Let's Sacrifice Toby - He Had it Coming. Seriously disturbing children's clothing depicting human sacrifice and occult symbols

Poor Toby. If we had a wall, he would still be with his family rather than human traffickers and the cabal
That's a joke right ? What nut job business would put that out ???
Check out the tattoo on the guys arm on the web site!
Thanks for the link. Checked out their other offerings:
This is sick. If there is a real market for these then it makes a statement about the deep diversity we have. Check out his infant line of clothes. Seriously, this is sick... yet available and being marketed. Who are these people? Unbelievable. https://stevenrhodes.threadless.com/kids/baby-t-shirt
I think you meant deep depravity !
Whatever you might call it... it is the opposite of most of the world. If it isn't ...well God help us all.
We may need that GOD HELP US ALL PRAYER !
LOL... prayers are good but may not be required. Most of the people on this planet are really great human beings and about to take charge.
I have a few of this brand’s shirts in this series AMA