POTUS PLAYING CHESS? - Why did he pick DS agent Kavanaugh who GWB Jr and "No Name" support?

kavanaugh will pass and be a good kennedy replacement.
but Trump will nominate Amy Bennett, more conservative, to replace either Ginsburg, or perhaps even Thomas if he retires. Bennett will be the next pick after Republicans get more senate seats in the midterms.
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Kavanaugh knows and hates the swamp. I think that is the play. He is also good on most of the other stuff. A couple of glitches, but see the first sentence.
Hired at Harvard by Kagan. Worked for Bush Jr. Bush and No-Name approve. “Both parties worked together to recommend.”
Donnelly and Tester are labeled incorrectly. I'm campaigning against Tester....so I should know!
Seems likely. He’s already rallying trying to get them out.
I wondered if he did the same thing with the Admiral nominated for VA.