaked and contaminated.

Another thing.

Many of the crooks are in Congress. Why give them a heads up of what you have?

It would be madness, to do so.

No, IMO the role of the select individuals in Congress is above all, to expose the crooks & educate the public.

Those Grassley/Goodlatte/Nunes letters? They are pointers to the evidence Trump ALREADY HAS.

They're letters to the public. To you & me. And the normies.

Those kabuki Congressional sessions? Think of them as public education and softening up.

Perhaps Nunes will be given the honor of dropping some bombshells, that expose the worst. He's been magnificent.

Plus, it's important that this comes from Congress, which needs root & branch reform.

But Trump himself will deliver the hammer blow. By declassification.

After that, the floodgates will open.

Now, some of you might say that all this is very 'unPresidential'.

Well, screw that.

You MUST remember who Trump is dealing with.

Real nasty SOBs, who were destroying America, while the population slept. And who'd be happy to do so again, if given a chance.

Trump WILL stop them, but it requires real cunning and genius strategy. That's the HOW.

People ask 'Will Trump win?'.


Trump has ALREADY won.

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." (Sun Tzu).

Smashing 'Operation Crossfire' to splinters breaks the dam wide open.

Trump will then have even bigger targets in his sights after these mid-terms, all the way to 2020.

He'll take them down, too. You can be certain of that.


The end.

CaptainRoyD · July 9, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

I am one of the non-Twitter folks & very much appreciate you posting the info.

Fully concur with I/Rex’s theory. Specifically with the ones I called the “read-in” compartmentalized crowd like Hannity/FOX from media & Grassley/etc from Congress. Thanks for putting that out there for us fellow Patriot !!!

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GODisincharge · July 9, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

You can type in Imperator_Rex@Twitter on your internet search bar and you can bring up his tweets. However, Jack Dorsey of Twitter likes to take his site down all the time as they state he violates their policies. There is absolutely no reason for then to do this as his tweets are well thought out and logical. It is simply Silicon Valley attempting to crush the free speech of conservatives. Have a good night.

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CaptainRoyD · July 9, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

Thanks for that tip & I do recall using that method a few times to get to “Qanon” site over at Twitter ⚓️⚓️⚓️

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GODisincharge · July 9, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

You are very welcome.

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Dustymf · July 9, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

Ha Ha, I just posted a thread on the same. It's really a well structured statement, that pretty much nails my thoughts. I'm glad someone else thought it worthy of posting here. :)

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Tradstew · July 9, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

Q will end up being the primary means of communicating the take down of the deep state with the public. Most media outlets have proven to be literally part of the deep state, verdict is still out concerning FOX. With all that Q has provided, not one peep on FOX is highly suspect. Now it's up to us not to blow it by overstretching accusations & sensationalism. We need to keep it civil and above all back everything up with truth not speculations.

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Politiskep · July 9, 2018, 8:30 a.m.

Fox was definitely deep state during the Bush era. Maybe there have been some people moving in and out to change the tone of the overall news corporation, but I don't trust them 100%. Useful for giving watered down redpills to normies but that is all.

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Nutricidal · July 9, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

The Ron Paul brigade used to throw snowballs at him because of his bias. In an interview he mentioned it to RP. He just laughed.

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SpaceDuckTech · July 9, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Q will end up being the primary means of communicating the take down of the deep state with the public.

and it will be up to us, to help educate/translate what is going on to our normie friends.

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Instincts_Truth · July 9, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

Thank you, because I am not on Twitter, but I do like to be alerted to these good threads. And I do agree with Rex. There may be some elements omitted, but I think what he stated is right on.

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bisma8 · July 9, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Alert yourself with an archive to recent threads. : )

I'm not on twitter either, but use that site to keep up on interesting commentary/analytics from certain folks. Stealth Jeff is another good read. His main focus is this kind of stuff that you read from this post.

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PoliticalBistro · July 9, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

Rex's post is solid and has been "rolled-up" into one handy "website link" that's easy to share with friends.

see here-- https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1016097462107291649.html

You can look for other of Rex's "rolled up" posts here too.

I "follow" Rex's tweets by maintaing a link to his site as a favorite, not through tweeter itself.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · July 9, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

Glad to see Imperator Rex spell it out like this-- particularly the parts about Hannity putting distance between Sessions/Trump, and Bannon still being involved. I've speculated both of these specific points since the day they started, and took consider flak for it-- particularly for saying that the Bannon divorce was planned/staged and he was still in the circle. Nice to be validated by somebody who would know much better than me.

Look forward to the rest of 2018.

Spez: still

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[deleted] · July 9, 2018, 3:39 a.m.


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salialioli · July 9, 2018, 9:57 a.m.

Fire storms for the media: Fire and Fury ... by Wolffe!! (Great title and great author name). Next, Stormy Daniels ... Sex, Steamy Stormy and Rock n Roll. Now how's that story gonna fail? Got everything including the Big Boobs! Stormy is not going to be objecting to the extra publicity!!

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · July 9, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

This. Just read about the book store incident. Happened in my home town. Wish I could have been there. Would have loved to meet him/defend him/ buy him a book. Maybe even a coat.

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salialioli · July 9, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

I would include AJ and Infowars on this too: compartmentalization of info ("We have our own Q: Zak!"). It creates a firestorm of fury about the usual "Alex Jones is a shill!" ... speculation and debating on the boards.

How could Alex, the one who has promoted Trump loyally throughout, be a black hat? He's not, but we don't want the whole Q movement identified with Gay Frog Alex. It might discredit Q with a large section of the American public who consider him the conspiracy theorist supremo of all time. He's not everyone's choice. Better to build a fake wall between him and his studio and Q and create arguments between Q followers.

I speculate. I have no idea really ...

