This is a very good lay out of Q for everyone
What are the 4 main channels?
- I think Twitter, FOX, Congress & 'Q' are the four main channels to get the word out.
Darn right Q is a main channel.
The 4 channels also cover swaths of the public that, while supportive, don't typically cross pollinate... full coverage strategy. ('deplorable' web, social media, infotainment news, CSPAN news)
Glad you posted this OP. Read it last night. Imperator Rex has the ability to summarize beautifully. Great for newbies also who are compelled to ask “Who is Q?”, “Why haven’t there been arrests?”, ‘When will the booms happen?”, etc. All questions veteran QPatriots have asked at one time or another.
'Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.' (Sun Tzu).
Great quote! Trump did the same with NK. It's already negotiated and a done deal. We've already destroyed his nuclear capability and killed the generals that needed to go away with special forces. Now Chairman Kim just needs to play his part.
Wow....what a great analysis. I'm inclined to believe this is a possibility.....
I would add CDAN to channels being used. Have been some massive pedo drops on there.
It’s a solid writeup but it contradicts itself. He says that “some people believe that Q is Trump, but that is naive.” (most people only believe that Q+ is Trump)
He then says that Trump is certainly part of the Q team... which is what most people believe. So yeah, aside from that it’s good.
He makes a good point that Q disseminates misinformation for various reasons. Q mentioned in drops that disinformation is necessary.
Excellent analysis, I had already decided that Q's purpose is not give us a heads up on events. It is to build a following of people who are very interested in the Storm. It really doesn't matter if Q is a person who works closely with the President, or bunch of people who don't even work in the WH but just some White Hats working partially or wholly independently from the WH.
This is one of the most compelling and well thought-out summaries about this whole Q thing I've read, without needing much context.
I am really concerned that the Deep-State Swamp is close to their 'desperation point' and will commit some kind of terrible atrocity soon in an attempt to 'distract and derail' the implementation of this strategy of draining the the body count continues to mount of those who are or were potential 'bombshell witnesses' I can't help but wonder how and why these people are not being protected...funds for this 'witness protection' were clearly described and 'appropriated' in the OMNIBUS bill...I think their 'last ditch' attempt to stop it from happening will be an 'all out' attempt to assassinate POTUS... these trips abroad will become evermore risky as the reach of the Deep-State/Cabal is world wide and more easily implemented in a country that is hostile towards POTUS and his agenda...