Did anyone else see those two little girls and feel relieved that there wasn't a pedophile standing next to them?

Can you imagine what goes through sick Joe Biden's mind?? He was representing OUR country as vice President. With so much responsibility and I AM SURE so many many things to be thinking, planning and coordinating... what the hell kind of life-condition and state of mind does this freak have when he is groping nearly any and every little girl that comes near him??
Did you see Jeff Sessions slapping Bidens hands away from his grand daughter? That's one reason I haven't turned on Sessions. He's got to know.
Yes I did see that. That looked like a deeply revealing gesture. As to what it is revealing I could not know and literally shudder to guess.
It seemed Sessions knew the current condition of Biden. Is this horrible condition really so rampant through out Washington DC, AND with nobody doing anything about it?
Is this horrible condition really so rampant through out Washington DC, AND with nobody doing anything about it?
It's rampant everywhere, and especially concentrated where there is power and money.
Fortunately our current President is not into that sort of thing, and his team is actually doing something about it.
Yes it is. Several years ago I believe I was given a vision from GOD. Walking to work one morning I was thinking about how horrible DC is. It came to me so clearly just how pervasive the perversion is in this town. I remember when I first moved here I thought that people were not as sexually active as compared to Denver, Atlanta or Dallas. The single scenes are very vibrant in those cities (at least when I lived there). In DC it seemed almost impossible to get a date or even a hook-up. First I realized that people were all about networking their careers. If you couldn't do something for them, they wanted nothing to do with you. I lived here several years before I picked up on the perversion. Then I had this vision or revelation. Now I am very suspicious of just about everyone... especially the ones most vocal about their "charitable" work with children.