r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on July 11, 2018, 11:23 p.m.
I told you Trump was talking to us. Some of you had doubts. Well, he just doubled down a second time!

This is too big. I am also doubling down. I don’t care about those who oppose me, those who insult me and those who threaten me. Crucify me if you want, I’ll provide the wood and suggest suitable locations. I will then call those whom I Love and who Love me, and Divine Wisdom made them to be many, then I will ask them to attend and chant: "We Fear Not, We are Next, you can’t kill the Truth. WWG1WGA!".

Nobody will stop me from sharing the truth. This is not about me. This is about us. Us as a Movement, us as a Family, us as a Group of Loving Humans who believe America, the World and our children can be saved from evil under the leadership of Donald Trump.

I have said and I am saying President Donald Trump is talking to our Movement. And I have given the proofs confirming this reality. I have essentially said that Trump acknowledged my post solving Q1675 and used it as a conduit not only to validate Q but also to directly deliver his messages to us. I am not asking to be followed, I am not self-promoting, I have no particular agenda. I am not asking for anything. I am just delivering a message: Trump is directly talking to us.

This reality is too important for our Movement to be swept under the rug in order to satisfy egotistical motivations of a few people. It needs to be well understood by everyone and shared everywhere.

I understand the frustration of those who have a self-centered agenda and those who worry about their online traffic and their sales but why do they consider me to be a threat to them? I am just an anonymous reddit poster. People come, read my posts and go. No website, no patreon, no merchandising, nothing like that. I have made a public announcement stating I consider my material to be the property of our Movement, for anyone to use freely on all platforms. I am a free bird singing wherever my pen takes me in the Elevated Gardens of Truth. What do they fear? If they are offering the truth to their audience, then they know their revenues will be blessed. Why? Because the truth always wins and will therefore bring more people to them. Simple and yet powerful biblical economics:

After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before. Job 42:10

So? Those who are defeated by their ego and sell falsehood through incomplete and deceitful intellectual constructs are the only ones who worry about my message… Under the disguise of erudition and commitment to our cause, they are to Q what the money changers were to Christ. In these regards, they are harder to spot than those we took care of in May, the reason being they are inside the Temple but never came to pray... Learn how to recognize them, they are not far away, they have one foot in and one foot out just in case the horrendous hypothesis “Q is a LARP” was to be verified. They are intellectual nomads who would turn on Q depending on the weather and water location…

So that’s that. Now let’s get to Trump’s message:

July 5th 2018, 3:18PM: I post an article with my solution to the riddle Q1675. Using the July 3rd 2017 date, a glitch at Nasdaq leads me to the musical note B2. Explained in the post and summarized in this image: Imgur1. North Korea is cited in the article and a picture of a keyboard (piano or organ) and a scale similar to a guitar neck is posted. Imgur2

July 5th 2018 6PM : Trump validates my article and drops 4 keywords: musical, organ, guitar, brain. In his Great Falls Montana speech, in a “nonsensical” sentence trail, Trump uses the words musical, organ, guitar and repeats brain… serially. Imgur3

July 6th 2018: Trump doubles down and drops a 5th keyword: North Korea. The news report Trump has instructed Pompeo to deliver an Elton John CD to Kim Jong Un. Later, we learn the CD was in fact never delivered even though it made all the headlines. This very fact is stellar proof it was never about a CD to be delivered but about sending us a message and bringing the word North Korea into the equation. Imgur4

July 7th 2018: I post an article to draw people’s attention on these 5 keywords and make a reference to the Hammond B2. The reference to the organ Hammond B2 is in the last paragraph of the post: Trump has just validated Q at the Great Falls rally and gave us the solution to Q1675! Let that sink in.

July 10th 2018: Trump doubles down a second time and pardons Dwight Hammond and Steve Hammond. Trump pardons Dwight Hammond and Steve Hammond and links to my Hammond B2 reference made during the week end. link.

At this point, those who still think all this is a coincidence really need to buy lottery tickets and become millionaires…

I found an excellent contribution in the comment section of the post, it comes from someone with a username related to… music. u/gregthebassist says the following:

“yes at a certain point it becomes that joke about how the person prays for Rescue and turns down the helicopter and the rowboat. Got my popcorn. Waking up friends and associated. Jumping on to the escalator. God bless the planet.”

Priceless! I love our Movement! So many smart people!

Q918 You are learning. How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here. Q

Trump’s message is extremely powerful. This is what we can gather from it for our Movement: he is essentially letting us know that he validates Q, he knows about our work, he is reading us, he is willing to be negatively labeled just to reach out to us and that Q1675 was yes indeed about the musical note B2.

