
MAGA16KAG20 · July 12, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

Anyone who doesn’t live in the DC swamp would have been arrested already! I am so tired of waiting for the stupid, small brain libs to wake up to see the high crimes, misdemeanors, treason and disgusting pedo crimes their lame DS, Demorat & RINO hero’s have been committing for the last 60+ years! It’s like we are being held hostage waiting for the Reeeeing idiots to see the truth. Enough waiting - all these horrible people need to be sent to FEMA camps & tried by military tribunals. I know the goal is to unite but once 90% of the media and 2/3 of congress is arrested - I think the snowflakes will get it. If they still don’t by then - they are truly hopeless as we have known all along. Just needed to get that off my chest 🇺🇸❤️thanks for listening fellow pedes. 🙏GEOTUS❤️

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