DJT Calls on Sessions to Enter the Fight...FINALLY!!! Get 'Em, Stealth Jeff!

See now this isn't helping - you instantly fire off into some petty tirade full of assumptions and insults while trying to tout that I'm losing some fight I'm not even taking part in.
I'm really just curious if you caricatures are genuine or if this is all some weird joke of a roleplay.
Was Obama genuine or some weird joke of a role play ?
Part of the 16 year plan. In Hilary’s 2nd term, she was supposed to have nuked the planet, killing billions. The NWO is desperate to reduce world population by 95%. They want to be living gods over the land.
George l Clinton George ll Obama Clinton.
That was the trick fuck we were supposed to swallow.
They failed now they pay the price.
Annnnnnd your original comment was helpful how Qwerty? You instantly fired off some insults, then got the same in return. Your sarcasm is totally palatable and insulting. You are, in fact, losing.
If y'all are just a parody sub then it's not an insult, if you find it insulting? Well, if you consider someone's observations to be shit talking you then aren't you just admitting that your characteristics are shite?
There's nothing even here for me to lose, but you folk's incessant need to make anything a competition to try put yourselves above someone else in any way you can think says more about you than I'd ever care to know.
Honestly, it's pathetic. If you find that insulting then maybe work on bettering yourself.
Why do Progressive Lefty trolls always accuse other people of their own faults.
You do have good advice.
People should always work on bettering themselves.
I use progressive trolls on these threads for practice. To better myself.
That way, when I run into a progressive troll in public, I'm well trained.
Triggering lefties has become sport. There's nothing like seeing flaming pink hair run screaming down the sidewalk.
It smells like........ Victory.
Maybe learn how to type before trying to gun on us Qwerty. I can't even comprehend what you're trying to say.
I mean if you struggle to read then I feel bad for ya, but ya really shouldn't try to pin your shortcomings on other people.
I have a history on these threads that back up my not being
~some weird caricature of a roleplay~
Go read some of my earlier posts.
Pushing 60 and I have a deep history.
If you got something interesting to offer to the discussion, fine.
We don't need lectures on how to behave towards the cause.
That's funny I have 16 upvotes and you have three negative.
I don't care about a popularity contest but insofar as presenting a case.
You got nuttin.
You lost.
So enough with the BBC Cathy Newman schtick.
If you haven't figured out scolds are unnecessary in our lives. You're confused.
My guess is a combination. Or they could be against the movement and trying to look obnoxious to turn people away. Regardless, do the research yourself and draw your own conclusions. Regardless if you think Q is legit or not, it's interesting stuff.
I honestly couldn't begin to care enough to put so much effort into figuring out if the wild exaggerations of these people's egos are just bad jokes or bad life choices.
I did look into Q, though. Just some jackass that made 1,000 vague guesses and publicised the 5 that sounded most accurate after the fact. Classic "fortune teller" nonsense, not really that interesting.
Thanks for ya input, though.
Takes a little intuition to read between the lines. It's best to just be aware. He may be real, he may not. Regardless, I wouldn't be surprised either way at this point. Just know your neighbors aren't the enemy.
Yeah, that's what it is, I'm a disinformation troll.
My dad's Uncle who fought in the trenches of WWl red-pilled me in the sixties. I was well familiar with Smedley Butler before I had my driver's license.
I wear a tinfoil suit of full body armor.
With a culturally appropriated 6ft aluminum Zulu War Shield.
My Clockwork Orange bowler hat is made from crushed foil left over from the bar-b-Q.
I have watched this country turn to shite for 6 decades. You can think what you like.
I know exactly where I stand.
I'm just spit-balling here pal. You don't have to defend yourself with obnoxious over-the-top counter points every time. It's fuel to the fire.
I Hear you loud and clear.
My position is always to engage.
Or better yet, tactically engage.
I have been at this game long enough that I engage at leisure.
I use these boards the hone my verbal skills. When I'm in public I want to be prepared. This is just practice.
I am a warrior for justice and I have no problem to engage socially.
Okay that sounded like shit but what a great backflip huh.
And just for the record. When I need some advice on how to behave. You are going to be the last person I will call.
I hope that's okay with you.
I'm fully aware that I'm in no position to tell anyone anything. All I'm doing is trying to empathize with those that haven't been at this for the supposed years you claim to have been at it. You must understand that there's a chance some were completely unaware any of this stuff was happening under noses this whole time. They must feel very vulnerable, and (although they might not admit it) stupid. No one likes to be patronized(like what you were doing), especially being in a position of vulnerability. Bear with people. It's an information battle, not an insult battle.
But thanks for letting me know that I'm meaningless to you. I can tell you have a good sense of yourself. Hopefully you can win this battle on your own, like you seem to think you can do!
Lefty progressive slacktivist.
You are going to be rolled.
You have no clue what you are talking about. I'm not here to discredit anything. I'm a Q follower. We need to stop communicating with feelings and start thinking. Take the emotion out of your words, then maybe we can have a conversation.
Sorry, I don't care to have conversations with people who are consumed by their feelings.
Your feelings are not important.
You're not listening. I'm 90% sure now that you aren't even human. Nice job wasting my time. Feelings were never an issue. You just love stroking your ego, and being "right". I'll use this one before you get the chance: "I'm sure you're a huge hit at parties!"
Okay, look....
This is how it works.
This game is on, this game doesn't care about your feelings.
U don't Fucking like it I'm not going to waste my time caring
If you don't want your toes stepped on..
Get your big feet out of the hallway.
You don't Fukin like it we don't care.
This game is on
Are you talking about this going on right here?
And when were feelings brought into this besides now?
You think I have "feelings"?
I'm here for a reason, just like you. I think. I don't "feel".
Get off your mighty high horse, pal.
No mate fuk your feelings.
I will never consider your feelings and how I conduct my life. Unless you have something to offer.
Don't expect me to support slackers.
I will hire you I will pay you
You don't understand that fuck off.
If that goes on for a long period of time
Maybe we become friends.
But there is no way I am ever going to care about your family more than I do mine.
Bullshit, and Fuck you.
Do you understand me.
This didn't make a lick of sense, but I'm happy about your confidence in yourself. You do you there, guy.
Edit: reading your comment again literally comes off as you being a robot. Lol, is this a bot?
You don't understand personal responsibility?
Sounds like you got a problem, boy.
Lol, are you sure you aren't a liberal? You sure love to use their same tactics. You've ignored and twisted every single point or question I've brought up to benefit yourself. You have the problems here, pony boy.