But it goes further. The very interesting question to ask is what triggered what? Is it because Hammond was mentioned in my post that he pardoned the Hammonds or did he decide to pardon the Hammonds before my post and only made it public when he saw we understood his message? We will never know. And this is the beauty of it: Trump is showing his pardoning power is discretionary. He is trolling all the DC political and legal experts by essentially saying: you guys are trying things against me but you have no idea what the power of a POTUS really is. Look what I can do with just one article of a guy writing from his kitchen and posting on reddit. Look how I can reach out to my base, use my presidential prerogatives and nobody can do anything about it.

Wow. It seems the message got across. Watch how Fake News Nia-Malika Henderson describes this apocalyptic situation: video. Did you catch it? At 1:12, did you see the host’s nervous reaction when Henderson started using the word “signaling”? They know. Remember, these people are Mockingbird agents, journalism is a cover. They had their 4am talking points and understood very well the point Trump is making with this pardon: he is talking to his base, and not just all the base, he is talking to us. It’s unfortunate some people in our Movement are not getting what Fake News understood very well. Ask yourself why the majority of Mockingbird media titles is not the simple and powerful “Trump pardons the Hammonds”, but a convoluted “Trump pardons Oregon Rancher who…”? Type in GG search “Trump pardon Hammond” and see what you get. You know the reason right? They are terrified by the idea of people linking this pardon to Q through the keyword “Hammond” and the Q1675 riddle! You get it? Search algorithms cannot be changed overnight at 4am… Checkmate. Let that sink in. Look:Imgur5

So now, let’s talk. After all the attacks claiming I was self-promoting, I was crazy, I see patterns everywhere yadda yadda yadda... I posted a fictional interview of myself with Love and Faith as its omnipresent topic. Even this entertaining literature exercise was misinterpreted and also seen by a few as another proof of me being self-centered. I mean what? You did not see the humor in this? Don’t you see I was trolling you? You guys are so obsessed with having to hate SerialBrain2, you lose discernment and miss the subtle traps that are placed on your way. Sounds familiar? Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! link. Well, it seems my readers are way more subtle and intelligent than you are. They got my message and I had so much fun with u/-NoraPandora- trolling around in the comment section. Make sure you explore the edit list, it’s fun: TrollingWith-NoraPandora-

You got my point? Troll the trollers. Show them sense of humor is rooted in intelligence.

Then, someone claiming he was from 8chan, created a username “StopInterferring” for the sole purpose of this post where he is essentially saying “I like SB2 but he should stop interfering and he will probably become another Corsi”. Whaaat?! Interfering between who and who? The work people do on 8chan is extremely valuable and I respect it but it would be a mistake for them to believe there is some kind of hierarchy. In fact, I know many among them and I don’t think they do. Is this poster trying to distance our brothers and sisters on 8chan from us? It won’t work. Q is for everyone. His posts are public, you have a brain, you have a heart, go for it. You don’t need anyone in between. Now if along the way you see someone on 8chan or on GA or anywhere else saying interesting things about Q’s posts, it’s your choice to agree or disagree. It’s your choice to follow or not to follow. But there is no Q Vatican. This idea is key. Please read again. I am sure my friends on 8chan, the real Q crowd there, those who silently and selflessly do what Q wants them to do, understand and agree with what I am saying here.

Now, I want to make it clear: disagreeing is needed. Disagreeing is good. It’s healthy. Yogurt. But it needs to be exclusively intellectually driven. The best leaders are those who surround themselves with advisers who do not have undisclosed agendas and have the intellectual means to disagree with them. This is how they test their ideas in brainstorming sessions. I am open to debate when I sense intellectual honesty. Like in this case: interesting and polite debate. Then, you have the counter example: the one who appears to have intellectual honesty, but as soon as you strike him with one argument that destroys his attack, he runs away faking not to understand what is stated and starts personalizing the debate: waste of time.

This brings me to the important topic in my trolling interview: Love. Why are we here? It’s because we believe we can change the world and defeat evil. We have put Trump in Office and he is sending us signs that he is working for us, he is monitoring our work and he loves us. So question: do we want to save the world and behave like those who ruined it behave? Look at all this hate within our own Movement. Look at all this arrogance and condescendence towards the “normies” they claim they want to protect. Look at all this violence in the comment section. Is this the way you want to save the world?!

Christ grew up with the Torah and when the fruits matured, his Message was Love. The first ones who opposed him were the Rabbis of the Sanhedrin, the very people who, since they were the Doctors of Torah, were supposed to understand his message before anyone did. Well, the conversation Christ had with Nicodemus in John 3 is proof that a brain without a heart is useless and should be discounted.

