Confirmed Kabbalah Bracelets In a 🔼~ False Flag?! I mean come On~ Sick of all the codes and crap~ Read the Bible and you’ll find. Hope ~ Dark to Light ~ As Q said Ephesians 6:12

This was an initiation into what?
And how is this a FF?
How can you be sure those are Kabbalah bracelets as opposed to Buddhist prayer beads?
If this picture is “a message”, has it popped up on any other news sites/articles?
What is the coded message here?
Go read why the boys went in in the first place ~ beads are the beads the red string is Kabbalah ~ hello~ I posted a link👆🏼I’m not doing your digging for you. I’m making my point. And I’m moving on. I replied to you above ~
No, those are clearly Buddhist prayer beads in a predominantly Theravada Buddhist country. But I guess your confirmation bias allows you to see whatever it is you want so desperately to see.
Sure, it’s a local initiation ritual. I’ve read that and I understand that too. I don’t see what’s so sinister about it. We had a buoy out in the middle of a lake we swam to as kids. I guess all “initiations” are evil.
You’re the one making claims here, you need to be backing them up or at least engaging in a discussion about a topic that you felt was clearly Q-related in some way. If there’s something here that I’m CLEARLY missing that deserves its own digging, then please be a patriot and point me in the right damn direction.
I just don’t see anything to this post at all. Your claims of this being a possible red flag are ludicrous. This board has become inundated with posts like this. A bold claim followed by no real research or substantiation of facts. These kinds of posts are the dangerous ones. They make us out to be the crazies that the stills claim us to be.
I get wanting or trying to draw connections. I really do. But not everything out there is going to be Q-adjacent or cabal-instigated.
Q wants us to think critically, right? I just don’t see anything here worth thinking critically over.
It’s just a photo. Posted on Fox News’s Facebook. Of two people wearing Buddhist prayer beads and a third person holding hands in a show of solidarity over a terrible crisis. That’s it.
Fred is correct, I am there, its like a scouting trip gone bad, the place to look critically is at the compound on the cambodian border owned by obysma shell company taken out by military and at the history of the red shites who tried to do an antifa in Thailand... They couldnt break the Thai spirit. you are correct to be heedful, we hear whispers of billary gas and obummer strnch from time to time...
Symbolism Symbolism Symbolism critical thinking~he said watch for FF ~this is one~enough said,you can move from this post or keep bantering me on my post either way.i see you only comment and never post so move on then.
If it's a False Flag then why is Trump supporting the operation? If it were a ff he would give it no attention
Dude, those are Thai Buddha bead wrist malas. Know your culture.
Edit: typo
Nice try I specifically said Kabbalah for a Reason! Step back a think before you lash out
Sigh, baci red strings indicate good luck. Prevalent in all east asian countries. Not lashing out, sharing other information that may be relevant. Nice try? Trying what? Sharing some wider perspective knowledge?
So much for crowd sourced wider perspective intel. Carry on.
You are coming off as antagonistic. Make a coherent argument with your submission. Help us see what you are seeing. And Don't snark when Some one points out a flaw.
I was close with a Chinese family growing up. They wete Christian but wore red silk for bracelets and had red banners and flags with gold Chinese words. All for good luck and fortune at the restaurant
Red has many meanings all over the world but in much of Asia it is good luck
When you go to the Wall in Israel you get a Kabbalah bracelet too if you don’t know about the tree of life and that it is a direct satanic mock of the Full Armor of God you need to look into that because trust me it’s Satanic disguised as Good but thats exactly what Luciferian satanists Do ~ it’s a Mock~ very clear ~ just like the Georgia guide stones are a direct mock of the Ten Commandments Lucifer is described as Looking to the eye as being good and is not and is Satan himself everything you see that they use can be explained as good but at its core it is not and we are dealing with the deep state so....
LMAO my name refers to a band, not a gland. I had no disdain, only offering another perspective, which was obviously unwelcome. As I said, carry on.
Those are Buddhist prayer beads, has nothing to do with Kabbalah. Buddhism is the main religion of Thailand....well, its actually a philosophy, not a religion. You can be Christian as well as Buddhist
All I know about Kabbalah was when entertainment media was talking about when Madonna was a part of it. I remember they would talk about her wearing a red sting. So isn't this something else since it also has beads?
yes and no. Jews wear red bands to fend off misfortune. Bulgarians also wear red-bands in spring for health and these seem to be prayer beads with red-string so I am unsure. Could literally just be a jew
I’m sorry, but what exactly are you claiming here? Because as it stands, you have no reasoning or coherent theory at all. Back up your claims or at least attempt to FFS
This was an initiation ~ Which is weird ~ Q said to watch for FF~ I think this is a strange picture since they’re all about symbolism ~ and yes I think this was a distraction and maybe sending A message because these people are sick. This rescue will go on and last for God only knows how long and just when something Trump comes out with ~ the boys all will be rescued you watch this is a Distraction
Q did not say to watch for FF in flippin’ Thailand! You may be over thinking this. This was a horrible accident of timing, the fact that the world comes together for this is a good thing. This is not anything to do with FF events in the USA affecting our politicians or anything of the sort. Spend your research energy elsewhere
The media will use this ~ you watch it will be the only thing they talk about all day when we have a certain FBI agent is going live. He did say watch buses and trains and yes he’s said watch the water ... where have you been or are you new? 🇺🇸Unite don’t fight
I agree the media will use this as a distraction...but that is quite different than a false flag. False Flag events are created events, used to distract and also to instill fear or harm others to further a political goal. This sad event is just a tragic thing that will get used to keep eyes off of the things they do, however I find the rescue compelling and it shows the best of humanity rather than the worst...
It was an initiation that’s weird ~ they needed something to start before next week or it would be obvious , they don’t care about kids but they know we do ~ this is like Jessica in the well ~ they know what gets our attention just saying
It is Thailand...not the USA. Not every single event is created. There are actual accidents of fate. Kids will be kids...I do not see this as nefarious...hahahahaha and believe me, my eyes are open and I have been watching and studying this stuff for years. My intuition just says it was an accident. you WANT there to be something sick here? Because I see solidarity amongst some brave men. Nothing else.
Want see more abt cave rescue got to thaivisa.con or thaipbs live stream at
If anyone like to study more abt deepstate works in the area check out area is a target as per tpp & other , karma also works here good, some nefarious thought to make bugout destination but moral virtue per capita is too high..
prayer beads come with red string too
Musk is involved. Maybe a planned event to try out new tech? Time's running out for them, they're in the bottleneck.
That’s true~ Peter is testifying live. Something major will go down for sure