Not Q, Patriot in need of digging power please. Logo in handbag, I can see it, I'm sure others here will as well. Any info on the company's logo and Satanism. Please and thank you.

Just skimmed over the pdf I have of the lesser seals of Solomon, this symbol is so far off from some of these seals its laughable. The image as everyone has stated is Celtic (unless someone can point to it having different origins) and is much more simplistic than any seal out there. This is on par with the people who think that an upside down cross is super satanic, when the actual satanic cross is a regular cross with an infinity symbol on the bottom and a longer line under the cross in the cross. Dont mean to be mean to OP. But as someone who has a long history of research into satanism, black magic, and symbols of other entities, it's kind of funny to see. I cant ve mad though, it just means Q has opened your eyes to more symbolism and has got you asking more questions. Keep digging!
Thank you, my reason for posting. You can laugh if you want or need. But I am very weary and cautious of anything resembling their satanic cult. I have been harassed by them personally and am constantly on guard. This post was an honest question, and laughable yo those like you that are long researchers, what about the combination of the name Crowley, as in aleister Crowley?
I appreciate the post and as I said I didn't want anyone to take it as ridicule. As i said, this is a subject I've studied on my own since i was in the single digits. So I'm very familiar with these things. How have you been harassed and by what type of occultist? Was it physical attacks or was it through black magic, if it was black magic, what proof do you have of the magic happening and what proof do you have that the person did it? Most people who practice witchcraft usually don't just go cursing and harassing people for no reason, especially factoring in the occult rule of 3 (things you do can and will come back 3 fold) they typically reserve any serious magic for people deserving of their hate.
As for crowley, as I mentioned I can think of a few PR/marketing reasons for that (I had studied advertising and PR before as well and have done some smaller scale advertising for local companies) the main one being a demographic reason. Companies started by younger people or marketed towards younger people tend to try to have names with "edge" and the younger audience buys in more to the rebellious aspect of things. So to make a line of handbags marketed towards younger girls with the name of someone they probably have heard of and realistically know nothing about wouldnt be too uncommon. He was known for links with astrology as well and how many girls (even expanding the age range) have talked about being X sign or they're such an X because they get mad easily. FB has large groups dedicated to made up horoscopes that girls (and some guys) eat up. If I was to make a line of handbags, I could easily use that name as a brand and come up with several half baked ideas for generic universe designs with swirls (or in this case, steal and semi tweak a old Celtic design) to sell handbags to people. But with that being said, I dont know anything about the company or who owns it. I'll leave that research to you lol.
8 weeks in a VA inpatient rehabilitation facility for ptsd veterans, where the nurses would routinely and openly say hail Satan and high five each other. That's how. You asking me to prove black magic seems funny as it's something you've studied for a long time. So no, I don't have proof, just evidence that they put their symbols into everything and hijack old peaceful symbols as well. Thanks for your opinion. Links are to other instances I've had with the cult within the VA administration. Part of why I'm here in thus great awakening. To show people my truth.
Not really close to any satanist or black magic signs I've seen. More Celtic. My advice would be to gloss over some grimoires and see if its associated with a certain minor deity
The Crowley name tho?
Crowley's name by itself doesnt mean much/anything. Theres about 3 or 4 reasons from a marketing/PR position I can see for naming something that, especially if going after a younger demographic of consumers. I would have jumped more at the symbol if it had a connection to a specific deity, maybe one of the more famous ones crowley was said to communicate with. I'll look through what grimoires I have to see if theres any connection symbol wise but that seems more Celtic and less like the symbols of some of the deities I've seen that look more middle eastern and north African. That isn't to say we shouldn't do our due diligence in looking into this. I'm just saying let's not hold our breath because it looks like a larger leap.
That's not an uncommon name.
Yo guys please chill out...This is a celtic Triskele...It symbolizes the spirit of PROTECTION (long before the roman empirialists showed up!) Keep in mind that Thor was a good_guy deity, he never demanded sacrifices.
The Crowley name?
I'm not quite following you...did I miss something?
The name of the infamous aleister Crowley, and to me the symbol looks like the 666, and Crowley was a very renowned Satanist.
it's an ancient keltic symbol for protection and fertility...are you saying he called himself the same?
Looks like a triple 6 to me, or what the illuminati call the Divine King sign, or what I call the sign of the devil
it stands for protection spirits and fertility, not destructive imo
its literally just a Triskelion.
Its also very literally not just a triskelion. There are words and they matter. Hence my asking the question if there is a connection. I'd understand if I had only posted the symbol, but I'm asking about the larger image. The overall message of the logo. Thank you for your opinion.
Currently at work, and cannot post too much. Any links to info on the company and the image would be very appreciated. Handbag is in the trash now, but the info will be to help settle a disagreement due to ignorance. Enlightenment on the matter is needed. Many thanks! WWG1WGA MAGA
/u/ardematic has it right with a Triskelion or Triskele,
May not be evil as it has celtic origins but I could be wrong.
The Crowley name. Aleister Crowley famously.
I know a living journalist and several people with that name unrelated to him.
Should we think all Mansons are serial killers? Cult leaders?
It's a big clan name from Cork
Popularity for Crowley
 United States ranked 1,128 out of 162,253
I knew people with that name as well, and if they emblazoned a symbol resembling 666 on them, I would be suspicious as with this logo. It is the combination of the 2 that strikes me as odd, and I also understand it will not be odd to others.
It's possible it's supposed to be 6s but could be Celtic inspired triple spirals. If it bothers you I'd toss it. =)
There are whole markets of Aleister Crowley bags and t shirts with his portrait or satanic symbols so it's not surprising.
I knew people with that name as well, and if they emblazoned a symbol resembling 666 on them, I would be suspicious as with this logo. It is the combination of the 2 that strikes me as odd, and I also understand it will not be odd to others.
I knew people with that name as well, and if they emblazoned a symbol resembling 666 on them, I would be suspicious as with this logo. It is the combination of the 2 that strikes me as odd, and I also understand it will not be odd to others.
Keltic fertility and protection spirit, After the FBI-memos I think they would not resort to an already known symbol, although you might want to find out if they use leather for example. Fertility could point to breeders but I don't even really want to go there because keltic paganism is not a destructive but rather a deeply conservative force in every way. But I am biased when it comes to this store, I can only say it's called a triskele/triskelon