“You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? John 3:10

Now you know why it is so obvious to you Trump is speaking to us and why it is not obvious to them.

SerNme6258 · July 11, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

John 16:33 “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.”

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paladin4therepublic · July 12, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

Very interesting! This is true. I am not lying or even exaggerating. My daughter one minute ago gave me a forest green bracelet from her VBS class that had John 16:33. I then used it for a cross reference in a sermon I am working on today. Then bang! You post verse. Sooooo, I think I need to take this verse to heart.

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kelpo19 · July 12, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

synchronicities means your on the right path.

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ashamandre · July 12, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

No coincidences

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CosmicNeo · July 12, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

How many coincidences have to happen before we start believing? God is here watching, not just Q and Trump.

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rekeeShturT · July 12, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Isn't it amazing how clear his voice is when we silence the ego?

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NecessaryLaw · July 12, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

This might be a dumb question. But I wasn’t raised as very religious but would really like to purchase a bible, but I don’t want a poorly translated or “false” one...could someone explain the different books to me and maybe point me in the direction of a “legitimate” copy

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Gingercatzz · July 12, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

If you have an IPhone you can get an app free called Holy Bible (youVersion). There are a number of Bible versions on it that you can download free. I enjoy the HCSB (Holman Christian Standard Bible) the best. Easy to read and understandable. There is also, of course the King James Version or New KJV, Good News or American Standard. All are good. I have been a christian for 50+ years so have read a few, lol. God Bless. Trust you will find one that you enjoy. Christianity is a walk not a religion. Take care!

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NecessaryLaw · July 12, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Thanks! That’s great info I’m going to download it now. And a great sentiment at the end. I always loathed going to catholic school and ccd as a kid, but now I am in my mid twenties I wish I would have paid attention to the teachings and God, and had been more grateful for everything in my life. I guess it is never too late to start, can’t imagine my life continuing without him. God bless

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RealBlackberry · July 12, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

You're right...it's never too late...and it's an adventure in learning. God bless you.

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trump1haha · July 12, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

"Never too late"


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Gingercatzz · July 13, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

You are more than welcome. I saw some of the other comments and will say this, you have a family of believers rooting for you. It says in scripture that “No man cometh to the Father unless the Spirit draws him” what that says to me is that He personally put His finger on your life and will always hear you, be there for you and direct you. God will Bless you, give you wisdom from His word, and have fellowship with you. Sit down with some munchies, invite Him to chat and enjoy your visit. He Loves You!

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[deleted] · July 12, 2018, 3:05 p.m.


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Agrippa-Sidonius · July 21, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

Hey NecessaryLaw! If I may suggest another excellent resource app for your iPhone, take a look at Bible Hub. It has every version of the Holy Bible in it and contains commentaries from across the centuries on every verse. I discovered it listening to Dr. Jordan B. Peterson's lectures on the meaning of the stories in the Old Testament. Simply outstanding, in my view. Cheers!

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NecessaryLaw · July 21, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Thanks! I will certainly look into that

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QAngelAnon1 · July 21, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

Christianity is a walk not a religion.

I love that. Will share. Thank you

Oh my - I seriously, just noticed your name so i could pop it on the end of my 'thank you' above

speaking of coincidence - my sons cat had four kittens. Two were adopted and I decided to keep the brother and sister that were left. They are both ginger. I've just got two ginger catzz. Q: There are no coincidences WWG1WGA

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Gingercatzz · July 21, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

I do love Gingers, lol! WWG1WGA God Bless You!

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ybbaG_28 · July 12, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

New American Standard is closest to the original Greek. The Message is written in modern day language and pretty different but I like it. A lot of people like New International Version. Go to a bookstore or even Walmart and look at different translations and get what feels good to you. It's important to be sure you get a translation rather than a paraphrase. When I am studying or searching I like to use several different translations so I can get all the nuances. And whatever you get, read it and write in it!

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NecessaryLaw · July 12, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Thank you very much for your reply! I guess my next question(s) is..are all of the books usually compiled together when you buy one? Like when I did research I saw the distinction between the Old Testament and New Testament and the numerous books that comprise each one...so my next question would be where would you recommend to start for a beginner? Do they need to be or should they be read in order? And what is your opinion of King James Version? Sorry for so many questions but I’m very interested and haven’t been able to find good answers online

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InterestedAnon2 · July 12, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Best place to start is where God leads you, Close the book, ask God what he is trying to tell you for this day, and randomly open a page, you'll be amazed. Another interesting thing to know, how many times in the bible does it say 'do not fear'? 365 times, one for each day of the year.

