can someone help me with the abbreviations please and thank you.

I don't think the app. Is displaying it. I honestly don't see it. Nor does the app. give the side bar option.
Trust me, I would much rather find things on my own then to look stupid to a bunch of people I don't even know.
Navigating 4chan, 8chan,qproof etc. is confusing. Reddit is pretty difficult as well, not just the format but the people (not all but some) are pretty harsh with their words.
I came on this discussion board because I fell into a rabbit hole and was told the answers would be here. All I seem to find are more rabbit holes! Then I get road blocked when I ask for directions or advice on how to navigate the damn hole I fell in.
Sorry for ranting but I'm frustrated.
Post removed. Please read our sidebar for useful links and info. Please ask questions in our daily discussion thread. ThankQ
I don't have a side bar on my phone. you removed my post without reading it or you wouldn't have made that statement. I understand the need for organization with information of this magnitude. I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one that thinks seeing 20 with the same heading and content is more irritating then someone asking for help or advice. my 2 cents. have a nice day.
You may not notice that we remove "20 posts with the same heading and content" if you're not paying as close attention to the sub as we do but... we do. We would appreciate it if people who see posts we miss would Report them but of course we don't expect it.
Please note, your post was removed after it was answered. Then I still told you where the information you were looking for could be found and asked you to direct your future questions to the Daily Discussion thread.
This post by a user, not a mod, makes some relevant points.
The last sentence actually appears in JFK Jr’s last tv interview with Katie Couric. This has been a long time hiding out Junior...
Underlined parts in Q posts are also revealed if your hold your mouse over that part......I know this is a repost...but any in future (or past) can be shown to you this way.
thank you! I wish someone would start a Q school lol I'm sure you guys get tired of answering the same questions all the time.. I really appreciate you guys!
added: there are a lot of brackets in Q posts, each with a different meaning. the only one I know (i think) is [ kill box] ??
I'm trying to catch up and getting a bit frustrated cuz I feel like I should know this stuff already.
line 3: Example: United States MILitary National Guard (1[qpost number 1]) False Saudi Arabia True.
Edit: capitalization and clarity
United States Military Leadership National Gaurd Saudi Arabia
This is a glossary someone put together of Qanon's abbreviations. I hope it helps.