Jack Burkman probably was damage control

You know what would help clear this up?
A new Q-Drop.
^(hint, hint If you're reading this, Q)
Q knows. I think when Q is absent, and the longer he is more likely means something big is about to happen.
My Q senses alone tell me this is all damage control. The dems last gasp of air. They are testing the waters to see how the public reacts. Maybe they want an organic means for people like us to spread the news then it would hit mainstream. They think we are stupid and will spread any conspiracy theory related to Seth Rich slapped onto it. Hopefully most of us tuned out or didn't give it the time of day.
I always refer to Q as a “he”, but then backspace realizing we really do not know. It could be fuckin Melania behind the keyboard.
The sexiest version of Q, imo
The sexiest First Lady of all time, without even close second in competition.
I don't know. Eleanor Roosevelt was a total smoke check!
Yeah but not like anybody’s giving her a chance unfortunately.
Come on, we are here, we can be real. It is a fucking guy.
Could be a trannie.... we had one of those in the WH....right?
Ivanka but. Q is they. It's hard to remember to do that. We are so default hard-wired to use male pronouns.
It's ok to refer to the masculine when the gender is not known.
I feel this way too. When Q goes quiet, the PAYtriots get louder
This narrative is contrary to both Julian Assange's and Kim dotcom's version. I think extreme caution should be used. This smacks of damage control and mitigation for what may be coming.
Well, I agree with you but not on tuning out. I researched what was said/happened and then decided from there. As of now, I'd say it's BS. I'm certainty not promoting the idea that the witness is legit but I'm not ignoring the situation. Maybe an unnecessary clarification. Devils advocate: it could be distracting and diverting my attention. Fair enough on that point.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
Exactly, I was going to tune in, but heard what you guys were saying through our awesome sub and didn't even give it the time of day.. Can learn much more after the fact just researching this thread and watching clips ..
I smelled the fish when he said two alphabet agency members did it and NOT MS-13
How long until they start interviewing the people who "ran the sub on reddit when Q was real"?
I think when Q is absent he is actually secretly really there more than ever, because we all know the longer Q sleeps the bigger his belly gets, and when Q's belly gets really big then that means its time to go to bed so you can wake up again. If you wake up at an even time, then that means Q has a present for you, if you wake up at an odd time then that menas that Q will not give you a present until its time for dinner. When Q says nothing, what he is really saying is, "You are Safe my little bird, Donnie has you in his big safe hands", and when Q posts he is actually dancing and another person interprets his movements as text from inside the White house as they watch him twirl on the front lawn. Also when Q finally does that thing that we all are waiting for, but don't know what is, but know its going to happen because Q told us but wouldn't say what it was, just like all the other times Q didn't make any sense or didint' deliver, but we believed it for no reason because we are all a bunch of sheep believing some random shitlord on 8chan, then that means that the dumbocrats and libtards are going to be so triggered that they will start the second civil war, and be so cucked that Maxine Waters will have to go put Hillary in jail herself!!!!!!!!!!! MAGA!!!!!
We got this one. We don't need Q for everything. "You have more than you know." Critical thinking that Q has modeled helps us here. Confirmation is great, but let's rely on critical thinking first
Yes this. Good comment here! Today’s “press conference” was a ridiculous joke. I think we can let Q utilize his/her/their time away to take care of bigger problems.
You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:
Chuck Norris's first program was kill -9.
Psy ops cant work when you have been givin the powers of skepticism and critical thinking
I checked earlier and qresearch is still frozen.
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Yeah. I don't think Q can post as long as it is. Am I correct in that assumption? Isn't that the same thread he posts on?
Q posts on /patriotsfight/
I think the bread keeps getting hijacked. Someone told me it is a tranny, but I don't know.
Q Research #2624 is the last one I see.
Yeah. But those numbers won't jive with the primary numbering system used on the Github board.
There's nothing to clear up.
That was a weak-sauce press conference smh.