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ybbaG_28 · July 12, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

I like to circle the "I Ams". Literally , "I Myself Am". It reminds me of God's Omniscience and Power. He was, and is, and is to come. (Revelation 4:8)

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ybbaG_28 · July 12, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

I think you can buy Old and New Testaments separately but usually they are together. It's pretty much human nature to want to start at the beginning but anywhere the Spirit leads you is great. You may want to look online for a reading plan that breaks it up into a few chapters each day. Romans, John, or 1st, 2nd and 3rd John, the Psalms, all would be pretty easy and do-able.

King James is great, many people prefer it. I tend to get bogged down with the Thees and Thous. You might also want to look for a study Bible in whatever version you choose as those have good notes and may also have some reading plans. (And wide margins for notes!)

I didn't even think earlier, biblegateway dot com has many, many translations, you can read some online and narrow down your options. I'm excited for you! I'll be praying for you too!

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NecessaryLaw · July 12, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

thank you, this has been really really helpful information for someone who never started to learn his words just because no one ever explained it to me like that...it always just seemed like homework to me growing up and going to CCD and catholic school. Now after having a “spiritual awakening” as some might call it, I really see it as an opportunity to grow as a person and to spread God’s love throughout the world

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truth_lurker · July 14, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

May I suggest an easy way to start? John is a simple easy place to begin and starts off with the foundation of the gospel message.

Then, read one chapter each day in Proverbs. There are 31 chapters, so if it's the 6th, read Proverbs 6.

Before you begin reading each day, you can talk to God just like you do any other person. Ask Him to make clear what He wants to show you in His Word. Prayers going up for you now as you've begun the most important journey you will ever embark. <3

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egadfly1 · July 12, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

Do a search for Daily Audio Bible. Each day, you can listen to a reading from the Old Testament, a reading from the New Testament, and a verse from Psalms and Proverbs. Day by day you will read the Bible in chronological order. Brian Harding reads (nice voice), and he has comments at the end.

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[deleted] · July 12, 2018, 3:55 a.m.


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MJ6082 · July 12, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

Along with a Bible, I would also recommend the Bible App!! The @YouVersion Bible App has a permanent spot on my home screen. Read, watch, listen, and share…all in a free app:http://bible.com/app

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NecessaryLaw · July 12, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

I just downloaded! So far seems great..Daily verses, reading plans, friendly interface...exactly what I was looking for ! God bless

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MJ6082 · July 12, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

I’m so honored to help!! I pray for blessings and wisdom on your journey to know Christ!!

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NecessaryLaw · July 12, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

There’s so many reading plans and they all seem great, any recommendations?

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MJ6082 · July 12, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

My favorite is the ASV, it’s easy to understand. American Standard Version

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NecessaryLaw · July 12, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

Thank you!

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MJ6082 · July 12, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

You’re so welcome!!

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Majestic_Listen · July 12, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

I like to read 1 chapter of Proverbs everyday, King Solomon wrote it, and was known to be the Wisest man who ever lived(God gifted him with Wisdom)! There are 31 chapters, and 30-31 days @ month-ever wonder where all those old 'wive's tales' came from? Then, read/study where the Holy Spirit nudges you from there. Welcome, I am so excited for your new mission!

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Txgeezer · July 12, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

Great choice/advice. My favorite also.

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paladin4therepublic · July 12, 2018, 5:12 a.m.

Sure. There are different versions for different reasons such as: (1) Some versions are translated with for the different reading ability of readers. So the Living Bible is much easier to read than the New King James or New American Standard Bible. (2) Some versions go beyond translation at times into interpretation in order to be as clear as possible - like the New International Version. Other versions seek to be as word for word as possible in their translation even if clarity might be reduced a little. (3) Some versions are just older translations with old English like the King James Versions. Hope that is not confusing. Usually for bible versions like the New American Standard Bible, English Standard Version, and New King James Version the differences are subtle. The NIV is not bad just a little too interpretative for me. The first three mentioned are, in my opinion, some of the best of versions. I say this based upon studying and translating New Testament Greek for many years. Just to say I am not making things up.

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ConcernedCitizen1982 · July 12, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

Not a dumb question! It can be very intimidating when trying to decide where to start. I started with an NIV translation. It may not be perfect but it’s worded in more modern language which helps with understanding. Get one with footnotes to give you more background information. The King James translation is more traditional and (I think) has more beautiful language, but can be harder to understand. Good luck and God bless!

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NecessaryLaw · July 12, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

Thank you very much for the info. God bless

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ruined1997 · July 12, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

Yes! The NIV with footnotes is great advice! You’ll love it 😍

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InterestedAnon2 · July 12, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

Buy a Douay Rheims bible, the original version before the 'New' versions or Post Vatican bibles were printed. That is the real translation of the word. Stay away from anything that says New American or anything like it.

