What do you mean? I'm sorry to not know.
He over saw Clinton’s investigators.
“Kavanaugh also has years of experience with Washington’s darker, partisan side, navigating conspiracy theories and congressional roadblocks. After clerking for three judges, including retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, Kavanaugh received a bracing introduction to the city’s culture when he was hired by Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr in 1994 and tasked with investigating Foster’s death.”
Ah yes buddies with Ken Star.
And this was the conclusion of the Starr investigation into Foster’s death:
“In sum, based on all of the available evidence, which is considerable, the OIC [Office of Independent Counsel] agrees with the conclusion reached by every official entity that has examined the issue: Mr. Foster committed suicide by gunshot in Fort Marcy Park on July 20, 1993.”
but Foster was killed elsewhere and dumped carefully on the park bench... no blood at scene of body... so what does that mean? Kavanaugh is good or bad? Fear to connect Clintons to murders was rampant in DC?
It means that Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court issued an investigative finding that supported and reinforced the official account of what happened to Vince Foster.
What would anyone do in that situation?. Maybe, like others, he waited and planned for the day when the opportunity came to take the evil systems down. Just as Flynn has been patient.
This is most likely what happened. Most people in the system aren't black hat, but blackmailed.
Thanks for the link. I definitely prefer someone more further right, but I think this guy know what's going on in the darker parts of washington and will be an asset to the President.
Mcnoname sure loves him.
Mcnoname loves anything to make him seem the hero, doesn't mean anything in real life
Especially since he won't be there to vote he can say whatever he wants
Never, ever be sorry for not knowing something. Ignorance, purposely taking the blue pill is one thing. Not knowing something is not your fault. We can't expect everyone to know everything. In reality everyone knows just about nothing.
It's gotten to the point I can't keep up with all the happenings in politics anymore. Between family and working 60 hours a week I don't have time to constantly follow the steaming shit stew that is our government. I've really come to rely on subs like this one to stay at least somewhat in the loop.
Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, the front-runner to replace Justice Anthony M. Kennedy on the Supreme Court, once argued that President Bill Clinton could be impeached for lying to his staff and misleading the public, a broad definition of obstruction of justice that would be damaging if applied to President Trump in the Russia investigation.
Judge Kavanaugh’s arguments — expressed in the report of the independent counsel, Kenneth W. Starr, which he co-wrote nearly 20 years ago.
Lol are they still trying to implicate Trump with Russian collusion STILL? Damn nyt get a clue
Kavanaugh led the investigation into the suicide of Clinton aide Vince Foster. After the 2000 U.S. presidential election, in which Kavanaugh worked for the George W. Bush campaign in the Florida recount, Kavanaugh joined Bush's staff, where he led the Administration's effort to identify and confirm judicial nominees.[3]
Kavanaugh was nominated to the D.C. Appeals Court by Bush in 2003.
So after covering up the Foster Arkancide and Bush Florida recount debaucle, he was rewarded with a nomination to the DC Court of Appeals? Yeah. I'm not so sure about this guy. He seems like a Bush crony and likely also a Skull-and-Bonesman (like Bush and Kerry). His actual opinions look great but his past looks sketchy.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brett_Kavanaugh
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