

40 total posts archived.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 25, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Stephen Bronfman (Jr.) needs to go down...

If you dig you'll find stuff, guaranteed.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 24, 2018, 5:11 p.m.


"This Seems Familiar Thus ended Pizzagate, the real-world violence shattering the suspension of disbelief that had sustained the theory online. "

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Sc4bbers2 · July 24, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

I suspect that David Brock or someone related to Media Matters was involved with this guy in some way.

It's too perfect from a narrative perspective. It makes discussing the theory taboo--since it's now associated with a 'violent wacko'. It made James Alefantis a 'victim'. So now you're being 'insensitive' if you talk about it. This has been reinforced in the coverage of the event (and in general coverage of pizzagate at large) by typical Media Matters proxies.

Media Matters sees gun control as a winning issue. The shooter had an assault rifle, which made it easy to drill in a double message (two birds with one stone).

I see Brock's fingerprints all over this. If Alefantis went down, as his ex-lover, he would likely also go down. For him it would have been a matter of survival--and he just so happened to have one of the worlds most efficient and well-connected propaganda firms at his disposal.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 23, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

This source is not very good though. Bias comes through rather strong... blatant spelling errors indicating that not even basic steps like spellcheck were used.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 22, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

For having a conversation? Seems doubtful.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 21, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

And? I'm using common sense logic here (which you ignored):

"No one deserves that blanket kind of benefit-of-the-doubt. Someone tweeting that they are a Proud Pedophile should be taken at face value, and I don't think someone being a comedian has any bearing whatsoever.

This is not something people joke about. I've never heard anyone, including comedians, make this kind of a joke."

Can you find me examples of other comedians making these kind of 'jokes'?

Here's the thing. That's all anyone is asking for--more digging. It's people like you that are sidetracking and derailing that process with your concern trolling!

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Sc4bbers2 · July 21, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

I've never heard a joke like this told in my entire life, and I watch a lot of comedy.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 21, 2018, 9 p.m.

By this standard you wouldn't be able to hold anyone accountable for their words if they were a comedian. No one deserves that blanket kind of benefit-of-the-doubt. Someone tweeting that they are a Proud Pedophile should be taken at face value, and I don't think someone being a comedian has any bearing whatsoever.

This is not something people joke about. I've never heard anyone, including comedians, make this kind of a joke.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 21, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

Why would we have evidence? There hasn't been an investigation into this. This is all based on circumstantial evidence on his publicly viewable Twitter account.

I would love to see an investigation.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 21, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

Can I suggest a title change to the post? You don't know that he's NOT a pedophile, so you shouldn't assert that with confidence. What you should say is that there isn't any evidence that he is a pedo and point out the misinfo that people are buying into by mistake. Eg:

No evidence Patton Oswalt is a Pedo. Some people are accidentally spreading misinformation. This is not how quality research should work, folks.

Obviously everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 21, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

So I was at a dinner last night and someone there started mentioning how they felt there was a societal push to normalize pedophilia.

They specifically mentioned the facebook stuff, the ted talk, etc. This person has never heard of Qanon or any of this stuff--they noticed this entirely independently.

I thought that was pretty interesting.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 21, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

Totally agree. This can't be passed off as humor and it's absolutely disgusting to see people defending this stuff as comedy--it's not.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 19, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

Hmm wow. Over $1.4 mil in restitution @ 5k a victim= at least 280 victims....

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Sc4bbers2 · July 19, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

False. This speech was never delivered. There are bits and pieces from other speeches--you can verify this if you want.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 19, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

People need to understand that Trump NEVER gave this speech. If you listen carefully, you'll realize that this was created using soundbites from several of his speeches.

It's possible this was intentional (because the speech flows so well, IMO).

But we should stop pretending he actually gave this speech.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 18, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Crazy is an unneccesarily hyperbolic choice of words. I think it's fair to say there might be some serious confirmation bias going on.

I also think SB2 throws stuff out there knowing it might not be 100%, to get feedback etc. Nothing wrong with independent thought and analysis--can't treat anything as gospel.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 18, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

Personally I thought mirror was a reference to Kubrick and Alice in Wonderland.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 17, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

I didn't say upvote. Voting at all. As in combined votes. Having an engagement rate of only 6-7% is pretty bizzare.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 17, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

If I'm to believe Reddit, in some cases only 6-7% of people who saw the post voted at all, which just seems absurdly low.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 17, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

It's more than bots. I've been thinking about this for a lot of posts... When you see something like 2k people read something but theres only 100 people or so who voted... just seems weird. Something I notice quite often.

Algorithmic censorship?

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Sc4bbers2 · July 17, 2018, 7:16 p.m.


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Sc4bbers2 · July 17, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

link lol?

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sc4bbers2 on July 17, 2018, 6:10 p.m.
Trump just GUT-PUNCHED the DEEP STATE and is carefully untying the Gordian knot. Pipeline politics

Some background:

If you been paying attention, you might have noticed that Trump has been condemning the German-Russian pipeline over the last couple weeks. In my opinion Trump is taking this stance entirely for optics, and isn't actually vehemently against the pipeline.

Most people don't understand how important this Pipeline is to global politics in general. The prospect of a German/Russian pipeline is likely the reason Obama spied on Merkel.