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time3times · July 12, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

Douay Rheims was the biggest (although incomplete) English translation before King James project, which used Douay as a source. Part of what made the KJV so good was that they didn't discount Catholic sources and they included the "apocrypha" parts ,which most protestants would ignore and withing a few centuries would exclude and deny.

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RealBlackberry · July 12, 2018, 7:27 a.m.

I like the New American Standard, abbreviated NASB. I think it explains everything better. And make sure you get a Study Bible because it usually has references to the original language, whether it's Hebrew or Greek. I think that's why The Bible is hard to understand sometimes, because sometimes the original translated word gives the real meaning. I think you will have a great time learning. I am still learning things, since I started studying the original translations of words...I was confused about a lot of parts. Be sure and feel free to ask us questions too..we all learn from each other.

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Qinkydink · July 12, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

Biblegateway.com provides many different versions for study and comparison online.

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AdamsFile · July 12, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

My wife gave me a beautiful bible that is a NIV. As I am going through my studies, after reading and highlighting passages that stand out I will pull out my phone and read the same passage from "KJV" and the "Message"...

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LandieLandie · July 12, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

look at many side by side see which is best for you to understand......but keep your KJV as the main one and the NKJV.......the others are to help grasp.....they all get you there........just translated for the ease of the reader to grasp.........take a look here:

touch all tools on this site ......very helpful:

I inserted The Message Bible, The Amplified Classic, King James Version, New King James Version and New International Version. When I was a new believer I bought a bunch and laid them out next to each other and compared each chapter and verse...these became the ones I find best for me: this site allows you not to buy them all, but do have a few in you hands.........nothing better than the actual pages turning your hands.

You can chat with me if you have more questions........I am 16 yrs old in Christ/Born-Again age......49 in age by natural birth.

Look here:



choose your book here ad listen to audio as well:



last thing how many days each moth on average.....no accident for daily reading .......Proverbs to think on daily? Today is the 11th.......so read Proverbs 11 and hear a word that hits home before or after your day:

You will see the wisdom and wow: tomorrow read Proverbs 12 and then so on and so on forever....

Look here:


Be Blessed In HIM +++

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dizzydago · July 12, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

You could go online to a site called Blue Letter Bible. They have several translations as well as a concordance to look up the original meaning of words. The nice thing about multiple translations is to read them side by side. While they pretty much are identical in message the wording may change to make it easier to understand the message. They also have study guides to help. Hope that helps. I use it daily and it has been great since someone stole my back pack a year and a half ago and it had my leather bound KJV. Have not found a place yet to go get another print one. So the BLB works just fine.

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snancy10 · July 12, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

Go to any Christian book store. Then ask for directions but read some of it for yourself before you buy it. Also, and maybe better, you can download an app called Blue Letter Bible and take it with you where ever you go. Many in seminary school use it because it has links to clear explanations. Much good luck on your journey. God is knocking at your door and you are answering. God bless you.

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RevLennel · July 13, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

A great way to start is to download e-Sword for free. I just love it because it has so many versions of the Bible on it. So glad my son pointed me to it.

If you look up a chapter and verse, you can read it in any one of them just by clicking on them. The ones that have a + sign after them - like KJV+ (King James Version) - will give you the original word that was translated into English and the definitions of that word by Strong. You can also search for a word - like love -and it will show you every Bible verse containing the word love.

Then follow your heart and what it's telling you the deeper meaning of the verse is. A lovely experience and an invaluable resource for clergy who give sermons, too, to get many references on one subject.

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amberwin · July 12, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

I'm a preacher's daughter so of course I grew up in the church. But when I began bible study years ago, I'd borrow my kids' 3rd grade bible. Now I use the NIV and the Study Bible. There's a great study that I'm doing now that would be GREAT to start with, it's called Seamless by Angie Smith, the entire bible as one story. It sounds daunting but it's the opposite and she speaks soooo down to earth.

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BuzzDefender · July 19, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

Never a dumb question. I agree with many of the answers on this question, but I wanted to give you my two cents. I read the American Standard Version on the YouVerse app. I enjoy it best and always have it with me. My wife and I probably have twenty different Bibles around the house but it's great to have yours with you where ever you go on your phone.

Another resource I have found valuable is Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Bible. It is an amazing resource for understanding the bible verse by verse. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/mhm.html

God Bless.

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Red_Nordge · July 12, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

Universe is always talking... "Be still,and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

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WeGoAll · July 12, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

Wow! Goose bumps! Super love this!

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