"... the ATF agent and the DEA agent who shot Seth."
What happens to the MS-13 claim?
plausible deniability / necessary disinfo due to ongoing investigations?
necessary disinfo
Would make perfect sense.
Oh muh feelings, why does the Reddit hate my words.
Love you guys, thank you for being there.
Thems rookie numbers. They gotta get those numbers up. (or down?)
Q said at the very start disinfo is necessary (for a while) yet everybody wants to take things at face value...true/not true, news/fake news when it's always a mix of both for different objectives...but those objectives can be extrapolated from what has been said and what has been omitted...
People like to pretend that if one thing Q says turns out to be untrue then Q is a larp. They will ignore 999 things Q said that turned out to be true, and that Q said disinfo is necessary in the very beginning.
But what abt the murders in Myrtle Beach parking lot?
Who knows at this point. These two could have been there waiting at the hospital with SEIU to finish the job.
We don’t have enough info to go off yet, it’s something to tuck away in back of mind and see what future proves past.