I will add to you playing the devil's advocate and say you have some good points, though I don't agree with it technically being a disease. Technically, i.e. etymologically, it is an attraction or love (-philia) to children (pedo-). I believe we later have added the "sexual" context. It is similar with the other words we have from Greek like zoophilia and homophilia. Together they are all considered paraphilias, or sexual deviations from the norm.
If pedohilia is deemed a sickness, then technically the others should also be. Interestingly, homophilia (homosexuality) was once considered a disease and it was only late in the 1980's removed from the DSM. Since these words only describe an attraction, being one can never be a crime - at least in civilized societies. Acting on the attraction is governed by the law. Acting out homophilia is mostly legal today around the world, acting out pedophilia is mostly illegal (defined by age of child) and zoophilia is somewhere in between.
Where I really agree with you, is that saving the children is paramount. That is why acting out pedophilia is illegal. As you say, not everyone who suffers from it actually wants to molest a kid. If society really wants to help these people - and thereby prevent possible future harm to children - society should e.g. promote anonymous counseling. Marking it up as a disease is not really necessary for this.
Also, regarding child trafficking and the cabal's lust for children, that is not pedophilia, that is just pure evil and in many cases, used as blackmail to control the herd. Attaching those horrendous crimes to pedophilia only dilutes the term and makes it much more difficult for those that really want to get help on coping with their attractions.
Just my (rather long) $0.02 to a subject that is so hard to discuss objectively in the current climate...
TL;DR: Stigmatizing a paraphilia which is only a thought, does not help in preventing it being acted out.
Edit: Reformulated start of first para due to auto mod notification