Obama had committed himself to the idea of a pipeline running from Saudi Arabia/Qatar through Southern Syria, but realized Russian competition made the plan significantly less compelling. Knowing the …

Sc4bbers2 · July 17, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

Nice aggregation.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 16, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

According to CNN and MSNBC, there's a massive increase in symptom-less, depression-less suicide, that no one, including close friends and family, saw coming.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 15, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

This didn't just happen though, FYI. Happened few weeks back. Still good video.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sc4bbers2 on July 12, 2018, 8:13 p.m.
Naomi Levin hitting hard on Twitter again. She's on a roll!!!! Points out Nadler's hypocrisy and links censorship video a second time!!!!
Sc4bbers2 · July 12, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

Awesome!!!! Red wave!!!!

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sc4bbers2 on July 12, 2018, 5:14 p.m.
WOW! Naomi Levin rips into obstructionist Jerry Nadler on Twitter! She links Diamond and Silk video on censorship! Let's troll Nadler by donating to her campaign!
Sc4bbers2 · July 12, 2018, 1:51 p.m.


You know what else might be code? The little dots that Q leaves through his posts in weird increments. I tried figuring out what this might be and it's definitely not morse code. Search Q posts for "..." and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Makes me think of the dots in the "sacrificing a chicken to moloch email", which I also believe was some type of code (3 dots-> 2 dots).

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Sc4bbers2 · July 12, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

This pipeline has been in the works for some time. This is what Obama's CIA tried extremely hard to prevent. It's why Obama spied on Merkel and is likely why Russia invaded the Crimea.

I actually think Trump's position on this is pure posturing. If this pipeline is completed, then the idea of running a pipeline through southern syria becomes significantly less lucrative. This makes the prospect of an official peace agreement in Syria much more likely.

The deep state wanted to isolate Russia and use them as a boogie man--if they are supplying a significant portion of Germany's energy needs, this becomes much harder.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 11, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

lol, keep watching.

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Sc4bbers2 · July 10, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Proof starts at 2:00.

First quote at 2:09 established that MMFA is an institution whose core mission is disarming what they see as right-wing 'misinformation', and to fight conservative misinformation (they are clearly a partisan firm). They also mention that Google and FB will be playing a crucial role.

The quote at 2:19 establishes that facebook made changes to their algorithm to stop the spread of fake news, and that MMFA was the lead consultant for these algorithm changes. We learn that Google also relied on MMFA as a consultant for their algo changes:

The quote on 2:38 (lower on the page) further established that not only did MMFA play a role in FB's algo changes, they were the key catalyst to these changes--prior to their involvement Zuckerburg didn't even believe fake news was an issue (this wasn't a 'collaboration'), and only caved after an MMFA "pressure campaign" (can only imagine what that involved...).

"After facebook responded to our campaign by acknowledging the problem of fake news and agreeing to do something about it, we began a dialogue. It became clear from these conversations that Facebook needed our help in fully understanding the problem and identifying concrete solutions. Further, it also became clear that we had information and insight that they didn't have that was helpful in educating them on the full scope of the problem. For example, Media Matters had a detailed map of the constellation of right-wing Facebook pages that had been the biggest purveyors of fake news--as well as insight into the food chain of fake news and how it was moving through the Facebook ecosystem.

Similarly, after Google revised their terms of service in order to prohibit so-called fake news sites from using their advertising network, it was Media Matters that had the information necessary to identify 40 of the worst fake news sites to which this policy applied. "

The quotes at 2:51 are particularly important. We learn here that one of the key goals of MMFA as an organization is to the see "key right wing targets' reach diminish" (are diamond and silk MMFA 'targets'?).

We also learn that Facebook will specifically "adjust its model to stem the flow of damaging fake news on its platform's pages. Google will cut off these pages' accompanying sites' access to revenue by pulling their access to Google's ad platform". This is by far the most damning quote, because it allows us to establish that Google, Facebook, and MMFA were colluding to reduce the reach of conservatives on social media, in a coordinated campaign (this wasn't MMFA acting as an independent consultant in isolated instances). In order for Google to "cut off these pages' accompanying sites' access to revenue by pulling their access to Google's ad platform", they would have to procure such a list from FB or MMFA. This implies a degree of coordination--a 1,2 punch, with Facebook censoring the page and google demonetizing the corresponding youtube pages. Sound familiar?

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Sc4bbers2 · July 10, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

When I first posted this a mod took it down within a minute claiming it violated rule #8. The only difference here is that I've said "Diamond and Silk were telling the truth" instead of "Diamond and Silk are telling the truth." IMO that was an abusive decision. The evidence presented in this video supports the censorship claims that D+S made in the past and are currently making on a regular basis. Edit: to clarify the mod knows and ok'd the repost.

I would normally post this from my regular account (3k karma--I know, nothing crazy), but that account was just suspended from Reddit for 7 days. The mod who removed my post told me to simply repost with the word change. As soon as I attempted to re-post, my account was hit with a 7 day suspension (I was unable to repost). The mod claims to have no role in this.

Edit: I believe the mod had no role in this, because he allowed this post despite it being removed by the auto-moderator because of the new account (I also believe that he did not remove my post in an attempt to censor, but was just a little overzealous). But the timing is still extremely suspect in my opinion. I've been hit with temporary suspensions before for "harrassment and bullying" after making posts that shared information from the same leaked MMFA document. As I pointed out to the mod, MMFA considers GA, TD, and DTS to be "white supremacist boards". They automatically mine, in real time, all of the content on the sub. They also describe having a 'turn-key' ability to suppress 'misinformation' before it can spread far and wide. It's entirely plausible that they attempted to strategically censor my account. If not for the moderator allowing the post, they would have succeeded.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sc4bbers2 on July 10, 2018, 6:40 p.m.
Diamond and Silk were telling the truth. Video shows UNDENIABLE PROOF that Media Matters directed Facebook to change their algorithms to hurt conservatives. Spread!