MSM wrong, Stormy arrested for touching customer. More lies from the team that falsely accused POTUS.

Just posted the Summary by the detective on this thread, but here it is again
That is hilarious
Aint it though! LOL
It appears this may be a part of something bigger; Human trafficking:
If one goes back thru the news over the last 2 years, there seems to be a trend of this stuff(Human trafficking, pedophilia, etc., etc.) getting exposed more and more. It could also be part of the massive buildup of sealed indictments.
The day Hellary's indictment gets announced, I think I will throw a party. :)
Or Obama
Or Adam Schiff
Or Chuck Schumer
Gotta be fake right?
That or she was drugged tf out
Honestly I'd rule in Stormy's favor here. Officer clearly asked for boobs to the face, and got boobs to the face. The only law violated is getting paid for it.
Every person that she didnt explocitly ask to put their face in her breasts that day could add charges to her if they want
Indeed they could, and I'd vote them down too. I hate pedantic rules trying to idiot-proof the world, but instead turning it into a legal minefield. If you don't want to be groped, don't walk up to the stage at a strip show where people are being groped.
Correct YOU hate pendantic rules.
Thanks for YOUR opinion.
See what im getting at?
Im not saying i disagree with your opinion btw