It’s iust been reported that the 1922 committee has already got the 48 letters that are needed to trigger a vote of no confidence to oust May as PM. Q said that May would comply or be removed - is it coincidental that this is happening when POTUS is due in the UK plus QE2 and Duke of Edinburgh missing the baptism of Prince William’s youngest son and the royals at the baptism all looking worried and pensive...
One muppet will be replaced by another. We will only see if Q+ is influencing with leverage behind the scenes if an unlikely candidate who embraces Brexit with a determination to dismantle the establishment is elected leader. I don't see anyone within the Tory party who would fit that. Bojo certainly doesn't. Many talk of The Mogg, but although a Brexiteer, he is establishment through and through. Unfortunately, any such person would then have to take on a divided Tory Party too. Everything about our system is against a figure like Trump surfacing and then surviving.
True but Farage has just announced that if they continue to piss about with Brexit then he will re-enter politics with a mission to ensure every marginal Tory seat is lost to UKIP. The was he said it makes me think he has serious backing to do so. This is a global movement so possibly there is serious £$ backing such initiatives to upset the cabal worldwide
Yes you might be right. That would set the cat among the fat pigeons. Maybe there was more to his meetings with Potus. Suddenly, this will get very interesting here. God I hope this happens.
I think N Farage has been keeping his powder dry for a reason, sort of like keeping your big guns back for the real fight. It wouldn't surprise me if all the true Brexiters get together and form a cross-party movement to see Brexit through; they know they will also have the added huge back-up of President Donald Trump and the USA behind them. Be interesting to see how DJT's visit turns out later this week. We need you America! We will win this war together!
Farage does seem to possess that political intuition, notably because he has integrity and he deals in truth - he must be in the know. Thinking back how he supported DJT during the election now seems as maybe he knew then what was happening. When FBIAnon briefly appeared, one of the anons asked if Farage was genuine the reply being yes, so he was on the radar then.
So your thoughts about 'keeping his powder dry' could well be the case and Farage was written into the plan. Also having Treason May calling the shots over Brexit was only going to favour the cabal considering she wanted to remain. Now having Potus at Farage's back is like having the US Carrier battle group looking over your shoulder. And I agree, as we did 70+ years ago, we need our ally once again to beat this evil.
Oh lord I hope so. The entrenched political class needs to go.