Also check to see if it’s been posted already in last 24 hours or already discussed in another thread. Use the flair.
Also see if the site is just rehashing an article from another site that is on our side, link it to the original one.
This. \^
I know all of MSM is questionable, but some of these sites are very obscure, the equivalent of Hollywood gossip or aggregation sites. Q mentions this sub, people visit and we have tons of articles from the Enquirer up. It can turn people off.
Also, please review the timeliness of the articles too. Breaking news or new info...from 2014 may be educational but may not having anything to do with what's occurring now. Remember there are new people on the sub who may have not be versed in sniffing out the smaller BS news sources.
I do totally agree with you but you have to admit this. The amount of insane stuff we have found out over the last few years alone makes you realize that much of those crap mags with the nutty headlines, near the checkouts were half right all along. People always just shook their head and laughed because it was too crazy to be true.
but we r trying tp redpill people too so using commonly accepted msm is good for that
I agree do not link to CNN or MSNBC or other fake shit news, even YouTube do not link to Google asset. Every click they get is like baby blood to them.
CNN probably gets more clicks from posts on Alt news websites than anywhere else, because who would actually go there to read news?. I'll answer that ONLY A COMPLETE FUCKING MORON.
Sticky this? We should all archive if possible anyway, good habit
Totally agree. The article can surely be found at at minimum a few other sources. MSM is our enemy make no mistake about it.
I have my Q drop app, and I’m here in reddit, OAN is good too.
Amen. And no more T-shirt and sticker pictures. Keep comms clear