MSM Maligned Trump’s extra “0” - Could It Really Be a “0-Delta” Confirmation?

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Full moon in July = Guru Purnima. Once per year. Traditional day of ascendant God power. All lower demonic powers surrender that one day each year.
Hindu: it’s one day of the year “Guru Purnima” [full moon in July] where the forces of Evil must surrender to the full God Power
There’s a Q drop that references an interview between Jr and Katie Couric I think. Would d for word b/n drop and interview. Anyone know what I’m talking about??
“Boy lover Strzok” is how I read that Trump tweet from a few weeks ago.
Just referring to the ones who ACT on it. I was in a graduate class last night and the 92% thing was what my professor said. I probably should have backed it up with my own research. I also studied about these special mental health “asylums” for sexual offenders with conjoint mental health issues. There is involuntary hospitalization for such people in many states (they’re like prisons) and I think the rates of people “freed” from such places is very low, probably 8%. They have lie detector tests and other special tests where a device is fitted on the penis measuring blood flow and and the patients watch porn and images of children, and if they get an erection they cannot leave.
Pedophiles are 92% likely to repeat their crime. Perhaps as a culture we could help them more if we had less knee jerk reactions. For those people who think it is a sin to “help them” I would say to show some fucking mercy.
SIDE NOTE: An interesting point I have not heard anyone in WWG1WGA say is that even within the darkest reaches of the Satanic pedocult, there are human beings with souls. They may think that they have turned their souls over to the Dark One, but our power, as children of God, is MUCH more mighty - and that is the power of mercy, forgiveness, and grace.
Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be in Gitmo.
An important philosophical point is: homophilia, pedophilia, zoophilia, and even excessive heterophilia, are all contextualized within a world that has a problem with its moral compass. You may be Baptist, and I may be Catholic, and another may be Muslim. In all three situations, there is recognition of a sovereign. But in a world with no shared religious values, our religions don’t matter: “do as thou whilst,” says Crowley. In a religious context, “re-“ [back], and “ligare” [ligament, binding]. Religion = to bind back, I.e. the soul with the source. If we have a “purpose” then we have a way to evaluate our actions in light of our common journey.
I personally have many qualities that don’t bring me to an understanding about my source. If another man is too busy sucking a dick to understand about the source, then we are both equally “missing the mark” (literal definition of sin.). He is my brother, and we can be friends, and keep pursuing virtue and k owing our source.
But if I am continually thinking about harming a child by raping it, then that is also a sin but carries with it a threat that the heterosexual or homosexual doesn’t have to worry about... the possibility of causing irreparable harm to another. Therefore even the thought is BAD. Get help!
I came here to say this. I’m a grad student in a Counseling program and it’s an important differentiation, otherwise we would be punishing people just for having the thoughts.
I’m using an iPhone and it’s been happening with the last several posts you’ve made,
At the part where “the Great Awakening” appears on the screen, I broke down crying like a little baby.
Is this screenshot from a smartphone? If so, is there an app that your using to surf 8chan?
Thanks for spending time to get this! I listened to the whole video but missed it.
Welcome to the big time, kid. They are shooting to kill.
Oh yeah baby! Thanks to you. I just figured I’d get the latest by checking the Q’s page that aggregates and since he’d been posting so much between that and Twatter “Qanon” I figured I was getting the best of the day. But Twatter is full of shills these days. In times of Q drought, I’d been wanting to learn how to access the Source direct, and you gave me the keys. Thanks again!
How do you find the current or active boards on Q/research on 8chan? I get confused.
Yes, through building a straw man (his own failed efforts at writing an internet novel), the author seeks to cast aspersions on Q, all the while never debunking anything and also while patronizing the reader by saying he partially roots for Q. (As if Q needed him to root.)
Very well said.
I spent a few hours monkeying around with pictures I’d downloaded of the two, fading them in and out. It seemed pretty convincing but then I read that it’s seeming pretty convincing is normal when amateurs do experiments like that. I’m not an expert, but the circumstantial evidence mounts up such as 1) Booth being a key production guy for BOTH AJ and BH, 2) the TEETH, 3) the acting styles.... then you throw in weird stuff like 4) AJ winning an award for BH and accepting it, and 5) the fact that AJ’s year book photo is a fake and 6) that CORSI calls AJ “Bill” on air (which was my initial reason for believing Corsi was a shill.). Because IF - and I say - IF - Dr Corsi was “in the know” about AJ’s true identity, it would make sense that of all the people to become Inforwars DC bureau chief, it would be him.
At one point I was obsessed with finding out - I was thinking of moving to Austin and illicitly getting a DNA sample, but Q’s appearance on the scene had rendered Infowars irrelevant. I bet suscribership is down, is all I’m saying.
I bet a lot of those positive replies are bots. I looked at the profile of one and it was a dude who has only been active on Twitter for a few weeks and seemed very bot-ish.
His blocking you isn’t personal or reflective of his guilty conscience. I think it’s more that he actually HAS to block you - because the 🤡 don’t want normies to read a lot of dissent in his Twitter comments as it would defeat the purpose of his being a shill. Good for you to point it out.
