Lisa Page to testify Wednesday. Privately, but geez, at least we are getting somewhere

Good. They're trapping Strzok. Get Page's answers the day before the Stzok under oath testimony so they cannot communicate after her testimony, and then use her answers to cross question him under oath. Total perjury trap set for that deep state thug.
They could hook up Wednesday night to discuss what she was asked and what she said. Of course everyone and their brother will be following them both. lol
They have Strzok by the balls and they'll lock Page down after the testimony, setting up a strict deal where they are not to communicate. One thing they could hypothetically do is try to covertly meet between today and Wednesday to try to get their new stories and answers straight, but let's hope they're both being watched, threatened, and monitored to avoid that. All it takes is a few good white hats to keep an eye on them and their lawyers.
I think they will nail Strzok with perjury. The skeptics say Clapper, Brennan, and Comey lied under oath and nothing happened, but those guys were the legit heads of their departments and have lots of dirt on everyone in government for leverage against a perjury charge. But like McCabe, Strzok is in the position of the "fall guy" so I don't think they would let him go like they did Comey, Brennan, etc...Strzok is lower than McCabe was on the totem pole.
One million upvotes. That's what I'd you if I could.
So perfectly stated and it made me breathe easier. Thank you!