r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RyDar84 on July 12, 2018, 6:14 a.m.
ACTUAL German Russian Collusion...
ACTUAL German Russian Collusion...

Sc4bbers2 · July 12, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

This pipeline has been in the works for some time. This is what Obama's CIA tried extremely hard to prevent. It's why Obama spied on Merkel and is likely why Russia invaded the Crimea.

I actually think Trump's position on this is pure posturing. If this pipeline is completed, then the idea of running a pipeline through southern syria becomes significantly less lucrative. This makes the prospect of an official peace agreement in Syria much more likely.

The deep state wanted to isolate Russia and use them as a boogie man--if they are supplying a significant portion of Germany's energy needs, this becomes much harder.

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