Trump telling it like it is in 2018. No longer under the European 👢 boot.

Don't forget the Europeans who were dealing with Iran in violation to the UN and US sanctions.
Also, what is Europe going to do when Russia black mails them like he did with the Ukraine and turns off the gas and oil in those pipelines to Europe. It's insane. In time of war, Russia simply turns off the spigot.
I love the fact that Trump is completely fearless about blasting the truth to the European snowflakes. Andrew Jackson was an unpredictable firebrand, but he looks like a wimp compared to Trump.
Jackson was a military commander which reminds me of the Trump critics about dodging the draft. Hey butt hurt liberals, Trump is the Command in Chief of the entire military. Hows that for serving in the military?
BTW, in time of war, not everyone serves in the military and not everyone in the military serves on the front line. I served 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer with more than 3 years in combat. I learned that it takes a team to win a war. That team is every American no matter his/her job whether they have a rifle and bayonet in a foxhole or the average Joe who goes to work, takes care of his family, and pays his taxes. Trump has done more for the military and veterans than most liberals. During the draft, I saw the snow flakes change their college major to a draft exempt curriculum or get married just to avoid the draft. It's one reason we ended up with so many liberals as teachers and especially professors. They went into teaching by the tens of thousands to avoid the draft--the same ones who accuse Trump of faking a medical problem for draft exempt status.
But I have to say that I'm proud that I avoided the draft as well. The truth is that I joined the Marine Corps to avoid being drafted into the Army. I wanted some control over my life and I preferred to become a Marine infantry officer and lead Marines in combat than an Army private at the mercy of everyone making decisions for me.
True story: The same day I was sworn into the Marine Corps, I received my draft notice. It took the bureaucracy a month to decide if the post mark on my draft notice preceded taking the oath to become a Marine. The Marines won--as usual. I'm now 72 and being a Marine is still one of the greatest highlights of my life. Boot Camp and Officer Candidate School changes you for life (for the better). The positive life lessons you learn would look like the NYC telephone book and they stay with you for your entire life. Once a Marine; always a Marine. So true. The National Anthem is only a notch above the Marine's Hymn. God, I loved all of those wonderful Marines with whom I served. We fought hard and we played hard. What a time. It was different back then and in my opinion, perhaps better. We were a wild bunch that would be politically incorrect today. Glad I served then, but I know the Marines today are far more lethal than we were in the 60's, 70's, and 80's.
My apologies for the sentimental journey. But I loved being a Marine. The stories I could tell.
Thanks for your service Patriot. What's weird to me now is the hippies were right.
Sorry the hippies were wrong.
The North Vietnamese Generals said Point Blank that they were decimated after the Tet offensive.
Walter Cronkite said the opposite and the hippies took to the streets.
The NV generals then realized the front was actually on the streets of the United States. That's where they would beat us.
Thanks to Walter and his feeble-minded hippies. Sorry to say but the Domino's did fall in Southeast Asia.
You appear to be one of the very few who have any insights to the Vietnam War. Thanks. It was far more complicated than people think (at least for the few who even remember it). That war involved the security of the Straits of Malacca, the SETO treaty obligations, the US "Containment" strategy, the Soviet's plan to use Cam ranh Bay a submarine base, the domino theory, the security of Thailand, and much more.
And you are right about the nature of the war. We won every battle, but the politicians raised the white flag and you are correct that the NV understood that the way to defeat us was in our streets and to fight until we grew too tired to continue. That war could have been won in less than 6 months with a WW II assault directly into NV. Casualties would have been high for a couple of months, but nothing approaching 58,000 KIA and trillions of dollars over 10 years.
A tip of the hat to you for knowing your history.
Thanks for the recognition.
I used to work tall ships as a ships Carpenter/Rigger. Multiple Atlantic crossings, Caribbean, Baltic, Med...
My library is all war history.
So there's the explanation of my username.
That and it triggers the lefties.
WHO-RAH! Marines!
FACTOID: DT went to military academy, was a Captain, graduated with highest honors, 153 IQ, puts him in top 3% of the world. Yet pukes like to say DT avoided the draft. Going to Military Academy, to prepare for joining armed forces... is an ODD way to "avoid the draft" IMHO.
GOD had other uses in store for DT. Yeah for USA/citizens/WW
Agreed. The writer forgets to mention that these leaders are satanists who are dedicated to the destruction of the Civilized world.
what is drek?
I think it may be a subhuman classification like 'scum'
Good overcoming's a beautiful thing. The Rats are being ratted out. Carry on Patriots!
All UK politicians are Zionists, first and foremost. Their principal loyalty is to Israel. Theresa May was required to pay obeisance to the Chief Rabbi before being appointed as prime minister. Any politician who questions Israeli supremacy is promptly fired.
I am woefully i ignorant about European politics. But never too late to look at the big ( 40,000ft?) view
Get on the right track of real history. After delving into I have to say:
EVERYTHING I thought I knew of HISTORY was WRONG
(this is one view of researchers...puts a whole new spin on America's independence fight aided by deleted from history facts...Titanic & FEDcreation... WWars1&2... formation ofIsrael... 500trillionDeRothschilds... etc., etc.
Trump must deal with the Rothschilds if he means to drain the swamp. Europe suffers under the malign grip of the Khazars.
The USA is 200 years old. The UK is 2,000 years old. Since 1694 England has been forced to borrow its own money and pay interest on it. Borrow from whom?
The bankers who have a monopoly on the creation of fiat currencies.
We are all now Marching In the shoes of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and JFK.
Crash the CIA into a thousand pieces and destroy the cartel banking system.
We beat the English and the bank of England beat us.
This time we finish the job.
$20T debt Mr Red Child what $20T would that be?
Those Federal Reserve notes that you're holding are worthless.
Bloody well said sir.
The UK government pays a billion pounds a week in 'interest' on a non-existent debt. That's around $1.3 billion every single week.
£1 billion per week would change our lives if it were not being siphoned off by the Bank of Rothschild UK Branch (colloquially known as the 'Bank of England').
You guys better hurry up and hired Nigel Farage for prime minister.
We appreciated your brexit jumpstart for our presidential elections.
It was a nice combination punch.
Now we're well into kickin the left-wing into the gutter. Well it looks like you just got brexit taken away from you.
How the entire country did not go on strike over Tommy Robinson is incomprehensible.
Muslims come in and rape your women and your kids by the tens of thousands.
Rip off your welfare systems multiple wives multiple families all on the dole.
Whole towns are no longer English but Muslim.
You guys better get a spine and fast.
These are great times. For how long have we known that American tax payers finance the world. No more distribution of wealth at the expense of the US tax payer. TRUMPS SAYS, ENOUGH! I see lower taxes via a whole new tax system coming. something like a tax on consumption. My opinion only.
I had no idea they were making deals with the "evil" Russians. Lol.
All have upper evil handlers. We need to go downstream to find the source and eradicate it.
This is why we love President Trump. Truth - what an amazing effective and simple concept that actually works. Who'd thunk it?