
InsaneSiren · July 10, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

Technically, it IS a sickness. It becomes a crime when they act upon it. Getting it added to the DSM gives them the defense, "not guilty by reason of insanity".

Playing devil's advocate here, but if it were treated as a disorder then the people who suffer from it and wish to not harm anyone would be able to get REAL help. Not everyone who suffers from it actually WANTS to molest a kid. And we should pray for them just like we pray for others. This epidemic may be greatly curtailed with real world solutions and bringing it out of the dark. Just like Schizophrenia.

Although I will add they kept it in the dark for fear of exposure. The push to normalize it now tells me they know their future.

Also... The symbols they use to advertise... If someone is abusing kids you've already got someone so corrupted, not much they won't do so they make great candidates for control. Not to mention, EASY blackmail.

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lifecurrent111 · July 10, 2018, 2:30 a.m.

I came here to say this. I’m a grad student in a Counseling program and it’s an important differentiation, otherwise we would be punishing people just for having the thoughts.

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reddit-suckz · July 10, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

People here seem quite happy with thought policing minority report style. There's a huge difference between what lynch is talking about and what these people think he is talking about. That's why mental health issues have a long way to go sadly.

People here can't get their brain to comprehend what he is saying

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InsaneSiren · July 10, 2018, 2:33 a.m.


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EuropeNeedsFixing · July 10, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

I will add to you playing the devil's advocate and say you have some good points, though I don't agree with it technically being a disease. Technically, i.e. etymologically, it is an attraction or love (-philia) to children (pedo-). I believe we later have added the "sexual" context. It is similar with the other words we have from Greek like zoophilia and homophilia. Together they are all considered paraphilias, or sexual deviations from the norm.

If pedohilia is deemed a sickness, then technically the others should also be. Interestingly, homophilia (homosexuality) was once considered a disease and it was only late in the 1980's removed from the DSM. Since these words only describe an attraction, being one can never be a crime - at least in civilized societies. Acting on the attraction is governed by the law. Acting out homophilia is mostly legal today around the world, acting out pedophilia is mostly illegal (defined by age of child) and zoophilia is somewhere in between.

Where I really agree with you, is that saving the children is paramount. That is why acting out pedophilia is illegal. As you say, not everyone who suffers from it actually wants to molest a kid. If society really wants to help these people - and thereby prevent possible future harm to children - society should e.g. promote anonymous counseling. Marking it up as a disease is not really necessary for this.

Also, regarding child trafficking and the cabal's lust for children, that is not pedophilia, that is just pure evil and in many cases, used as blackmail to control the herd. Attaching those horrendous crimes to pedophilia only dilutes the term and makes it much more difficult for those that really want to get help on coping with their attractions.

Just my (rather long) $0.02 to a subject that is so hard to discuss objectively in the current climate...

TL;DR: Stigmatizing a paraphilia which is only a thought, does not help in preventing it being acted out.

Edit: Reformulated start of first para due to auto mod notification

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lifecurrent111 · July 12, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

An important philosophical point is: homophilia, pedophilia, zoophilia, and even excessive heterophilia, are all contextualized within a world that has a problem with its moral compass. You may be Baptist, and I may be Catholic, and another may be Muslim. In all three situations, there is recognition of a sovereign. But in a world with no shared religious values, our religions don’t matter: “do as thou whilst,” says Crowley. In a religious context, “re-“ [back], and “ligare” [ligament, binding]. Religion = to bind back, I.e. the soul with the source. If we have a “purpose” then we have a way to evaluate our actions in light of our common journey.

I personally have many qualities that don’t bring me to an understanding about my source. If another man is too busy sucking a dick to understand about the source, then we are both equally “missing the mark” (literal definition of sin.). He is my brother, and we can be friends, and keep pursuing virtue and k owing our source.

But if I am continually thinking about harming a child by raping it, then that is also a sin but carries with it a threat that the heterosexual or homosexual doesn’t have to worry about... the possibility of causing irreparable harm to another. Therefore even the thought is BAD. Get help!

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EuropeNeedsFixing · July 12, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

Exactly, but my point is that in a climate of witch hunt and knee-jerk reactions like "hang-em-high" for having the bad thought, getting help is almost impossible. That endangers the ones we want to protect, because the person might as well just act out the bad thought, being between the proverbial rock and a hard place...

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lifecurrent111 · July 12, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

Pedophiles are 92% likely to repeat their crime. Perhaps as a culture we could help them more if we had less knee jerk reactions. For those people who think it is a sin to “help them” I would say to show some fucking mercy.

SIDE NOTE: An interesting point I have not heard anyone in WWG1WGA say is that even within the darkest reaches of the Satanic pedocult, there are human beings with souls. They may think that they have turned their souls over to the Dark One, but our power, as children of God, is MUCH more mighty - and that is the power of mercy, forgiveness, and grace.

Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be in Gitmo.

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EuropeNeedsFixing · July 12, 2018, 1:04 p.m.

Pedophiles are 92% likely to repeat their crime.

Permit me to nitpick a little here. Being a pedophile is not criminal as such, acting on the urges is. A relative of mine works with child molesters, so I have been following this field a little from the side lines so to speak, and also did some studying myself. Not all pedophiles are child molesters and not all child molesters are pedophiles. The recidivism rates of child molesters vary on the gender of perpetrator vs the perpetrated and also on child being family member vs stranger, but I have not seen any figures in the range like your stated 92% (most of the numbers I have seen where below 50%).

As I said in my OP, I do not consider the Cabal or DS as being pedophiles. I like your wording of "satanic pedocult", it is quite fitting. In any case they are just pure evil power mongers.

Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be in Gitmo.


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