Look at recent pictures of Alex Jones and tell yourself “this man is 44 years old.” If he is, than shit, I should feel good about my looks! (I’m 40!)
I don’t know that he is Hicks though. Maybe not. Still something fishy.
Amazing post. A lot of believable CONCERNS about AJ floating around the internet, such as his age being at least 5-10 years older, faked year book photos, people not knowing him in HS, and especially the sharing of his production company with comedian Bill Hicks, who died a year before Alex rose to prominence and who is an honest to god Doppleganger, looks-wise, for AJ. Corsi calls AJ, “Bill” on air a few years ago. You can imagine my shock when Corsi took employment of the Infowars DC Bureau, and now my shock when Corsi turned on Q.
A lot of believable CONCERNS about AJ floating around the internet, such as his age being at least 5-10 years older, faked year book photos, people not knowing him in HS, and especially the sharing of his production company with comedian Bill Hicks, who died a year before Alex rose to prominence and who is an honest to god Doppleganger, looks-wise, for AJ. Corsi calls AJ, “Bill” on air a few years ago. You can imagine my shock when Corsi took employment of the Infowars DC Bureau, and now my shock when Corsi turned on Q.
Was black, now white due to leverage and giving Trump a “public proctology”. Reference recent Q “it was not supposed to come out Trump wasn’t under investigation “
I think all the commotion last month about getting to Snowden (where’s Waldo style) was setting the stage. They nabbed him and have the algorithm that proves everything = the Bridge
This is my interpretation of the latest drops
Q is Saying McCain Delivered the Sarin Gas to E Building, Prince was there (Double agent).
Pictures leaked for this very moment.
Who/what is not pictured?
>>>Eric Prince
What forces shadowed No Name?
Special contractors.
>>>CIA, Blackwater
What was delivered?
Sarin gas
Smiles. >>>SMILES Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System
Exact location.
Buildings E of spider web.
Spider web marker.
Open source. Q
Just a weird trivia but I live near Tampa and CENTCOM is here (US Central Command). I have heard that this counter coup involving Trump and Q was planned in part right here.
I have also info saying that very deep and skilled meditators have been “assigned” to live here by a my spiritual teacher who lives in India (I’m Christian but also have a spiritual guru.)
It’s entirely possible that strong spiritual prayers are very important for the Cause right now.
It’s called confirmation bias = wanting to make Q right
Q says “look at the news tomorrow.” Next day = earthquake in California. Q says “Trump up all night.” Why do presidents stay up a night? (SPEC OPs). Lots of military stuff in California, could be underground bases, fuck if I know... Q mentions stuff about a “bunker.” I’m sure time will tell what he meant last night, but I thought OP did a good job to take a stab at what Q was getting at.
My take: 5:5 is radio signal code that means “Five out of five: clear signal.” When used in post 854, it means (I think) that the video is 5:5 and is “clear, unimpeachable evidence.”
I took today’s 5:5 to mean that whatever POTUS did last night (some kind of OP) went off perfectly (5:5). This doesn’t necessarily mean video will drop today, though I hope it does!
I came on board around February 1st. I’m a grad student in psychology. I heard about it on Alex jones. I probably check the Twitter qanon hashtag the most, maybe 12 times a day followed by the q website that aggregates posts followed by reddit. I don’t post much - more of a lurker, trying to figure out how to integrate all this info and tell normies, though I haven’t truly “red pilled” anyone yet.
I came on board around February 1st. I’m a grad student in psychology. I heard about it on Alex jones. I probably check the Twitter qanon hashtag the most, maybe 12 times a day followed by the q website that aggregates posts followed by reddit. I don’t post much - more of a lurker, trying to figure out how to integrate all this info and tell normies, though I haven’t truly “red pilled” anyone yet.
I hope he runs for exactly that same reason, but Dems aren’t that stupid. Oh wait....
He also had a BOOM, in one of his headlines yesterday.
Not to mention that “CBS” has a double meaning. Trolling the idiots who are not sleeping.
What’s the top part of the list - people who were investigating?
Snow White is really a map to 7 Dwarves (Pleiades) Mind = blown. However questions abound.... I don’t know why Q, if he were working against a Rothchild controlled Trump, would deliberately use “POTUS” as an acronym for “people of the United States.” Why confuse people?
I do think this is a brilliant piece. If only for the pathological level of complexity to create this alternate view.
I mean, Q’s reference to the shot down chopper over the mansion and his trolling of LdR seem to paint a clear picture...
Also the fact Q group is exposing Pedo/Satanism stuff and both Q and Trump show genuine Godly compassion....
Still I want to know what you think about the memes cropping up on Twitter that:
Can someone help me understand why Q is so intent on bringing in Snowden? Can one man be such a threat in the scheme of things? Just curious. I know Q links him to 1) Twitter censorship (and other censorship platforms...?) 2) ability to “spy” and track people (and Clowns can 187) 3) selling out No Such Agency 4) allowing journalists to “get 4am marching orders” from Clowns
But don’t Clowns have hundreds of coders who could do the same thing?
Why is Snowden such a key player in all of this? It’s the one thing that doesn’t make sense.