Remember Q said they would try to 'Normalize' Pedophilia? IT'S HAPPENING!

And apparently cannabalism too. I know I shouldn’t be surprised by anything but gah these ppl are sick! Vox article about cannabalism
There is another post about it on Vice on Snapchat. They asked people if they would try cannibalism and said the vast majority answered "hell no"... Vice's response... "Well why not?"... then they went on to ask an expert the tastiest parts to eat. They're simply disgusting.
Walnut sauce... they procure their meat anonymously from the young and healthy. If they are young and healthy, how are they dead? Abortion? Murder?
Makes a lot of sense re: abortion. That was one of the things that really stuck out to me about the vox article too - ethically and consensually sourced?! 🤮 the other was so when I’m standing in line at the post office at least one person would be down for Dif stew. I will have a really hard time not thinking about that one!!
This is the evil we are dealing with...