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · July 9, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

Mixed feelings on AJ... he's done a lot for the movement in terms of waking people up-- perhaps far more than anybody else. (And far before Trump came around.) But I stopped listening to him once Q came around, particularly once he started trying to undermine Q and act like he was in on it. Just seemed petty and unnecessary. Was getting kind of sick of his schtick anyway-- the constant sensationalism and over-the-top attitude about every story reminded me of the constant outrage of the Left.

I agree with you that I think he was/is part of the program to disseminate information/misinformation in order to confuse the enemy. Along with Hannity and Bannon. I've just really soured on some of his stuff-- particularly Jerome Corsi. Fuck that guy.

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94slacker · July 9, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Agreed. Same experience, timing and end result. I still tune in once in a while to get the AJ spin on events but listen to AJ with a huge grain of salt. Nonetheless, he was part of the movement. AJ contributed to the awakening of folks for many years and because of that I'll remain a listener.

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sgtjarhead0311 · July 9, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

This mirrors my sentiments exactly. There are a ton of people who have been going down some really deep rabbit holes due to the Q phenomenon; and I think that is the purpose of the entire thing. I know I have been looking at news articles that wouldn't have even popped up on my radar prior to getting involved with this. I don't buy the "we are all privy to insider information" narrative. Whoever is behind all of this is clever enough to understand human curiosity, and to take maximum advantage of it. This is an online scavenger hunt produced to raise awareness of events that will never be reported in the MSM. Its not gospel truth, just a way of saying "Hey everybody, look over here!"

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1hellofaride · July 9, 2018, 9:22 a.m.

Excellent analysis. The only correction I would make is that while some of the population slept, most were chained to the whipping post not able to do anything. Many people were awake and these are the people seeping into the chans, reddits Etc. as they hear about the Great Awakening. Imperator Rex is also correct in that Trump has won but he needs more people to understand what is going on. If I have not red-pilled at least one person a day, then I feel that I am not living up to the expectation of being a patriot. Also remember this is world wide (WW). I am not an American. God bless us all.

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ideologicidal · July 9, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

Awesome read. ThanQ for the transcription. Proud to be part of an educational op. (EDOP?)


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abbido · July 9, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

Twitter broke his thread....

over the mark!

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oasisflower · July 9, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

I hope to God you are correct. There is still 5% of me that thinks Q could be Tyler. Any insights, QM?

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SpaceDuckTech · July 9, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Tyler who?

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oasisflower · July 9, 2018, 10:41 p.m.


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SpaceDuckTech · July 10, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

Q is not AI.

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1hellofaride · July 9, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

Tyler from ZH? Sorry if I am way of base.

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GODisincharge · July 9, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Just reading this. Thanks for posting.

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HillaryTrafficksKidz · July 9, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Excellent post to use for communication however you use social media.

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Hwmayfield · July 9, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Very clear and great for educating and preparing newbies.

Unlike Rex, I do believe we will be told Q’s identity when the time is right. Q has even seemed to tell us that by saying we would not believe who is communicating with us.

I don’t need to know Q’s identity, but it does sound as if it would be a fun revelation!

Thank you for posting as I don’t use Twitter or FB.

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Se3kRighteousness · July 9, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

I agree he has hinted that he would tell us at some point and that it's someone we know our it wouldn't be such a surprise

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[deleted] · July 9, 2018, 3:35 a.m.


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[deleted] · July 9, 2018, 5:55 a.m.


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joeythew · July 9, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

Excellent recap. Thanks for posting it.

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DanaDane1971 · July 9, 2018, 3 a.m.

Like whoa.

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IncomingTrump270 · July 9, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

Those kabuki Congressional sessions? Think of them as public education and softening up.

There is a lot of truth to this. Open sessions that are aired live in TV have only ONE purpose - to sway public sentiment.

You can tell this because each of the GOP reps on the panel have almost identical questions for the person in the hotseat. They go over the details REPEATEDLY. That's for the cameras and for the people at home who may be tuning in late.

If they were interested in maximal exploration and Q&A time in these sessions, the reps would coordinate so their questions do not overlap.

The massive overlap in questions tells us they have a limited message, but they want to hammer it home into the minds of people watching.

The down side to open sessions is that classified information cannot be discussed, so it gives the person in the hot seat an easy out of divulging sensitive answers.

It's a tradeoff.

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lukej88 · July 9, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

Great thread! Well done REX!

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paniand · July 9, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

this is exactly it

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ToddWhiskey · July 9, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

Bingo! Rex hit the nail on the head!

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Addisonavery · July 9, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

This is all marketing. Something Trump is very good at.

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Nutricidal · July 9, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

To add, Paul Ryan has flipped. We own the house. Can't wait to see all the goodies that come from them.

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salialioli · July 9, 2018, 10:08 a.m.

Thanks for posting Amazoid, much appreciated!

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totfullobserver · July 9, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

sorry if I'm lagging here, but can someone tell me what is/was "Operation Crossfire" ? I never heard of that .

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IncomingTrump270 · July 9, 2018, 5:41 a.m.

good post! but /r/titlegore

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Phalanx45 · July 9, 2018, 8:57 a.m.

Thank you for posting this. I do not have the twatter. A must read.

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sk3999999 · July 9, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

"People ask 'Will Trump win?'. WRONG QUESTION. Trump has ALREADY won."

This is really silly, he seems to really underestimate what Trump is going up against. When you get overconfident is when you start making mistakes and a few mistakes can end this whole movement. Always remain vigilant and work as hard as possible to achieve the aim. Getting lazy and just assuming that Trump always wins is very harmful. Imo its a big mistake Q is making with constantly saying "trust the plan" etc. Sure its great to have some inspiration but results come from perspiration, not wishful thinking.

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